Japan urges Sri Lanka to probe war crimes
Japan, a top aid giver to Sri Lanka, on Wednesday urged the island’s government to probe war crimes allegedly committed while defeating Tamil rebels and pressed Colombo to improve human rights.
Japan said it wanted “genuine reconciliation” in Sri Lanka after troops crushed Tamil Tiger rebels in May 2009 and declared an end to nearly four-decades of ethnic strife that claimed up to 100,000 lives.
Tokyo’s special envoy to Sri Lanka, Yasushi Akashi, said there was a “perception of insecurity” despite the end of conflict.
“I emphasised the vital need to improve the human rights situation in this country,” Akashi told reporters at the end of a four-day visit to the island for talks with President Mahinda Rajapakse and other leaders.
Akashi said many Sri Lankans still spoke of “disappearances” in Tamil areas, military occupation of private property and heavy presence of soldiers in the island’s northeast.
“We have no means to verify if these statements are true, but I must say that there is a certain degree of common thread running through these comments,” Akashi said.
He said Sri Lanka must do more to address accountability issues, which have also been raised by international rights organisations.
However, Akashi stopped short of calling for an international probe and said Sri Lanka could have its own investigative mechanism.
“I reiterated the importance of national reconciliation in order to achieve a lasting peace,” said Akashi, who had been a key figure in raising $4.5 billion for peace-building in Sri Lanka in 2003.
He said Japan will await Sri Lanka’s publication of its own findings into the final stages of the war.
The report of the government-appointed Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission was handed over to Rajapakse last week and he is expected to present it to parliament next month.
The UN has said that at least 7,000 civilians were killed in the first four months of fighting in 2009, but Sri Lanka has insisted that its troops did not kill a single civilian and has resisted calls for an international probe.
Source: AFP
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Akashi is a tool of the West, now that his real motives in visiting SL has been expressed.
He wanted ‘genuine reconciliation’. What does he mean? Does he mean to give the rabid Tamil nationalists, who number less than 0.5 % of the Tamil population, the autonomy they fight for?
What does he mean by Tamils ‘perception of insecurity’? Does he mean militancy for autonomy and terrorism has been put down? He repeats parrot-wise Tamil nationalists’ call for removal of army security units in the North and the East. Is this to allow rabid militancy to raise its ugly head in another decades of terrorist wars and economic stagnation for SL?
Get off our backs Akashi if you are just the mouthpiece of the imperial West with false promises of aid, to cut our own neck.
Isn’t it time Akashi visit USA, Britain and NATO to warn them against terrible war crimes and human rights abuses committed by their imperialism in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn’t it time he warn USA to close down Abu Grahin and Guantanmo prisons for gross violation of human rights of war prisoners? Isn’t it time he warn USA for passing laws in the Congress for keeping citizens in military custody without trial indefinitely for perceived threat to US security?
If you are an honest broker Mr Akashi, I suggest you should not be visiting SL to air imperial West dictats to us, on the pretext of aid which never comes, but should be visitng US military prisons to expose the terrible human rights abuse committed by USA and to call UN to take immediate action against US hypocrisy and double standards.
This person is a slimy snake. Both parties to the war in Sri Lanka relied on this guy at various points in time but he proved to be a master con agent.
Towards the end of the war, the LTT declined to meet with him in the national capital, Killinochchi.
He has hidden agendas and is not transparent.
I strongly suspect he is paid handsomely by the Japanese Government for being the “representative”. The personal rewards he gains quite possibly drives his “enthusiasm”.
It is best he be left alone. GOSL should confine all aid related dealings with Japan to the Japanese Govt.
Nicholas Dias,
Have you understood now? This is what I Predicted a week ago and commented him as a yellow monkey. Dont blindly believe what is in news paper. In fact Japan is a proxy of USA. Since you were a lecturer I thought you will think wisely but it seems you are an expire lecturer. shut your mouth here after.
Nicholas dias,
I am a lecturer too, work at very prestige University in Colomnbo. I know more than what you know. Dont cross my way. you just shut your mouth.
Mr. Akashi,
I do still remember what you commented in December 2007 at Meijo University in Japan. I dont see any difference beween you and Erick Solheim. You are all doing just a sit for our pride nation. Dont bubble, get out from our country. Remember, the toilet policy paper “Just wipe and thorw out” may work in Cambodia and Afghanistan but you cant do the same here in Sri Lanka. Wew will throw the same paper to your face
Well said Roshan,
Mr Akashi is certainly a yellow monkey. Can you see what he has done?
In the Onlanka photo he was seen sitting next to President Rajapaksa touching the president’s arm and making jokes and the next day, at the Press Conference, he is calling for war crimes investigations against his friend, the president of Sri Lanka.
He did the same thing to the leader of the Tamil Nation, Mr V Pirapaharan, talking nicely to him and when he comes to Colombo from the National Capital, Killinochchi, at the press conference he was talking about saving the Buddhist religion and killing the people in the North who were struggling for their liberation.
I wouldn’t go near this slimy snake yellow monkey. I am sure he carries Japanese Samurai Swords in his trousers.
Excellent views on Mr Akashi.
I call him “Kaha Booruwa”.
Your silence is deafening.
DC has united with his Sinhala brothers in throwing mud at Mr Akashi.
In doing so, DC gives reasons for his viewpoint which is nationalistic rubbish of the diaspora tamils and LTT rump.
Nicholas, rise to the defence of our Nation and its people.
Thank you for appreciating my views on the slimy snake man, Mr Akashi the yellow monkey.
The two nations in our island unite and stand shoulder to shoulder against the vileness of Mr Akashi’s actions.
Thank you brothers, Frederick, Roshan and Julian.
Dear friends,
Can you guess why does Japan interested in Sri Lanka? what is behind its so called Peace envoy role. Its all politics. Defenitely Japan is a proxy of USA.
Breaking news, Nicholas Dias is DEAD.
That is shocking Roshan, but Nicholas Dias, like Jesus Christ, has the power to rise from death.
Lecturer Sir, Yuo claim to be “a lecturer in a presti-
ge University in Colombo” . Judging by the tone and text
of your entry I would have taken you as an employee of the
janitorial division of your”prestigE University’.But since
you mention that you are a lecturer in the University,I
can only pray that those undergraduates be spared of the
ignomity of your downright audacity and outright ignorance
You order fellow shareholders of this blog to shut up.
Please remember you have no right to use such derogatory
language. Lecturer, be educated first and use polite and
correct English Language.Your spelling is far below that
of a fifth grader. Prestige Lecturer please remember when
you throw mud at others a certain amount remains in your
WEll written my friend. Roshan is a lecture in a prestige university as he has written then I feel sorry for the future generation of our country. Nicholoas is one of the best bloggers in this section. It is true that he has strong views but that is what this section is all about. Every one is entitled to there opinion.
Oh—- who is this AUJ? Sounds like an alien came from the masss. Thanks for your comment on my english. Remember English is a language you cant messure the people through a language. you too you are not a native speaker to correct me.
Dear AUJ and DC,
Thanks for coming to my defence. I appreciate it.
As much as Roshan would like me to be dead, I am not dead yet. It’s in God’s hand when I am going to die. We all have to die one day. Until then, I’ll serve my fellow men (all communities) and Mother Lanka as best as I could.
Roshan shows his vile character by insulting other bloggers and even threatening me ‘not to cross his path’. What would he do if we do ever meet? Kill me for holding a contrary view? How stupid? In a democracy we should be able to express our views openly without being intimidated or threatened with violence/death. DC is a Tamil, holding different views but we are not enemies and we respect and like each other. Amden’s comment that Tamils are ‘stinking karachchal’ are hurtful, racist and prejudiced. I condemned him for it at once.
SF also threatned his perceived enemies with violent consequences when he became President. He is now eating ‘heel bath’ in prison. Thank God, our intelligent voters said a loud ‘NO’ to this brutal thug, as our people realised he would cause a blood bath in SL, a bhishana yugaya, along with his erstwhile comrades in arms, JVP. SF committed treason. His three year sentence is too light.
Akashi has proven himself to be a slimy snake, with a forked tongue, like Obama’s. He shouldn’t be sent here by Japan to represent them, next time. He is a distasteful character, a two-faced hypocrite. I am sorry I trusted him at first, at face-value and his deceitful words. He said one thing to the President and then, in front of the world media, he changed his stance, to please his masters the imperial West, his paymasters.
I am only human, I make mistakes too in judging people. But I admit my mistakes and correct myself. I made mistake by accepting at face value that MR and GR are are incorruptible. But how wrong I was! The killing of Bharatha by the evil kudu-D, a mafia godfather, the darling of the two bros, proved to me that ‘Absolute Power has corrupted Absolutely’. I was stumped! I grieved for the Bharatha family and for the Nation that we do not yet have a real, dedicated, selfless, honest leader to take our Nation forward to a prosperous, secure future for one and all. Mafia has crept into the government ranks like a virus and has made all our lives insecure. I now live in fear and uncertainty for the future of our Nation. I pray to God daily to deliver our Nation from corrupt leaders and lead us forth to a secure prosperous future for all, through a better, courageous, virtuous, charismatic leader who has yet to appear.
‘Karate’ Dhammika and a few underworld associates of kudu-D have been picked-up and silenced permanently in extra-judicial killings, by you-know-who, to prevent the country from knowing the truth of the extent of the utter corruption within the government’s top echelons. I think, kudu-D will also be silenced permanently as he knows too much and may be considered a threat to the two bros reign. They have become ‘untouchables’ now! We dare not voice our views, to even guide them in the right path, for the good of the Nation. Surely the Nation should come first and not the welfare of this Family!
The Great Master
The Great Inspiration
The Great Idol
The Greatest of all great human beings,
Thank you Nicholas for that one line compliment. Your compliment not only ‘made my day’ but the ‘made the rest of my life’.
I will live in the shadow of your wisdom and leadership Sir. I know now you like me. On my part Nicholas, I have run out words to describe my feelings towards you, Great Master.
Thy shall be my leading soul Nicholas, and your approach and erudition has made me a wealthy non-materialistic billionnaire.
Thank you Sir, thou shall live long to see me through the rest of my life.
Lecturer Roshan Sir,
You seemed to be surprised at my identity and from
which part of the Universe I come from ? The answer is I
am no alien as you take me to be.I am from Tangalla,came to a
village called Mihiripenna,did my schooling in a
Sinhala school and later switched over to English
education in a very prestigious College in Galle.So there
you see I am very much a part of this island.Your calling
me an allien is untenable.You say that people cannot be
judged by your language. No Lecturer Sir, YOU are far
from the truth. people will definitely judge by what you
say.Otherwise people will blame you,your parents and
your teachers.You are very arrogant and feel like you are
infallible.Please LEARN your MANNERS. Sir.
Dear DC
Thank you for you beautiful comment.
I have never seen you as an enemy. As a Tamil you have the right to believe in the formation of a ‘Tamil Nation’ one day. On my part, I believe that ‘Tamil Nation’ should actually be formed but not in SL, but in Tamil Nadu in India. Tamils in TN number more than 65 million. Tamils in TN have a long history going back more than 5000 years. They have their own beautiful culture. Their literature, classical music and dance is exquisite. I never get tired of listening to classical Tamil music and watching Bharatha Natyam. I consider it superior to Western classical music and dance. The Tamil Architecture is also exquisite. I can stay for hours enjoying the magnificence of it. That is why I think Tamils in Tamil Nadu are entitled to be a different Nation and have the right to be autonomous. In ancient times, there was a Tamil Nation but split-up as different kingdoms under different kings. Under British rule these kingdoms were conquered and united, infact all the kingdoms of India were united. This was for the convenience of the British Colonial Power. Since 1947 independence from British rule, India has remained one country of many different races and cultures. I think it is high time, these different races and cultures in the Indian Sub-Continent regain their independence as different races with totally different languages and cultures. Just as the huge Soviet Union has today split-up into several independent countries such as Russia, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belo Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan etc with their own languages and cultures, the States in India too could split-up into different independent countries. Tamil Nadu will be one such independent country in Indian sub-continent for the Tamil Nation with 65-70 million population.
I don’t think the 4 million or so Tamils in SL can make a Tamil nation. Similarly, the 6 million Tamils in Malaysia cannot make a Tamil nation in Malaysia.
I don’t think most ordinary Tamils in SL, including the Indian Tamils in the up-country, will want to form a Tamil Nation in SL. It is the comparatively few radical nationalist Tamils who aspire to form a separate Tamil nation in SL. Most Tamils in SL, who are mostly in the South, are happy to live as Sri Lankan citizens with no caste or religious barriers, to lead peaceful happy prosperous lives devoted to their families. They were devastated by the disruption of their lives by the eelam dream of the dictator VP and the evil LTTE, who snatched their children through conscription to be cadres to die young and their lives destroyed. Their houses, farms and businesses destroyed. Most Tamils do not want to return to that era. They do not trust the TNA leaders who offer this carrot of a Tamil nation in SL, only to enjoy power for themselves. They know these TNA leaders are not to be trusted. They will never deliver the goods.
The Sinhalese are also a race with a long history. They were split into different kingdoms in ancient times unified by the British colonial power. It is ridiculous to envisage the Sinhalese as a nation now, though they have their own language and culture. Today, SL is a country of several ethnic communities majority being the Sinhalese. In order to survive better in today’s world of economic struggle, it is better for us different ethnic communities to unify as ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY.
We can build a prosperous nation together in peaceful co-existence, all ethnic communities living together enjoying each other’s cultural diversities, for a better future for all, for generations to come.
Human being is a rational animal. Like all animals we tend to be territorial. This basic instinct is driving us to fight each other for territory. There are wars in several countries in the world today because of our basic territorial instinct. It takes spirituality in us to rise above this basic instinct. What makes us different from animals is our spiritual soul, which is eternal. When we die, though our body decays our soul lives on. If we had led a righteous life we shall merit eternal happiness by becoming one with GOD our creator.
When GOD created the universe GOD created time. GOD is outside time. So GOD is eternal. GOD created us with spiritual soul which can aspire to noble moral values.
An animal cannot aspire to noble moral values because animals do not have spiritual souls.
We must seek to become one with GOD always by leading a moral, righteous life. As GOd is good be good. As God is loving be loving. As God is generous be generous. As God is forgiving be forgiving. This way we grow in the image of God, Imago Dei. This way we become one with God. God in you and you in God. Anyone who lead such a life is already in heaven, as he enjoys peace and harmony in God, walking in the love of God. When we die we merit eternal happiness as we become one with God ultimately forever.
DC, this is my philosophy of life. You follow this path and you cannot go wrong. You will be at peace and joy in God, in heaven on earth.
Udurawana’s perception that I have been ‘tamed by DC’ is way off the mark and not helpful in this debate. It is a childish, mischievous remark.
Tamil civilians are enjoying a golden age of peace and prosperity now, since the utter defeat of the evil LTTE. 300,000 plus Tamil civilian hostages were liberated by our heroic defence forces in the fantastic Operation Liberation, which should be written in our history book in golden letters. No war crimes and crimes against humanity were committed by our defence forces in the rescue operation. It was committed by VP and the evil LTTE against their own Tamil people.
Millions of land mines planted by LTTE have been removed by the defence forces in the North and the land restored to the Tamil civilians, who have started to cultivate these lands and build houses. They are free from the fear of their children being abducted/conscripted to be used as gun fodder and for suicide missions by the evil war criminal VP and the terrorist LTTE. Infra-structure is built, townships with schools and hospitals. Only a golden future lies ahead. The only obstacle to this development is a new uprising planned by TNA and diaspora Tamils to carve out a so-called eelam kingdom for a mere 4 million Tamils, most of whom live in the South. TNA and the other kallathonis can start their uprising for a tamil nation in Tamil Nadu for its 70 million Tamils, which makes more sense.