Island-wide curfew to be imposed until Monday
Posted by Editor on March 20, 2020 - 9:20 am
An island-wide curfew will be imposed from 6.00 pm today (20) until 6.00 am on Monday (23), says the President’s Office.

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Curfew is effective only as a short-term measure. We are looking at a minimum of at least 3 months period when it comes to the corona virus infection cureve in the society. Therefore It of is utmost importance to educate the people in the country to educate and to make them UNDERSTAND about the GRAVITY and their ROLE and RESPONSIBILITY in containing the disease, If they don’t see what is happening in places like Lomba De in Italy people will not understand what this virus can do. Therefore it is necessary to show what is happening there on TV news.
IT IS ALSO NECESSARY TO SHOW ON THE NATIONAL TV THE CORRECT TECHNIQUE OF HAND WASHING WITH SOAP for at least 20 SECONDS AND HOW TO WEAR FACE MASKS PROPERLY for these measures to be effective and have any impact on slowing down the disease, For example, for the alcohol hand rub to be effective it should be rubbed until it dries up.
Good on you, Indra,
Boris J is doing a good job educating you.
In SL, in addition to educating citizens on how to wash thier hands properly. they should also importantly be educated on how to wash their bums after defecating.
Toliet paer use is confined to the Crows which live in Colombo Suburbs; the rest of the poulation wash their bottoms off a bucket of water after defecating.
This is important.
Indara, can you please organise a couple of YOUTUBE videos from SL Citizens based in UK (specially Docotors who gained MBBS in SL Universities under free education) on how to clean the bottoms after defecation with a bucket of water.
You seem to know a lot yourself and also with a lot of pent up frustration and rancour for some reason since you seem to write total rubbish not relevant to my posting or the topic. Why not you post Youtube videos yourself?
I think you can do something more useful than writing rubbish, by getting SL politicians to waive the stupid law of taking the SL citizenship away as soon as anybody become a citizen of another country and asking them to pay nearly 300,000 Rs bribe to give it back. As for these MBBS SL doctors work in so called developed countries, it is because they are skilled enough to be employed there. Then if they want to come back to where they are born, thery will bring back the wealth they earned and the knowledge they have acquired. Same goes for the SL scientists and other professionals working abroad. They do not have to pay 300,000 Rs ransom money to get something thay are born with, unless they have renounced it themselves.
I wouldn’t waste my energy responding to these idiots who criticise for the sake of criticizing.
It is a sad state of affairs when people don’t use there brains in a situation like this. And it even more sad when Sri Lankan politicize this critical issue.
Thanks Stanley. When in all other countries people those who understand the gravity of the situation, get together setting aside their difference, some bloody idiots unable to think. start their petty bickering for no reason. By looking at how people are dying in Sapin , Italy and how the disease taking hold in the UK and mass panick leading to hoarding , emptying supermarkets , anybody with few brain cells should be able to understand this is not the time for division and the importance of educating the public.
why not take time to awaken us most of the time