Jayalath Jayawardena hopitalized after UNP protest
Posted by Editor on February 17, 2012 - 6:26 pm
UNP Gampaha District MP Dr. Jayalath Jayawardena has been admitted to the Colombo National Hospital after suffering injuries during the UNP protest in Fort, which was dispersed by police using tear gas.
The parliamentarian was reportedly wounded after a canister of tear gas had struck his head during the commotion.
Courtesy: Ada Derana / Pix by AP

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This traitor does not know when to stop! He must be missing his bosom buddy VP. May I suggest that he join him by swallowing a cyanide capsule.
I am shocked and deeply aggrieved to note a committed buddhist citizen of our land, Mr Nicholas Dias, wishing death to a fellow citizen who has views not similar to his.
i hope this traitor has learnd a lesson…..
I do not hesitate to condemn evil men. Even JC did so and cursed them! Traitors and terrorists are not just ‘fellow citizens’. Traitors and terrorists should be condemned to death and the sentence carried out. Since JJ has betrayed the country by supporting the terrorist VP and the LTTE, he deserves death as a traitor, just as the terrorists were all annihilated. I hope he is arrested for treason, sentenced to death and the sentence carried out.
The “Committed” Buddhist, Mr Nicholas Dias, condemns a fellow human being to death because the fellow human being does not subscribe to MC Idiri Dekama!
This is similar to the fatwa on Salmon Rushdie.
Barbarism at its best.
This Nico guy is not a buddhist one. Don’t just abuse the buddhism..! Nico is a comical Gods Myth believer.!
He believes that his father is a god, while real father is a human.! That’s how he becomes comical.
Well done. Fantastic analysis of the Knicker-less guy.
He has labelled many as traitors and he wakes up in the morning and wishes them death.
And he pretends to be a Buddhist too.
He has problems with all bloggers too. He cannot stand the sight of Udurawana; many other bloggers have departed due to the Knicker-less man’s vile nature.
Thank You Amden for your valuable leadership.
Yes Deen..,
here i just talk realy, truely & practically so no one can resist me.
I know that Nico is always filling space here with few km long comments. But he doesn’t come to talk about his myth belief & slips away like ‘gal anda’ fish. So time to time i’ve condemned his false view to death.
See that what i say realy, truely, practically is, we all know that we’ve born with the connection of human mother & father. Isn’t it.?
So how that he say his father is a god..?
What a bullshit that god f..king with human.? Doesn’t enough angles to that f..king god in heaven.? And What a comical man who can’t recognize his own father..?
He eats, drinks, works, feels, understands, thinks, lives & does everything in this world himself with his own wish realy, truely & practically.! So what’s the unknown, unseen & false influence of f..king god on human.? Doesn’t have any work in heaven to that god, but involving in humans all the time..?
What a mad fool crying is this..?
“God pls save me”
“pls guide me”
“pls salvage me”
“pls forgive me” etc
what a nonsense weeping of these blinds in front of brick walls..?
Then Who’ll loose the heaven, if it can be attain by just believing & praying.? So Any criminal evil doer will go to heaven by just believing & praying..!
They’ve no answers of any question above. And just become dumb & deaf in wise questioning.
Because they’ve been blind slavers of myth since long time with dreaming & fantasy.
Dear PB-D,
Are you a Muslim? Are you a diaspora Muslim or SL Muslim? Please answer. If Muslim, what is your reply to Amden’s atheism? He says God is a myth, there is no God. Do you support his view? Amden even swears blasphemously, “f..king god”. Do you tolerate his blasphemy? Do you support his intolerance of other religions? Be honest, as a good Muslim before Allah and answer. Allah wants you to bear witness to Him bravely at all times. Otherwise you are not a good Muslim. “Allaho Akbar!”
On vanquishing the evil LTTE terrorists, our Hon President made an important distinction. He said there is only one division in SL that matters, those who are ‘Patriots’ and those who are ‘traitors’.
RW signed a treaty with VP, when he was PM in 2002-2004. He gave away 1/3rd of his Motherland and 2/3rd of the SL coastal belt to LTTE, for their so-called ‘Tamil eelam nation’. He is therefore a traitor. JJ is another traitor. He maintained frequent contact with LTTE leaders and supported their demands. He still attends their meetings abroad in support of Tamil nationalism against the Motherland. There are many other traitors in UNP, JVP/JAM, TNA and other groups. They are cowards and avaricous people, greedy for power and wealth. They have sold their Motherland!
I condemn such people. They should be rounded-up one day, charged with treason, and if found guilty be sentenced to death, as they do in USA for high treason. The sentence should be carried out with no compunction.
There he is again, Mr Knicker-less Dias, painstakingly defining divisions in society in terms of religion and otehr factors.
He has reproduced his lord and the master’s definition of a divided society in terms of patriots and traitors. So disgusting. Looking at it from another side, the patriots are the killers and the traitors are the softies and the considerates.
Shame on you, Mr Knickerless Dias, please refrain from causing divisions while preaching “one nation, one people”.
By the way, I am not only a diaspora tamil but a proud one at that too.
Dear PB-D,
I am glad to know that you are a diaspora Tamil and not a Muslim, as you have a muslim-sounding name, perhaps a cover. It does not matter. I have always suspected you were one, from your comments against Hon MR govt and failure to condemn TNA and LTTE rump for their stubborn demand for Tamil sovreignty. I suppose you side with them against the efforts to unite our Motherlanka as ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY. Hence, you cannot be a Tamil patriot as Pillayan and many other sensible Tamil citizens of SL are. These majority Tamil SL citizens are proud to be citizens of ONE LANKA ONE NATION, unlike you and your kindred diaspora Tamils, the minority, wherever you are.
In your lexicon, you define patriots as ‘killers’. So according to you, VP and the LTTE killers who killed nearly 100,000 SL citizens, Sinhalese, Muslim and Tamil, are ‘patriots’ while the unfortunate victims of his brutal and wanton genocide are ‘traitors’. I am afraid, you have got your mind all confused through reading too much LTTE propaganda and disinformation, which you vomit like a mantra. You have twisted the definition of words to suit your theories. There is no cure for it. You need to stop reading Tamilnet and other Tamil propaganda/disinformation and stop repeating their mantras. Perhaps then, there will be some hope of peace in your mind. You can then move-on in life, as the majority of Tamils in N & E are doing today and prospering. Under LTTE, they were slaves robbed by the brutal psychopath VP of all their life savings and gold jewelery at the point of a gun. More than 400,000 of them were held as slaves in Killinochchi, like a herd of cattle, to breed him children to be gun-fodder to realise his mad pipe-dream of a Tamil’nation’ in SL, with him as mad, despotic ‘king’. Hon MR and the heroic army blew-away his pipe-dream. He is seththapochchi along with 80,000 LTTE terrorists, fed to the fishes in Palk Strait. You must be aching inside that the ‘sun god’ is dead and his kingdom of Tamil nation blasted to smithereens with him. In your bitterness the diaspora Tamils want revenge. Millions of dollars collected legally and illegally are wasted in useless lobbying, lawsuits and frenzied activities. These US politicians and lawyers know how to squeeze you for every dollar they can get out of you stupid morons and keep feeding your bitterness for revenge just like a fire. Year after year you live in spiteful bitterness, your mind warped with hate, hoping for the day Hon President MR and the heroic SL Army Generals be assassinated in revenge, one way or another.
What a waste! Isn’t it better you learn to put it all behind you and move on, as the majority of SL Tamils who have not fled their Motherland have learnt to live, as patriots in ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION. They are now enjoying the fruits of peace and prosperity under Hon President MR, who have re-built N & E on fastrack, the N & E destroyed by the evil VP and the LTTE and their lives destroyed for 30 years. The Tamil SL citizens all over the country are now able at last to live in dignity without fear of being killed by the LTTE murderers and their children snatched from them under point of a gun, to become gun-fodder.
Meka kotiyek nevei kotingen pinata kanaekek. Muu suddanta kelam kiyanawa lankawata viruddawa.Rata gihin koti diasporawen kala beela budiyala thava dollers aran mehe enawa.Ewith kotin wenuwen kahinawa. UNP karayane thope higak ewun menemai. Ravi, ranil hemath ehemai.
I totally agree with your comments about Nicker-less Dias in blogs 6 & 8. The man his going nuts saying the same things over and over again and that too in LONG essays. Judging by his name and having taught at St Peter’s College, definitely he is not a budhist as he seems to portray. He wants to go to the ARAMA in the jungle to meditate and clear away his bad karma and sins prior to elevation to heaven upon death he assumes. The way he is rubbissing other bloggers in this site he will go to hell in my opinion unless he quits blooging here and go to the ARAMA now. This would give the whimp more time to clear away his fast accumulated sins ever since blogging here. His bedfellow AUJ took my advise and has left already. May god bless him!
I read with interest your response to PB-D. I agree SL society is divided on “patriots” and “traitors”. The “patriots” as calssified by PB-D are the killers. The LTT were never “patriots”. They were sepratists. Therfore, the killers are the “patriots” that existed before and after the end of the war. I am sure you know who I am referring to.
You allege LTT held 400,000 tamils as slaves. Extending a little bit further, the “patriots” have held over 3 million tamils as slaves for over 60 years.
Don’t worry about the tamil’s dollars. They will, with their perspicacity and perseverence, achieve.
The Sun God is not dead. He lives and will live forever and forever. Ask Gen Fonseka where he got the mask from, the mask that adorned a dead body on TV to capture the fascination of the idiotic Sinhala Buddhist masses to make believe the “war” was over.
Matt P,
It is interesting how more and more of this diaspora Tamil blighters are creeping out of the rotten woodwork, in whichever country they are hiding and living on State Benefits. I suspect by your coming to PB-D defence, you are also one of these diaspora Tamil blighters.
PB-D is, by his own admission on my inquiry, a diaspora Tamil under a Muslim pseudonym. His name is not a typical Tamil name, but a Muslim name. It is amusing how these diaspora Tamils hide under Sinhala and Muslim psuedonyms! What a laugh! They dare not be honest and reveal their true identity, as I have done. They are such cowards!
As I have revealed in blog 12, PB-D twisted the word ‘patriot’ to mean ‘killer’. LTTE were terrorist brutal killers, proscribed by several countries, hence according to PB-D definition LTTE were ‘patriots’. Under PB-D definition, the Sinhalese and Muslim and even a few Tamils victims of LTTE brutality were the ‘traitors’. Ofcourse in his lexicon, LTTE are the patriots of Tamil Nationalist eelam country.
Tamil nationalists, most of who were kallathonis from India and Malaysia, having benefitted from the free education and healthcare etc in SL, ungratefully and cunningly tried to browbeat GOSL in various decades to grant them sovereignty, in one guise or another. When they failed in their efforts, through utter frustration they took to terrorism as a means to an end, with the help of the crafty Indian bitch, Indira Gandhi and her moronic son, Rajiv. Both bit the dust in a violent end. Damn good! God punished them for their evil intent!
I am glad the diaspora Tamils leaders extort from fellow diaspora Tamils their hard-earned cash to waste on a useless cause/pipe-dream. The diaspora Tamil leaders ofcourse, enjoy a nice comfortable lifestyle on this money. The American/Canadian lawyers and the lobbyists are having a field-day extracting more and more from the moronic diaspora Tamils. What a laugh! Billions were wasted along with Tamil lives in useless terrorist campaigns which ended in the total annihilation of their ‘sun god’ leader and the 80,000 or so LTTE cadres. Unable to bear their loss, the diaspora leaders peddle the lie/myth that VP is not dead, he has escaped to the West and enjoying life, for the day he will re-appear leading a new army. They can wait till the second coming of JC, but this ‘sun god’ will definitely not rise from the dead. He is seththapochchi for good! What is interesting is that Nethiyavan hiding in Norway is peddled as the new millitant LTTE leader to replace VP. I challenge him then to come with his barmy army to SL if he dares. He and his barmy army, from Norway and elsewhere, will shit themselves and piss themselves when they meet the heroic undefeated SL army.
As for the other lie/myth/disinformation, that the corpse of VP/’sun god’ with the top crown blown-off, dragged along the ground by a rope tied to his feet after fishing him out of the lagoon, where he faced a firefight overnight with the heroic SL army, is someone else with a rubber mask of VP on his face, is such a pathetic lie it does not merit a reply. Such disinformation/myths may be swallowed by the naive diaspora Tamils in order to commit themselves to continue to be generous with their donations, to keep the leaders in lap of luxury. We in SL are not misled by such myths. It is infact amusing, how naive these diaspora Tamils must be to believe such stories!
Matt P,
It is interesting how more and more of this diaspora Tamil blighters are creeping out of the rotten woodwork, in whichever country they are hiding and living on State Benefits. I suspect by your coming to PB-D defence, you are also one of these diaspora Tamil blighters.
PB-D is, by his own admission on my inquiry, a diaspora Tamil under a Muslim pseudonym. His name is not a typical Tamil name, but a Muslim name. It is amusing how these diaspora Tamils hide under Sinhala and Muslim psuedonyms! What a laugh! They dare not be honest and reveal their true identity, as I have done. They are such cowards!
As I have revealed in blog 12, PB-D twisted the word ‘patriot’ to mean ‘killer’. LTTE were terrorist brutal killers, proscribed by several countries, hence according to PB-D definition LTTE were ‘patriots’. Under PB-D definition, the Sinhalese and Muslim and even a few Tamils victims of LTTE brutality were the ‘traitors’. Ofcourse in his lexicon, LTTE are the patriots of Tamil Nationalist eelam country.
Tamil nationalists, most of who were kallathonis from India and Malaysia, having benefitted from the free education and healthcare etc in SL, ungratefully and cunningly tried to browbeat GOSL in various decades to grant them sovereignty, in one guise or another. When they failed in their efforts, through utter frustration they took to terrorism as a means to an end, with the help of the crafty Indian bitch, Indira Gandhi and her moronic son, Rajiv. Both bit the dust in a violent end. Damn good! God punished them for their evil intent! The ‘sun god’ may be enjoying their company in hell. They have so much to talk about after all.
I am glad the diaspora Tamils leaders extort from fellow diaspora Tamils their hard-earned cash to waste on a useless cause/pipe-dream. The diaspora Tamil leaders ofcourse, enjoy a nice comfortable lifestyle on this money. The American/Canadian lawyers and the lobbyists are having a field-day extracting more and more from the moronic diaspora Tamils. What a laugh! Billions were wasted along with Tamil lives in useless terrorist military campaigns which ended in the total annihilation of their ‘sun god’ leader and the 80,000 or so LTTE cadres. Unable to bear their loss, the diaspora leaders peddle the lie/myth that VP is not dead, he has escaped to the West and enjoying life, for the day he will re-appear leading a new army. They can wait till the second coming of JC, but this ‘sun god’ will definitely not rise from the dead. He is seththapochchi for good! What is interesting is that Nethiyavan, hiding in Norway, is peddled as the new millitant LTTE leader to replace VP. I challenge him then to come with his barmy army to SL if he dares. He and his barmy army, from Norway and elsewhere, will shit themselves and piss themselves when they meet the heroic undefeated SL army.
As for the other lie/myth/disinformation, that the corpse of VP/’sun god’ with the top crown blown-off, dragged along the ground by a rope tied to his feet after fishing him out of the lagoon, where he faced a firefight overnight with the heroic SL army, is someone else with a rubber mask of VP on his face, is such a pathetic lie it does not merit a reply. Such disinformation/myths may be swallowed by the naive diaspora Tamils in order to commit themselves to continue to be generous with their donations, to keep the leaders in lap of luxury. We in SL are not misled by such myths. It is infact amusing, how naive these diaspora Tamils must be to believe such stories!
What’s dis double comments..? Got pissu double..? Hilarious man..!
Be calm & concentrated 1st, don’t be restless, this’s just a talk between us.
Then don’t mix up deferent subjects together. Tamil problem & misbelief aren’t one. In tamil problem, we’re majority of srilankans have agreed & proud about having this govt after 30yrs of dark history in SL politics.
In misbelief problem i’ve not said that god is a myth.
I know the gods & details of the gods & how to be a god & beyond state of the gods also.!
I’m telling you that BELIEF OF THE SALVATION BY GOD IS A MyTh of blinded wisdom………!!!!!!!!!
It appears Above your only & same repeatition of weeping words of nonsense that, heavenly mother & father, eternal being & so on, nonsense which you don’t know the meaning of any to describe at all.
But you’ve no answers of my questions of MYTH BELIEF.
And you’ve said above in 9th comment that “no matter what your religion, if you live according to your CONSCIENCE then you become a child of god”… What’s that conscience.?
if you can escape from the sin, by beliving & praying, then you don’t worry to kill, coz god’ll forgive you as you believe him & pray. So you’ll escape from the sin. Isn’t it according to your BELIEF.?
Then isn’t that your belief or religion or whatever story ENCOURAGING TO KILL…?
Simply That’s how your god & belief & religion & you & everything become f..king EVIL DOERS…!
Can you UNDERSTAND what i’m saying now..?
That’s how you become MISBELIEVERS.!
That’s how you go to the hell after the death, as a result of evil acts done by yourself.!
Man… If a god can forgive to sins done by human, then prabhakaran also could be in heaven by beliving & praying..!
What’s this bullshit..! Is that a religion which says to belive & pray to salvage..?
If that’s so, than we all can go to heaven simply beliving & praying.!
If so why that god creat these deferences between each other..?
You mind that your belief is just a dream & fantasy while you closing to the hell…!
Triator dont show color no body hit you.you are traitor.Jayalath your birth due to unfortunate of this country.You traitored this country due do dollors of NGO & LTTE terroris.
One day you worshiped to prepakarana kalakannni ponnayata ohoma wela madi.
Dear Friend
Please remember that this old man had worshiped more than two times front of legs of prebarakaran. Mother of Jayalath & and his wife and children must suffer with shame due to the act of this rascal man.(Jathiye Pawata Ipaduna Kalakannni Miniha).who can trait this country his family or his children for dollars. We must against to peoples like these.