International conspiracy to revive terrorism in Sri Lanka: Sri Lankan President in his May Day Message
There are certain international conspiracies to give life back to terrorism which we defeated. This is a take back of the victory we achieved with enormous dedication and patience. I expect the whole working community will be united under one banner to sfegurad the country. said Sri Lankan President in his May Day message.
“The working masses will stand united to preserve the victory the country gained by defeating terrorism” the President said
Sri Lanka celebrates the May Day ammidst protests by the masses against the controversial ‘Darusman Report’ issued by the UN panel of expert on Sri Lanka in April. President Mahinda Rajapaksa had called for mass protests against a UN report which urged a probe into alleged war crimes committed during the fight against Tamil Tiger rebels, his office had earlier said.
President Mahinda Rajapakse in an address to his Sri Lanka Freedom Party officials said this year’s May Day rally should be turned into a “show of our strength” against international calls for war crimes investigations.
The President’s May Day message rerads; “I remind you with pride of Sri Lanka’s higher recognition among the South Asian countries as a country which enforced the conventions of the International Labour Organisation very successfully. First and foremost I extend my gratitude for the Sri Lankan labour community for contributing fruitfully to increase the country’s economic development growth rate to eight percent.”
With the defeat of terrorism we have expedited our program to win the rights of the working class. The introduction of a Pension scheme for the Private sector as a government which could recognize the interests of the people is a massive victory of the general public. It ensures a better future for the contributors of the Employees’ Trust Fund. It is a great pleasure for us as we dedicated ourselves to win the rights of the working class throughout the history.
Compensation for male and female labourers for accidents at the workplace was also increased. Timely amendments were also brought to the Workers’ Compensation Act. Laws are already imposed to eliminate the child labour. Sri Lankan women contribute largely to the labour force. Therefore strengthening the legal provisions related to their rights and privileges is a contemporary necessity. The government has paid attention towards it.
Moreover, steps have been taken to create the necessary administrative and management methodologies to use the foreign labour in a more fruitful manner. Our expectation is to grant the benefits enjoyed by the working class of the developed countries to our general public.
The main challenge our working community experienced was terrorism. The support we received from the working community when we stepped into defeat terrorism showed their awareness of this challenge. During our war against terrorism the labour community did not leave space for any strike or sabotage. The dedication and patience showed by our labour community to defeat terrorism is an honour for the world labour community. I also extend my best wishes for the trade union movement.
Source: Government News Portal – Pix by AP

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welldone mr.president,we all real srilanken are with are a great world leader and you brought all srilanken together and the peace and freedom to srilanka.God bless mr.president.
dear Pillayan I am with you
What is now called the ‘Darusman Report’ is a private report by a three member panel appointed by UNSG at cost to UNO, to advise him on the final stages of the War of Liberation against the terrorist LTTE. It was a private report of UNSG because he was prevented from a full investigation by the UNSC, UNGA and UNHRC following seperate debates and votes. UNSG has now published this ‘private report’ at cost to UN despite SL objections, on instructions from USA, Britain, France, Norway and other imperial West countries, inorder to push through this toe-rag document for propaganda purposes against the government of SL of Hon MR. It has no legal value as it does not have the authority of UNSC, UNGA and UNHRC. UNSG is now playing a sleight of hand to pretend it is the work of UNO, which it is not.
Legal experts have torn it to shreds for its pro-LTTE bias and its paucity of of legally acceptable firsthand credible evidence. The report is a shameless mish-mash document of false evidence by a man who was an Attorney General in Indonesia. I wonder how much he was paid to grease his palm.
USA, Britain, France and Norway are now engaged in leaning on SL to accept this false ill-legal report as credible evidence. They are now imposing on Hon President to authorise the UNO to hold a full investigation to alleged human rights violations etc. It is the imperial West who instructed the UNSG to come-up with this private report for propaganda purpose against SL inorder to threaten SL with sanctions if it did not authorise a full investigation by UNO. The imperial West is seeking thereby to arrange a full investigation through the backdoor, as they failed to order it through UNSC, UNGA and UNHRC. This is how the neo-imperialist West is dominating small developing nations who do not play ball with them, inorder to have a stangle hold on them and de-stabilise them.
Are we going to succumb to such shameless and brazen pressure? Ofcourse not. We are a sovereign nation, a full member of UNO form its inception. We have also not signed the agreement of UNHR convention in Italy, just as USA, Israel, India, Russia and China did not. Hence we cannot be held accountable just as USA and Israel and others cannot be held accountable. That is why USA blatantly and brazenly commit gross crimes against humanity, war crimes and human rights violations in Iraq, Afghanistan and now in Libya, and get away scott free. Israel’s invasion of Gaza strip and war crimes are glossed over by USA and Britain brazenly. They unashamedly support Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Yemen in their gross violations of human rights and committing of crimes against humanity, in suppressing ruthlessly the current mass revolutions against dictator regimes in these countries. At the same time, the imperial West unashamedly support revolutions organised by Al Qaeda in Libya and Syria because these two countries do not bow down to the diktats of imperial West. The imperial West wants to seize control of the huge oil and gas resources of these two countries for they fear the economies of the imperial West will suffer otherwise.
I hope the government of SL will align itself evermore closely with Russia and China for defence support against military adventurism of USA and Britain in SL. India is our enemy. India considers us as their colony and treat us with contempt. It has aligned itself with USA for defence. One day, India will implode from within as USA subtly supports terrorist organisations in India to de-stabilise it, to make India break up into independent states, for USA fears India’s rise to be a superpower in SE Asia.