Join hands to defeat conspiracies – Mahanayake Theras
The Mahanayake Theras of the three Nikayas in a joint statement yesterday have called upon the people to shed all petty differences and join hands with the government to defeat all foreign conspiracies aimed at undermining the country’s development efforts and the communal and religious unity and amity now building up. “If the people go against a government they themselves have elected by raising issues regarding temporary economic problems and other differences, it would only contribute towards the country’s downfall,” they said.
The statement was signed by Most Ven Tibbotuwawe Sri Siddharta Sumangala Mahanayake Thera of the Malwatte Chapter, Most Ven Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Mahanayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter, Most Ven Weweldeniye Medalankara Mahanayake Thera of the Sri Lanka Ramanna Maha Nikaya and the Most Ven Dawuldena Gnanissara Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya.
Direct intervention against Sri Lanka’s independence – Rev Cyril Gamini Fernando
The action taken by the United States to table a resolution against Sri Lanka at the 19th sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council and certain Western countries deciding to support it, is tantamount to a direct intervention against Sri Lanka’s independence and sovereignty and an insult to the intelligence of the people of the country, said Episcopal Vicar, Southern region, Archdiocese of Colombo Most Rev Cyril Gamini Fernando in a statement yesterday.
The statement added that Most Rev Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith is of the opinion that the best possible and powerful answer to this foreign interference is to implement the recommendations of the LLRC Commission appointed by the government while requesting the government to take immediate action in this regard, he would request all citizens to rally round this effort, disregarding all communal religious and other petty differences.
HR violators condemning govt – Dr Wijetunga
Some Western countries which have violated human rights, are condemning the government as having violated human rights in Sri Lanka. This is at a moment when they should really support Sri Lanka to establish itself as a free and independent state after having vanquished the LTTE, former Presidential candidate and author Dr Harishchandra Wijetunga said. Dr Wijetunga stated that Sri Lankans, irrespective of political, racial and religious differences, support the President. Prof Nalin de Silva said that some countries are trying to build puppet governments around the world.
“As a result they create separatist leaders like Prabhakaran. They also provided funds, equipment and other facilities to the terrorists,” he said.
‘Plans to create conflict between Sinhalese Tamils’
The majority who are getting profits from the diaspora want to disrupt the hard won peace in the country with the help of some Western countries, International Hindu Buddhist Association coordinator and Jaffna Tamil Buddhist Association president Ravi Kumar said.
“They are trying to create a conflict between the Sinhalese and the Tamils,” he said.
Courtesy: Daily News

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Here they go, the unofficial rulers of Lanka!
The statements by Dr Wijetunge, former presidential candidate, and by Mr Ravi Kumar, Coordinator, International Hindu Buddhist Association and President, Jaffna Tamil Buddhist Association provides towering strength to the 52 member delegation representing GOSL in Geneva at the UNHRC sessions.
Copies of these statements must be issued to the Head of the UNHRC with copy to UNSG. They could trigger the turning point against the UN sponsored resolution.
Well done Dr Wijetunge and Mr Ravi Kumar; I wish we had more patriots of your calibre in these troubled times.
Amden: Can you please comment on this story:
Monk who crashed his car was drunk, Police
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Medical reports have indicated that a Buddhist monk who was driving a motor car that crashed onto a pajero jeep last week was driving under the influence of liquor, Police said.
The monk who was admitted to the Kalubowila Hospital following the crash on February 23rd was found to be in an intoxicated state by the doctor who examined him.
Police said that he will be produced before Court on March 1.
He has been earlier fined Rs. 26,000 fine and had to pay Rs 20,000 compensation after knocking down a motorist in Kahatuduwa in December last year.
What to comment on that shit.? There’re such “Robe Robbers” in all religions matt.!
But don’t measure the GREAT BUDDHISM with robbers..!
You may haven’t wonder about such things, if you follow a religion in deep. Because all religious persons are also from this bad world, not from heaven.
This’s a simple case which will not much effect on others. Then there’re some religious leaders who give orders to kill..! How’s that..?
I laud the patriotic statements by the Ven Mahanayake Theras of the Three Nikayas, by the Episcopal Vicar Most Rev Cyril Gamini Fernando, Dr Wijetunga and Mr Ravi Kumar, which showed the Religious Leaders and Community Leaders are all united to stand firmly against US sponsored sanction against SL at UNHRC meeting in Geneva. I hope the retired Desmond Tutu of South Africa take note of this unity of religious and political leaders in SL, not to sign unverified disinformation report peddled by the purveyors of disunity and terrorism, diaspora LTTE and its best supporter Navi Pillay, the pro-LTTE UNHRC chairperson. In the photo of Tutu published by ONLanka, I can’t help thinking he reminds me of a black mamba with its mouth wide open as it jumps to grab its victim.
USA is trying to cause destabilisation in SL, before it sends in the CIA to rouse up the riff-raff, in unending waves of riots to topple GOSL, on one excuse or another. They have currently latched on to the fuel crisis caused by USA, but pitched as the GOSL fault for rise in fuel prices and hence transport, food, electricity, gas charges etc.
I’m going to stop or minimize writing comments ASAP. Coz i’ve so important personal task to concentrate on it without disturbance..! Already i’m distracted by involving of news reading..!
Sorry to see you leave! Keep in touch anyway now and then.
Best Wishes!
Sad to see you go. Your brilliant views and comments were a joy to read. You did really well and I have always for your views to arrive prior to making important decisions in my quest the drive the nation.
Best of luck Amden.
Dear Amden,
You gave lots of courage, encouragement and wisdm.
Thank you for all your contributions.
I will miss you. Good bye.
Sad to see yo go. You are an inspiration and will be missed. Now we got to live with Mr Knicker-less and his bootlick. That’s a tragedy. Anyway, all the best in your project.
Do not stay away for too long as the Knicker-less man will try to dominate this pro regime site with the assistance of the biased Administrator.
While awy try to enrol in crash courses in English and Tamil. It will do you good with your comunications skills, as you are all over the place now, making it difficult to interpret what you are trying to say.
Dear Amden,
We appreciated your comments except when you touched on other religions.
It is indeed very sad to see you fade away so soon.”Dear to the SIGHT when seen but dearer still when sight is denied”
To give great consolation to bloggers like MP in his entry No.10 where he laments that he got to live with ND ..and his bootlick and also to avert a tragedy as he claims I also would quit allowing all the birds of the same feather to flock together. They don’t seem to allow another point of view to be expressed by another. Bye!
Thanks for all of you…!
We were writing here as a result of facing & involving to “the things as they’re” in this world. So we tend to express our views regarding what we face in the world & while assuming our views may help to make this world to better place for us. That’s it..!
Never mind you all & i’m always keep myself in touch with the “Things as They’re”…….!
“May all of you be able to see the truth of things as they’re”
Don’t be Crazy, instead to see the things as they’re. See here already you’ve seen a real natural thing as it is; that’s some aren’t letting other one to express.! That’s a truth & a thing as it is exist in the world although no one stop you of writing here reasonably.
You must understand it & then find the cause of it. There’s a cause of everything in the world. So there’s a very “Original Cause” of why some not let other to talk or “the cause of dispute”.
young man you Disgusted soon here.
But in other hand i don’t hesitate or give up anywhere to express what’s Good, despite the disgusting fact.
So Here i don’t stop you quitting because we must leave all of this world at the death. “The death” doesn’t know which religion you’re. Death comes like a bulldozer & defeating all expeditely. There’s no war against death after the birth.!
We all do comment, fight, killing, politics, boasting, development, terrorism, cricket, religion, misbelief & so on everything till the death.
See, the Death is laughing at all of us…!
Hilariously crazy…!