Indian FM to visit Sri Lanka on Jan 16
Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna will leave for Colombo on January 16 on a three-day visit to Sri Lanka during which he will discuss the progress in finding a political solution to the ethnic issue and inaugurate an India-assisted railway project.
Krishna is expected to hold wide-ranging talks with his Sri Lankan counterpart G L Peiris and call on President Mahinda Rajapakse, government sources said in New Delhi yesterday.
He will meet representatives of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and hear their views on the progress in their talks with Colombo over the proposed devolution of powers to the provinces.
Krishna will also discuss the issue of political solution to the decades-old ethnic issue with the Sri Lankan leadership.
He is likely to impress upon Sri Lanka leaders the need to take concrete steps for “genuine national reconciliation” and a lasting political
Although Rajapakse has made it clear that the government will not devolve land and police powers to the regions in line with the 13 amendment to the constitution, his government has indicated that it was ready to discuss the issue and make concessions.
Krishna will also review progress in an India-assisted project for building 50,000 houses in the war-ravaged north for internally-displaced people.
Besides visiting Jaffna and Killinocchi, he will go to Galle to inaugurate the Southern Railway project, which has been renovated with aid of India’s concessional line of credit.
The Indian government has also given line of credit of about $800mn for restoration of Northern Railway lines.

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Indian Government is shrewd. They have only extended ‘line of credit’ to build the Northern Railway line, destroyed by the LTTE and to build 50,000 homes in the North to displaced Tamils. These projects also employ Indian labour, at cost to us. I don’t think this is acceptable. Afterall, these projects are not through free Indian aid package. Hence why should we accept Indian labour? We can employ our own labour. Isn’t it better we fund these projects with a loan from IMF or World Bank and be free to employ our own labour and buy rail lines, trains etc of better quality from another country such as South Korea, Japan or China?
The 13th ammendment was imposed on us by India, by Rajiv Gandhi. It is unacceptable. It should be repealed. In anycase, the provisions of the 13th ammendment are already implemented, such as devolution through Provincial Councils. It is the TNA that is calling to go beyond the 13th ammendment, in order to prepare the pathway for ‘eelam’ to be established one day through the back door, with the help of Tamil Nadu, diaspora Tamils and imperial West.
India is INTERFERING once again for their own good. India is afraid of a cry for autonomy in Tamil Nadu gaining momentum, among the 70 million Tamils in TN. Hence India is trying to deflect this Tamil nationalism from rising within Tamil Nadu by foisting the problem on us, on the less than 4 million SL Tamils. India is hoping a to find a home for Tamil Nationalism in SL, eventually for millions of TN Tamils also to migrate to SL, to capture whole of SL for Tamils, while Sinhalese are massacred wholesale, especially the intellectuals. Diaspora Tamils have planned this as Track 1, 2 and 3 in their plan to win Tamil autonomy in SL, with the help of India and imperial West for vested interests.
Let us not fall prey to this shrewd game plan of India. I have never liked India. India is cunning. India is not our benevolent friend. Their trade pacts with us is lop-sided in their favour mostly. They dump their outdated medicines and rubbishy goods on us, at vast costs. India is actually our enemy and not our friend, as China is. Isn’t it time the GOSL says a loud affirmative NO to India and make new trade pacts with China, South Korea and Japan for better deals and aid packages with no strings attached?
Blogger at Item 1 is correct. The Indians are bastards both politically and socially. The Indian help others only to benefit themselves. The Tamils of Sri Lanka ceased relying on India long, long time ago. The Indian actions on Sri Lanka are primarily aimed at (a) keeping sentiments in Tamil Nadu at bay (b) profiting at the expense of Sri Lanka ( eg: supplying labour to build houses).
The Chinese and Koreans are not far behind. They to support Sri Lanka for their own political, social and economic benefits. Aid with no strings does not exist.
Many many years ago, Sri Lanka had Prime Ministers of the staure of Dudley Senanayake and Dr W Dahanayake who professed self reliance and ‘small is beautiful’ principles for developing our nation. Those were valid principles which in the long term will benefit the nation and its citizens. We appear to be lost in the illusion of gradiosity.
Both ND and NA are reportedly anti Indian in attitude and amplitude presumbly from two different angles.NA’s stance is not clear although he seems to be the more arrogant.I feel that the majority of Buddhists over here do follow a milder approach. After all we owe a sense of gratitude for the introduction of Buddhism and eighteen forms of castes and crafts for our spiritual and material development.We even tolerated two horse dealers from India to be our rulers.Even now we treat India as our Big brother and have benifitted from it.If India was hostile during our humanitarian operation at the final stage of the eelam war,things would have been not that easy.However that does not mean we should subjugate at their beck and call.We need a better diplomatic attitude as being carried out by the President.Dear ND I expected a more salutory approach from you as a past alumni of an Indian University.
Dear ND and NA,
Dear AUJ
NA is against India from his diaspora Tamil point of view, which I reject. He criticised India for failing to take a pro-active stand against SL, as Rajiv and his mother Indira did, in support of LTTE. Infact LTTE was the creation of IG with the help of RAW who trained, provided weapons and funded LTTE in India and then released this evil on us. IG was an evil woman. She paralysed our country from economic development through LTTE terrorism for 30 years. Our infra-structure was destroyed and thousands were killed. Through the LTTE, she subverted and sabotaged our country. Rajiv carried on from where his mother left off, after she was given her just desserts by the Sikh militants. He even gifted VP a gold plated, ivory-handled pistol when he met VP. He forced JR to merge N and E and to implement a 13th ammendment to our Constitution, as a prelude to Federalism. VP rejected it as he wanted complete autonomy. He eventually killed Rajiv for sending the so called Peace Keeping Force, which killed many LTTE cadres.
Hon President and the Def Sec tactfully got Manmohan govt to co-operate by not helping LTTE during the Humanitarian Operation. They showed India the threat LTTE posed to Indian peace and unity by exporting terrorism to Indian militants. What Indira started in India to sabotage and subvert SL, would eventually boomerang in destroying India itself. How ironical! India wanted VP and the LTTE punished for the assassination of Rajiv. India also feared, if LTTE gained victory they would eventually rule SL and pose a threat to India. LTTE would focus in helping Tamil Nadu nationalists to gain autonomy for TN, to create the Tamil Nation, with SL annexed to TN. LTTE would also help the nationalist militants in other States in their struggle for autonomy, by exporting terrorism. This meant India would break-up and would fail to become a Superpower, her ambition/vision/aspiration.
During the Humanitarian Operation, all India had to do was to DO NOTHING to help LTTE. India did so, not so much as a favour for us but for its own self-preservation, by having the LTTE totally destroyed by the heroic SL Defence Forces. India refused to supply us with heavy weapons as Pakistan and China did, our true friends.
I believe India owe us billions of dollars for the dastardly deeds of her two PMs, IG and RG. Norway too owe us billions for the military, financial and diplomatic aid she provided LTTE to sabotage and subvert our country, so that our economy stagnated and our infra-structure was destroyed. Norway pretended to be a peace-keeper but was actually helping LTTE to gain its objective of autonomy.
The trade pacts with India is lop-sided in India’s favour. They dump on us their out-dated and shoddy goods. Saline drips and injection bottles were found with glass bits. It could have killed our patients. They were not sterile. Medications had new labels pasted over old labels which showed they were out-of-date. Representations by the Ministry of Health have done little to change the situation. Why can’t SL import from China all our hospital supplies, when even the West does so, as they are of excellent standard and quality?
India has now foisted on us an unfair pact to let their fishermen fish in our territorial waters, for three days. India is a huge country with many large deep-sea trawlers. They have thousands of fishermen. They would destroy our territorial waters of fish nursaries in bad fishing practice and also net huge quotas of fish, in the three days, leaving our few hundreds of poor fishermen in their small boats little stocks. This unfair pact should be terminated. Our Navy should be deployed to protect our territorial waters for our fishermen and to protect our coasts from smugglers of weapons and drugs.
There are other issues which I would like to discuss but it would make it too long. Suffice it to say that we do not owe to India for Buddhism, Hunduism or Islam for that matter. We do not owe it to the colonial powers for having introduced Christianity. These religions were introduced with vested interests. Emperor Asoka spread Buddhism in the whole of India and then spread it around to neighbouring countries out of a feeling of duty and repentance for the destruction he caused during his wars to conquer other kingdoms. Nayakkar family of petty Indian chiefs from Andra Pradesh ruled Kandy finally, due to the cras stupidity of our Sinhalese chieftans who were divided among themselves through petty rivalry and envy.
It is important we are not easily misled through blind naivety and allow our enemies such as USA, Britain, Norway and other diaspora Tamil/LTTE supporters creep in. Obama has boasted that he will now focus his military superiority in the South East Asia and the Pacific regions. Is grabbing SL for a base also in his agenda? There are enough traitors in our midst who would gladly support USA to achieve its ends.
Dear AUJ,
I am not an ‘Alumni of an Indian University’. I was a Franciscan Student for 6 years in a Franciscan Monastery at Bangalore. My lecturers were all Dutch who held degrees from Neimegen University in Holland and Louvain University in Begium. I studied Indian and Western Philosophy and Sacred Theology. I could have gone on to study Nuclear Physics at St Bonaventure University in New York, and return to be a Principal of a Franciscan College in Mumbai, but I turned it down to return, to be a simple teacher at St St Peters College, Col 4.
Indian policy towards SL in 2008/09 was driven by brief cases packed with greenbacks delivered by red shawl bearing top level delegates.
Dear ON,
If you have more hard evidence about this please share it with us with details instead of gossip mongering. Otherwise, your gossip does not cut ice with any intelligent people.
I did place evidence before the LLRC and presented a paper on SL-India relations over the past 60 years. Unfortunately, the Hon LLRC Commissioners did not find it fit to include in the report. Now I await the International Commission.
Dear ON,
Please share your evidence with us in summary form. I would be very grateful for it. Through this forum you could get wide publicity for it afterall, provided the Admin does not censure it.
A mysterious motorcycle rider has been following me for the past couple of days. The most recent was when I was blogging in an Internet Cafe in Gampola yesterday. I am going to lie low for the next couple of days. A fellow blogger was picked up by men in a white van on 02 jan. I do not like the same fate. Bye for now.