Join hands to defeat conspiracies – Mahanayake Theras

The Mahanayake Theras of the three Nikayas in a joint statement yesterday have called upon the people to shed all petty differences and join hands with the government to defeat all foreign conspiracies aimed at undermining the country’s development efforts and the communal and religious unity and amity now building up. “If the people go against a government they themselves have elected by raising issues regarding temporary economic problems and other differences, it would only contribute towards the country’s downfall,” they said.

The statement was signed by Most Ven Tibbotuwawe Sri Siddharta Sumangala Mahanayake Thera of the Malwatte Chapter, Most Ven Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Mahanayake Thera of the Asgiriya Chapter, Most Ven Weweldeniye Medalankara Mahanayake Thera of the Sri Lanka Ramanna Maha Nikaya and the Most Ven Dawuldena Gnanissara Mahanayake Thera of the Amarapura Maha Nikaya.

Direct intervention against Sri Lanka’s independence – Rev Cyril Gamini Fernando

The action taken by the United States to table a resolution against Sri Lanka at the 19th sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council and certain Western countries deciding to support it, is tantamount to a direct intervention against Sri Lanka’s independence and sovereignty and an insult to the intelligence of the people of the country, said Episcopal Vicar, Southern region, Archdiocese of Colombo Most Rev Cyril Gamini Fernando in a statement yesterday.

The statement added that Most Rev Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith is of the opinion that the best possible and powerful answer to this foreign interference is to implement the recommendations of the LLRC Commission appointed by the government while requesting the government to take immediate action in this regard, he would request all citizens to rally round this effort, disregarding all communal religious and other petty differences.

HR violators condemning govt – Dr Wijetunga

Some Western countries which have violated human rights, are condemning the government as having violated human rights in Sri Lanka. This is at a moment when they should really support Sri Lanka to establish itself as a free and independent state after having vanquished the LTTE, former Presidential candidate and author Dr Harishchandra Wijetunga said. Dr Wijetunga stated that Sri Lankans, irrespective of political, racial and religious differences, support the President. Prof Nalin de Silva said that some countries are trying to build puppet governments around the world.

“As a result they create separatist leaders like Prabhakaran. They also provided funds, equipment and other facilities to the terrorists,” he said.

‘Plans to create conflict between Sinhalese Tamils’

The majority who are getting profits from the diaspora want to disrupt the hard won peace in the country with the help of some Western countries, International Hindu Buddhist Association coordinator and Jaffna Tamil Buddhist Association president Ravi Kumar said.

“They are trying to create a conflict between the Sinhalese and the Tamils,” he said.


Courtesy: Daily News

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