Join hands with me, says President Mahinda Rajapaksha
Asian Tribune – S Murari – Pic – Reuters
President Mahinda Rajapaksa today called on all Sri Lankans to join hands with him to build the country. Talking to reporters at the Election Commission shortly after he was formally declared winner in the sixth presidential election, Mr Rajapaksa said it was now clear that the people of Sri Lanka were all equal and that he was now the President of the whole of Sri Lanka including those that had not voted for him.
The President called elections two years ahead of his first term because he got elected in November 2005 mainly on Sinhala vote and he wanted to give the Tamils a chance to vote, now that the LTTE which forced them to boycott the last election, was no more.
He said” I will be President for the nation, for those who have voted for me as well as for those who voted against me. I nvite everyone to join hands with me to work for the good of the nation.
IN sharp contrast to the President’s conciliatory approach, his main challenger and retired army commanderSarath Fonseka cried foul and called on the Election Commission to annul the polls.
Talking to reporters, he said he had sent a letter to Elections Commissioner Dayananda Dissanayaka, giving reasons why the poll should be annuled.
Gen Sarath Fonseka said he would take legal action to get the polls annulled. Among the concerns raised by the General was the inability for some internally displaced people in the north to cast their vote, the alleged misuse of state property and allegations raised against him by the State media.
He also said that he has contacted foreign missions in Colombo over the situation which had developed outside the hotel he is staying with troops surrounding the area.
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SF is the real thotha baba moaning over trivia as he cannot take his utter defeat graciously. The people voted against him because he stood condemned by his own mouth of the new era of bhishanaya he would start under his military dictat should he have won. He was also planning a coup d’etat which was nipped in the bud by the timely intervention of the government. He was funded by the diaspora LTTE with whom he had signed an agreement to grant autonomy to the Tamils which even India had not granted to the 70 million Tamils in Tamilnadu. SF is a traitor with a criminal record in the army. He needs to be now arrested and brought before the criminal court. If found guilty he needs to be punished for his crimes just as any other citzen who is a criminal. He is also a corrupt, evil, immoral individual. Thank God we are free of this evil man just as we are free of evil LTTE leader today. We have won our 3rd independence. Jaya veva!
Palamuwa rata,Dewanuwath rata,Thewanuwath rata.Srilanka is our mothering land.Poda Ranil Poda.Poda Somewansha Poda.Jen:SF correct youer self.Still we are looking forward to correct you.JOIN HAND with President MF: Good luck!
Jaya, Jaya, Jayashri to Srilankans!!!
HE Mahinda Rajapaksa is a righteous man with spiritual convictions. Over the years of his long political life he has matured in state craft. He is a man of the people close to the common man. People love him because he is one of them who can move easily among them and understand thir needs. In this second term as President he will fulfil his promise to help SL develop in leaps and bounds to become a top nation in Asia. This is possible because he is uncorrupt and devoted to the common masses. He wants to lift up their standard of living to give the common masses a better qualty of life. In time there will be no more the eye sore and suffering of slum dwellers. Instead they will all have proper accommodation and jobs provided by a caring government of benevolent Emperor Mahinda the Great.
Poverty will be eradicated, as the next war is against poverty, and not against an ethnic minority. Hence the Tamil peiople should shed their nationalistic aspirations which even India with its 70 million Tamils will never grant. Join hands instead to better their lot and the future of their children and children’s children by working hard as one nation against communalism and the evil monster of racial hatred, the fires of which are generated and fanned by extremist Tamil politicians. Take a cue from our Honourable President who has taken all the trouble to learn Tamil language in order to promote better understanding and be a model to all Sri Lankans to do likewise and learn each others language to better communicate, learn to love and appreciate each other’s culture rather than kill each other in communal violence. Hatred engenders only destruction while love engenders development for all and strength to conquer our common enemies such as poverty, disease etc. This should be our real war. We can then rise up as one nation to be a model nation to the world torn in bitter strife. Let us join hands with our beloved President in this goal to be one nation.
Let each of us grow in the image of God. As God is good let us be good. As God is loving let us be loving. As God is forgiving let us be forgiving. We will then be children of God and be happy and at peace. When we die then our soul will merit eternal happiness in God to exist in sheer ecstasy which is heaven for all eternity.
May the Good Lord bless all of you who are righteous and strive hard to lead peaceful decent spiritual lives in God. You are in heaven already then because you are in God and God in you. You will have peace and joy on earth already then. So let us join hands with HE the President in the great work ahead of nation building, a great Sri Lanka for all, where poverty and disease is a distant past. Jayaveva to all!
This last Presidential election had been a battle between “The Forces of Good” led by MR, with UPFA and the patriotic masses aligned behind him, against the minority “forces of evil” led by SF and the kenda heliya of UNF with a rag-tag army of evil men hell-bent on violence to acheive by the bullet what they failed by the ballot. They eventually holed-up in a luxury hotel paid for by the diaspora LTTE and the imperial West with a ludicrous comic book plot to topple and assassinate MR, his family, high officals and politicians of the government. It was doomed to failure as SF lived in delusion believing in his invincibilty. SF should never be allowed to leave the country to escape to USA where he is a citizen and not a citizen of SL. He is therefore a traitor who betrayed SL by breaking the Official Secrets Act. He had no right even to contest for presidency. He is a fraud. All his votes should be made null and void by the Court. He won in six districts which were mainly Tamil areas. Only 30% in these areas voted. They were brain washed by the extremist Tamil politicains who are deluded that they would ultimately acheive autonomy of the so-called eelam state under SF the traitor. During his election campaign SF spewed-out vitriol of hatred against his perceived enemies for perceived injustices done to him. He showed his true nature when he could not contain his hatred by issuing threats to his perceived enemies of how he would torture and slaughter them. During his army career he had distinguished himself in indiscipline with a criminal record in that he had raped a woman, led a degenerate immoral life, tortured and committed crimes against humanity. At last he can be brought to book to pay for all his crimes. He needs to be arrested soon, charged and justice meted out. In my view he is guilty as hell of treachery and need to pay for it with his life. He cannot be allowed to escape justice, to run away to USA, the land of the ‘great satan’ to mobilise and plan a coup d’etat again from outside with imperial West backing and diaspora LTTE finance. The ‘forces of evil’ have been defeated and must remain defeated never to rear its ugly head again. Let the ‘Forces of Good’ stride ahead in the great task of nation building and in its war against poverty, disease, hunger etc to be a model nation to the whole world with a model President who is a great Statesman living in the religious tradition and teaching of Lord Buddha. Jayaveva!
Respected Sir
Now all elections finished, We hope you will do good Place our mother country in the world. WE all are with you sir.Thtawhy you got 6 Million votes.
now mahinda won. everybody should to gether to build country. hora chanda damme na eya boruwak. parajaya bara ganna.api sawomata ratak thibe,nayakayek athe.
We have already finished our presidential election. Now we all getting ready for oncoming general election. Dear President, Please advise all competitors to address the meetings without getting angry and not using harsh words. I very much appreciate your patient and also V.J.MU.LOKUBADARA our Parlimentry Speaker.
And also I was the student of Mr. Seelarathne Senerath who was very talented teacher in our mother tongue. So you hvae the plentyful of resources.
Wish you all the best!