Intelligence and CID officers meet Ven. Gnanasara Thera in prison
A team of Intelligence and CID officers have reportedly visited the Prison Hospital to meet the General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera to obtain details about the activities of Islamic extremists in Sri Lanka.
Monks attached to the BBS organisation said Ven. Gnanasara Thera had been speaking about Islamic extremism in Sri Lanka since 2014.
Many people dismissed his claims but now everyone knows that what he said about Islamist extremism was true, the monks said.
They also requested that Gnanasara Thera be pardoned so that his knowledge on Islamic extremism in Sri Lanka could be utilised to wipe out the Islamic State (IS) from the country.
(Source: Ceylon Today – By Shiran Ranasinghe)

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This was the biggest mistake which done by Ranil+ Sira government
Finally they had to bow down.
Ven. Ganasara predicted this 3 years ago naming Thawheed Jamaath. Ani Buddhist Media branded him as a racist and demonized him. There are thousands of bad Buddhists monks in SL. But they singled him out because he stood out to protect what he believes. Now visiting him in the prison. For what? Better arrest and question belligerent Ministers in the cabinet.
Ven Galgoda Atthe Gnanasara is the spiritual leader of th Snhala Buddhist Nation of Sri Lanka.
There’s no way he should have been imprisoned.
Spriritual leaders are above the law.
They cannot be convicted by Magistrates and Judges,
Spiritual leaders are the heart and lungs of a nation; when they are extiguished, life comes to an end.
Now, the country pays a big price.
Yes Amarakoon, fully agree with you and fall on your feet for your wisdom.
Gnanasara Himi is a visionary; he is a stand-out spiritual leader of Buddhinst nation of Sri Lanka.
He stood up in Courts and hammerred the woman who was falsely seeking justice for her husband’s dissapearaence.
The husband, of course, is happily leading a married life with a white woman in Europe.
The President should pardon and release Ven Gnanasara; he should be made a member of the President’s Security Council and Security Advisor the the President.
Gnanasara thero preached about the impending terrorism from specifically NTJ muslim extremists long ago but all such warnings fell on deaf ears and in this regard both the present and the past administration are guilty, but pointedly so the present administration that has no choice now but eat humble pie! Typical of the astounding Incompetence we have now come to witness from this our so called Govt. of SL!