Jordan probing allegations of sexual abuse at factory
The Jordan labour minister has started investigating allegations of sexual abuse, torture and rape against foreign workers in a garment factory in Jordan’s Al Hassan Industrial Estate (QIZ) reported by a US-based labour advocacy group.
The 82-page report, issued by the Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights (IGLHR), cited testimonies compiled via interviewing foreign workers at Classic Fashion in Al Hassan Industrial Estate alleging systematic rape and torture practised against young Sri Lankan women by compatriots in charge of the outlet.
“…They have suffered routine sexual abuse and repeated rapes, and in some cases even torture. One young rape victim at the Classic factory in Jordan told us her assailant, a manager; bit her, leaving scars all over her body. Women who become pregnant are forcibly deported and returned to Sri Lanka. Women who refuse the sexual advances of Classic’s managers are also beaten and deported,” said the report, which was issued last Wednesday.
The ministry’s director of inspection and safety, Adnan Rababaa, told The Jordan Times yesterday that the ministry is dealing with the accusations mentioned in the report with utmost concern and will take action if it finds grounds for these charges.
“We formed an ad hoc committee comprising members of all concerned entities who have already started arbitrary interviews with the labourers in this particular company in order to verify the accusations in the report,” Rababaa said, adding that the ministry will officially respond to the IGLHR report within the coming few days after the investigative committee concludes its mission.
He noted that the interviews with the workers are taking place in the presence of translators in order to ensure better understanding by the workers of the committee’s task force, adding that ministry investigators take all precautionary measures to ensure the workers’ safety from employers’ retaliation.
The report highlighted that “in October 2010, 2,400 Sri Lankan and Indian workers went on strike demanding the removal of the alleged rapist, Anil, but the company’s owner, Sanal Kumar, sent Anil away and he returned after one month”. It added that the ministry has been informed several times about the sexual abuse allegations since 2007 but were not taken seriously into account.
The IGLHR noted that they are planning a visit to the Kingdom on June 17 in order to meet with the company’s administration and the workers and discuss with them the workers’ claims, urging representatives of the labels Wal-Mart and Hanes, among others, to join them.
They also called on these trademark companies to pay significant compensation to the rape victims to restore some dignity to their lives.
Meanwhile, Linda Kallash, director of the Tamkeen Legal Centre, said she met with more than 110 workers from six different garment factories, including Classic, and listened to their complaints which mainly focused on non-paid salaries, ill-treatment by their supervisors, non-payment for their overtime hours and denial of their annual leaves.
She added that at the end of her interviews, which mostly took place outside the working premises, she notified the ministry with the findings of these meetings but the ministry is yet to take action.
“Unfortunately the local authorities perceive local human rights reports with less attention compared to those issued by international human rights advocacy groups. Our goal is not to tarnish the reputation of the country, rather we seek more protection for the labourers’ rights,” she told The Jordan Times yesterday.
Fathallah Emrani, the president of the General Trade Union of Workers in Textile, Garment and Clothing Industries (GTUWTI), said their office in Al Hassan QIZ was never approached by any worker with respect to rape allegations, adding that they looked into the allegations stipulated in the report once it came out but so far no one has confirmed it.
“We don’t know how these data were collected or how credible they are; however, we are carrying out our own probe to verify the accuracy of the claims and we will take action accordingly,” he told The Jordan Times, stressing the importance of keeping open channels between the IGLHR and the GTUWTI in order to achieve positive results, Jordan Times reports.
Courtesy: Ada Derana

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with my experience in the middle east, it has never won the workers in such cases there. Who’ll win as labours against money & authorities of them in their land.?
SL woman is selling very cheap in the gulf since long time. This’s a great misery on the way of following money in gulf.
Many of low cast women from SL are staying there as SLUTS themselves, then It also causes to occur abuse on all SL women in gulf. SL Ponnas(gays) are also available in gulf.
If a woman goes alone anywhere then she invites the destruction like this. Woman should be under protection of man. This reminds us that how much we’ve went wrong as a nation.
Many SL women have sexual partners from india/pakistan/bangli in gulf despite being married or not in SL. Many of them wish to be with them while condemn SL men. All of these’re OUR FAULTS while going to astray…!
Mr/ Mrs Amden or who ever the hell you are. First of all I would like to ask you where did you learn your English.
I have been reading comments on Onlanka for a while and am really annoyed that idiots like you put your stupid ideas in wriring for the whole world to read not realising that you are displaying your ignorance.
I sincerely hope you are not a SriLankan because if you are I will be ashamed to call myself a Sri Lankan.
If you want to make commemnts on Onlanlka please make constuctive common sence comments (that is if you have any common sence)or don’t make any comments because people like you are an embarrasnment to Sri Lanka.
Hi Stan,
The following errors noted in your Blog (#2):
2nd para, 2nd line: “wriring” should be “writing”
4th para, 1st line: “commemnts” should be “comments
4th para, 1st line: “constuctive” should be “constructive”
4th para, 1st line: “sence” should be “sense”
4th para, 2nd line: “sence” should be “sense”
4th para, 3rd line: “embarrasnment” should be “embarrasment”
Guru… Pls don’t waste your time in replying to such a useless JACKASS like “stan”…!
Coz this might be his 1st writing in the net & let him learn himself further more..!
Stan..! You don’t need to bother abt my Identity here…! You’re a blind fool who can’t see even who you are..!
Anyone who wise enough to see my comments will know who i am, but not a jackass like you..!
I know well you’re a BUG in SL &
possibly you’re a grand grand child of who betrayed everything in SL to the west 100yrs ago..!
If so you’re just a Fucking Chicken Shit of westerns, thrown into the rubbish..!
You mother fucker give your Worship to your hard learned english which just enabling you to write here..!
Useless bugger what you expect by your comment.? Do you also think to voice here..?
Well done Amden; you are a new age spirited blogger. Keep it up.
O… O.. OO..!
There’s another possibility that “stan777” could be a “Pons”(gay)…!
He may be in gulf & annoyed as i said abt Pons here in public…!
By common sense he means not to reveal abt them in public..!
So let’s ignore & forget this…
Yes, Guru…!
I’m sure that Definitly my guestuse will be 100% right & no doubt abt it…!
Because at least this person couldn’t assume in my writings, that’s whether i’m a Mr. or Mrs.
Hah…hah..hah.. That’s the “Pons common sense”..!
Anyway thanks Mr. & mrs. stan..! You helped me to develop my guessing ability too so Just forget this. I’ll try to comment as you say in future..!
“Pons” Problem also has reached in it’s highest level now in SL..!
This’ll effect very seriously to the nation..!
Thanks amillion for your comments guys. I am not a regular writer who has lots of time to keep replying to to all your shiity comments so don’t expect any more replies to your comments.
You have now not only displayed your ignorrance but also your class with your language. I can reply with worse language than you can dream of but I will not come down to your level.So keep on writing if it makes you happy. By the way you had mentioned about my ancestors betraying Sri Lanka, what did you think you did in your initial comment.
Guru thanks for pointing out my spelling errors. If I really wanted to correct my spelling erreors I would have have gone to spellcheck and fixed them.At least it shows me you are an eduacted man who got your ponit across without tha dirty slang like the other GONG HARAKA.
Dear Stan,
The following errors noted in your Blog #8:
Para 4, Line 4: “ponit” should read as “point”
Para 4, Line 4: “tha” should read as “the”
Hello Guru,
You can be a good English teacher (joke)
Hey Guys, Please write constructive comments and give room for others to share their knowledge.
I hope nobody angry on me
Mohamed Shareef Asees
Hi Asees,
Thanks for the compliment. I do not want to be the teacher of an imperialist language. Agree with you comments should be constructive. Also, if you are serious with what you write, make sure the spelling is correct. That way, the readers know that you have read through what you have written to ensure what you wrote is what you meant to write in the first place.
Very good Mr. & Mrs. Istan…!
you’ve learned even how to check the spellings so far…!
Well.. now you may know the spellings but that’s not enough & more to learn even about the spellings than you know.!
While admitting your true level here, don’t be fear of falling to a lower level where you in, because you’re in a dark well where there’s no more lower level than you in…! The only problem is you can’t see what’s happening in above your level & even in your level. Because you’re just touching in a dark well.
You may be a “Manager” of few cows but it’s just for few cows & it’ll not make yourself a cowboy here..!
Then what do you know about the facts in my above comment.?
Come on man, Learn to point out the fact straitly, clearly with reasons & not to go around saying irrelevent rubbish..!
Guru… This’s not a grade 1 class to teach adult learnes like ‘istan bull’.
Any kind of error or weakness in writing here, will be noticed & understod correctly by readers who wise enough in communication. The one who has no common sense to do so, is just useless abet like “Istan bull” so don’t waste time on such comments as said before…!
Hey Mr. Amden You are cricising another person for his spelling mistakes but you don’t seem to realise that your english grammer is very poor. I am surprised that Guru has not picked this up as quickly as he picked the spelling mistakes.
I do agree on the point made by mr Asees when he mentioned about constructive comments. It is not very pleasant to use slang in such an open forum.
So guys keep writing but wactch your laqnguage. This is a humble request from another sri Lankan.
Oyade nisathama Mama Singhalin liyanne.
I find this rather sad that some bloggers are criticising others on spelling mistakes and grammar etc. Even I have made spelling mistakes due to typing errors, when typing fast. This happens to all of us. But it does not matter. What matters is the content of what a person has to say.
So bloggers, let us not dwell on typing errors but concentrate rather on the subtance of what a person has to say and respect each other. Please do not resort to name calling. Such people only show up for what they are. Please keep in mind Lord Buddha’s teaching, in this year of SambuddhatvaJayanthi:
Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Action.
Let us develop ourselves from within, renounce our ego and cravings, in order to build a better future.
God bless you all!
Very well put Nicholas. It does show up our upbringing and family background by the words we speak in this instant by the words we write. I hope all bloggers will take this into consideration. Also it is not very pleasant using crude and rude words. Intelligent people should be able to get their msg across without using such language.
Rani daruwa. matath hithuna sihaleng liywoth wada hondai kiyala. Enamuth singhaleng liyuwama loku loku ingirisi kunu habba liyanda barikama thamai prasne.. Ha Ha Ha
Hi Laxman,
Amden is the most upbeat blogger in Onlanka. He is a spirited new age blogger who is extremely effective in communications. I wish we had more of his ilk in Onlanka.
Keep it up, Amden. You are a champion.
Arthawath Deyakliyanne Nicholas vitharai. an Aya vedibana Liyanne.
Some’re following english/spellings/grammer/family background/& all the irrelevent things here…!
What a real fools’ joke for today..!?
Will they do so, if they know the meaning of anything written here..? Or
Will they write anything worthwhile here, if they follow those irrelevant things.?
I know the law.!
I know the place also.!
You can’t cheat anymore prayers/beggers/weepers of salvation from the Air..!
This’s just “gods myth” & nothing else. I know it from the very 1st word of you.
Your slave drivers now say that, “Fucking jesus never be happy” so are you going to make him happy when your driver say never..?
You’re just “Baseless Bugs” in SL now.!
You’re just “Sourceless Slavers” in SL now..!
I make english here as i want in my purpose.. while you’re being slavers of even your slave drivers language..!
Can you stop it..?
Bull shit….!
Your slave driver westerns now working in gulf like slavers..!
You’re hiding in the religious law. The place where you’re living is “misbelief” of “gods myth”.
If you can’t understand with your SDL(Slave Drivers’ Language) then you may turn it into “Roman Numbers” so you might get it well..!
We know your mother fucking family background also since the “Great Betrayal” of SL 100yrs ago.!
“Gods myth” century is over now. Sooner or later you’ll have no choice but fly into the air or swim into the sea which you believe as made by gods myth..!
-Gods myth Blast you soon-
Here we go again Mr Amden. You seem to be a guy with knowlege but do not seem to be able to put your points forward without abuse.I think you need to see a kattadiya to chase the demons within you. Then maybe you will be able to write things that make more sense.
You are carrying on about the great SL betralayal 100 years ago but yet you are refering to Srlankan workesrs in the middle east as sluts & ponnayas without asking your self why did they go to work in the middle east in the first place. Did you not also work in the middle east. Were you a ponnaya in the middle east?. Because I worked in the middle east for 9 years and have not seen any of the sorts you are talking about.Is calling your country people names patriotic. Is that what you think.Do you think you are better that most of the Sri Lankans. Also why did u have to bring religion in to this issue. It is people like you who create racial and religeous wars.Have we not had enough of problems in the country for more than two decades because of racial hatred. Remember we are trying to live in racial & religeos harmony following the defeat of the tigers by our greatest ever president Mr Rajapaksa. So stop your bulshit and get to the point without racial or religeous ferences. And by the way I am a Karawe Sinhala Kolla now know as nakiya.
Amden is a prolific new age blogger with precise thought and crystal clear communications. Keep it up.
Laxman.. Did you read in the end of my 1st comment that i’ve told that “all of these’re OUR FAULTS”..?
If you saw that, why question the same again like a blind misbeliever.?
You’re not a 1 who can communicate rightly. So this’s the 1st & last reply to you from me with wasting of my time.
Analyze your faults Before you go to measure others knowladge..!
You don’t know who you are..!
You’re just boasting with blind bullshit.. I don’t care your fucking Thug status also here..! I’m not a Thug or Bug here too..!
You’ve proved yourself as a blind 1 again by saying abt gulf service. You’re a real blind 1 who’s touching in the dark if you don’t know a Srilankan sult or gay in gulf within 9yrs.!
I didn’t stay in gulf so long, but i knw many of them. Is it a my fault that if you don’t know..?
That’s your blindness if you can’t see what’s happening around..! all of my friends also worked in gulf know it too.! See how weak is your knowladge.?
*Then the Religion issue..!
“Gods myth” religions have involved in every spoiled issue in SL..!
1. support of church to LTTE is a public secret. So how do you talk abt it.?
2. Politicaly church pushes SL towards western slavery to destroy SL. So how do you talk abt it.?
3. Most of NGOs use church as a base in sl to abuse the sl.
4. “Gods myth” teaches their slavers that, all have created by a god to use of man. So the believers of it dare to do crimes. That’s a social issue.
5. Ultimately the 1 who believe that everything are happening as a gods wish, becomes a slaver of that false view. Then his all actions become biased with that false view.
He only cares the view but Not to care what’s Bad or Good.
So unwittingly he’ll be swayed to do evil acts against himself & others both. Because he follows the view not the good conduct.
6. Sending a woman to abroad alone, will definitly damages her good conduct and others too.
Church involves in the same harmful course without knowing the fact.
These’re some of reasons in brief which religion counts here..!
How do you be slave in such fool beliefs..!
Salvage from the slavery of false views. Be free thinkers. Then only you’ll be real “Guys” not otherwise…!
And if anyone think to stop my condemnation of gods myth, it’ll be a real bullshit..!
Leave you guys here, let hole world come against me with any misbelief, i’ll remain alone to condemn it..!
Do you know why.?
Because, even the death is no problem, when having “Right View”…!
On contrary, although you live a long life, it’ll be a full of problems, when having Wrong Views..!
Then don’t be afraid of a so called religious war. Buddhism condemns any violent strictly too.
But buddhism strictly condemns misbelief, because it leads to violent & evil courses of actions as i said.
Then there’s a natural war between Good & Bad, like humanitarian ops. But Without killings. I lead that war my self & stop at nothing till bad is defeated..! It’s do or die game & not relevant to you..!
I’m unique, one man show, no play of second fiddle at all…!
Anyone may come with own view point in concerning this. Dhamma won’t harm itself anyone, so don’t be hesitate to question any instead of just opposing blindly. But misbelief is always Hidden & never comes to light. Ever darkness & never ever heavens..!
Just see now how many things you brought here to secure “gods myth” instead of talking straight abt.?
See how unlucky you’re. You’ve to defend “gods myth” from attacking, while we defend by Dhamma..! See how lucky we’re..! So pls try to be lucky at least as a Srilankan…! You’ll not have to do much to be so lucky..! Just fuck off false gods myth..! Because you’re already in very Danger position with misbelief..!
Hey Amden. This is also the last I will reply tp you because my conclusion is you and ignorrant Jackass who has learned a bit of english and want to show tha world that you know a lot.
You Idiot you are not qualified to talk about lord Budda because his teachings was all about peace you arrogant,Rude,crude,Bruwa. As for for ideas you can stick it up your you know where because fortunately there are more intelligent and peace lovibg people in the country who takes no notice of you.
Which beings are more in this world..? The Ants or humans..?
Ants are more then human..!
Same as that unwise people are more than wise people within the human folk..!
So the truth is most of people won’t take notice abt Dhamma.! because they’re not wise enough to do so. What to do if they can’t see things as they’re…?!
Although i’m not an expert of slave drivers language as it is useless for my own progress, i can take the best out of it without any frustration in COOL.
But the slavers of the same language, have been “Detered” when writing here. Abnormal mistakes with repeatition of words appears in above comments.!
It shows the frustration facing the same writer..! You’ll never be overcome that Fucking frustration with gods myth..!
Hooray you manged only on swear word in your last two comments. Amden, Peace brother. I was only srirring the pot. You are a firey fellow man. Keep cool or you will grow old faster and may not live to be my age.
Being Cool or being hot will emerge it’s own signs with actions of relevant person.
Then, i’ve already passed the age in cool, which says Hooray & Hurrah…! I’ll be retire in the end of this year even from this bloging..! Body is old – mind is still young..!
Again i’ve a strong Fire also but not what you mean.
The Fire of determination is burning in my mind to reach the aim.!
By the way, Laxman malli..!
I’ve a Bit of english knowladge as you said, so i use that Fucking Bit to Drill a hole on the bottom of “gods myth boat” & sink it in the salty sea… Hah hah…!
It is very unfortunate that some bloggers have dragged down the decorum of this space for our comments by petty criticism of others, condemning religions, and resorting to vulgar laguage and abuse. People who have no moral values would naturally do so. Let us not forget this column may be read world wide. As Sri Lankans, we should maintain some sense of dignity and culture and not lower ourselves to petty name calling and abusive language as in mariakade in Maradana. I hope the editor take action to deny publishing the putrid vitriol of such people. Editor, please maintain some standards and let’s get back to sensible comments. Thank you.
Samawennna Nicholas
Amden saha Guru Onlanka Kanawa. Den Issarawage newe Onlanka,Me Ayath Ekka Ratata Samayak Genne Kohomada?Meyin Mama Onlanka Ekkin Samuganimi.
Onlanka editors themselves have better knowing about what’s written here than you. If you know at least who you’re here, then try to get what is in here..!
Any 1 can fill this space with 100s of words like moral, religion, decorum, etc.. But not knowing the real meaning of any.! So it’ll just be a 1km long fucking Boring “apabransa” story which only makes it fedup abt.!
Moral means the definitions in good & bad of anything. So you can analyze the good & bad in misbelief of ‘gods myth’ to overcome the frustration you’re facing.
You’ve frustrated being conventional slavers of misbelief for long time, so now you can’t bear the home truth abt it. That’s your misfortune being indiscriminate viewers of things.
This effort is to help you to overcome this real truble, but not to get your fucking Vote to an any kind of party.
You can remain in any party while Knowing & acting well in good conduct, then all’ll be fine..!
Misbelievers of gods myth seem never learn the fact. Even never come to talk abt. They just Slip away from the point always like “Gal Andaas”…!
Because the misbelief is hidden by itself..! It’ll never ever exist in open. It can’t exist in open. There’s nothing to exist in open with misbelief.
Misbelievers have nothing to talk abt it. Actualy What to talk abt unrealistic, impractical false belief of bullshit…?
They’re living in a fucking dream world which made by imaginary false god. They say god made the sky then the sea & earth..etc.. What a kidding is this bullshit..!? How these fools tend to believe such an infant story as a religion..? What they mean by such a religion..? What a madness is this..?
They come to explain deep social issues here while being kids in mind to believe sky is made by a god..! Who’ll listen to such Bull Shitters..? Only the other bulls will listen to them but not a human who has at least a sense to see the sky..!
Misbelief is like a ceramic toy which should always taken care against falling down. If falls then break.
Misbelief only remain without questioning. If questioned then breaks like a fucking fragile toy..!
The right view is like a Rubber Ball. Rubber ball comes back when it hit into something. If questioned from the right view, then it replies back instantly. Now The time has come to Question abt gods myth..!
You are absolutely right. People like this man who call himself ‘Amden’, a meaningless name, has spoilt this column with his constant verbal abuse and punditry on matters he knows little. He has nothing sensible to offer except ranting on and on on matters that has nothing to do with the subject matter. The fellow seems to have grouse on various issues such as religion so he uses this column to let off steam on those issues. He and his ilk can write to this column with their silly nonsense and vulgarity. It only shows them up to be egoistic buffoons with poor moral values. It is people like them who holds SL back from development including moral development. Without morality a country is doomed. Great empoires, like the Roman Empire, fell because they lost their moral values and became depraved. They destroyed themselves from within.
I hope the moderator take note of our concerns and warn off people like ‘Amden’ to mind their language.
Rani and Nicholas,
Agree with you in this instance. Amden appears to be a troubled man and the vapours he inhales are impacting on his mind. Hope someone close to him will help him out of his predicament.
This guy Amden needs help and shunninh him will not get us anywhere.
Amden needs help and so does the SL Tamil population who have been held captive by the Sinhala conquerers for over 60 years.
Dear JS
Thanks for your support to denounce ‘Amden’, whoever he is, for his irrlevant rantings. You may be right that he could be a drug addict. In his troubled mind after whiffing crystal meth or ampohetamines or crack cocaine he may be writing off the handle, coining phrases (neo logisms) nobody understands. This is typical of a person high on drugs. They are irritable, aggressive and abusive. They rant on and on. GS talks of helping him. I don’t know what help GS is talking about. The man needs psychiatric help as he is a nut-case as far as I am concerned. Rani don’t let ‘Amden’ put you off from writing.
DC welcome back brother. You have been silent for a while. It is unfortunate you think you are a conquered race. I do not think you are even a Sri Lankan. I think you are a diaspora Tamil living in the West. I suggest you visit Yalpanam and see for yourself the fast track progress today under Hon MR. What a difference from what it was under brutal jackboots of the evil VP! Would you have lived rather under the ‘freedom’ of VP or under the freedom of Hon MR as it is today in Yalpanam? But you are safely in the West so you don’t care anyway. After Yalpanam tour and talks with the local people of their better future today and aspirations for their future under Hon MR rule, let DC take a hike in the slums of Tamil Nadu – big mama land. He and his kith and kin who feels similarly of being a ‘conquered race’ let them move back to big mama land. The ferry is back in operation to take the kallathoni lot back.
Big mama is now putting pressure on MMS to put pressure in turn on Hon MR to grant land and police powers to North and East and to withdraw the army. Their plan is creation of eelam through the back door, now that militancy had failed completely. Just as David Milliband and Bernard Kouchner was sent back home packing with their tails between their legs, our Hon President should handle MMS with an iron fist and sent him home packing with his turban in a twist. SL is not an Indian colony for them to dictate to us. This is the message we should give MMS to take to big mama. We had enough of Indira Gandhi and her son, Rajiv. If Rahul also wants to take the mantle of his ancestors and try to lean on SL, we will give them a lesson to remember.
Slavers of gods myth are rattling like fish in boiling water now. I’ve mentioned this earlier to you that you’ll have no choice but to fly or swim in the sky or sea, if you remain under the slavery of gods myth, while SL moves with universal practical truth..!
Ohoma yan.. Ohoma yan..!
Let see what’ll happen in 2012.
I’m warning you Abets that you’re heading towards an undesirable destination with gods myth.
You’ve been anxioused & detered so far, when the conventional false gods myth CRACK down by the truth.
Praising your same abets & trying to condemn Dhamma with just changing same set of words of slave drivers language, won’t be solve problem here but it’ll make more worse.
Now you’ve gone helpless at bottom of the Darkness in a Dry Well. No where to hang in, so just looking even my nick names meaning too.!
Is there any fucking meaning in your name of nicholas, even as much a ‘Polos’ in jack tree..? Bull shit..! You’re the slavers of all these bullshits, not me..!
English, westerns, gods myth & all connected to them are going to put in dust bin very soon by us..! That’s why you must come under our shelter of truth as Srilankans or go vanished with false gods myth being slavers..!
But you’re here looking a help from the evils advocate to undermine the truth. That’s just an another fucking dream of yours to escape from the truth.
Are you dare to challenge me with the help of evil…? Bull shit..!
You’re being too worried abt the language of slave drivers. This fucking english is not worth even as a dust for me. You’re the slavers of it too. So you deserve such replies from it.
If you talk few words to a general western one, then you’ll here fucking word few times from him. They’re your superiors who introduced you the false gods myth..! I just use it to hammer the same harmful misbelief which you also under gone..!
Whoever this fellow ‘Amden’ is he is clearly a psycho in need of psychiatric help.
I am calling on the ‘On Lanka’ moderator to have some standards and refuse to publish amden’s comments for his swearing and verbal abuse which is totally deplorable.
Amdenta thiyenne Depretion Ekkak. Mama Nurse Kenek . Onnam Kiyanna Koheda Inne kiyala? Mama Udaw Karannam Rogayata.
samawenna Deprestion Ekkak.
If use of the word fucking is an abuse, then 90% of english users are abusers..!
Nicolas has gone colourless & suffering from mental Depression so far..!
Fucking jesus never be happy with any of your standards. You’re just crying & waving hands in the air..!
Onlanka editors are working with good common sense while knowing your weakness in moral too. They might invite a psychotheraphist here to measure your level of depression.
By the way now the “Wound of gods myth” is seriously spoiled but no 1 of you talk abt it.
You only talk abt “ananmanan” which’re not relevant to the topic. Here i state clearly that gods myth is a harmful false impractical bullshit to the human kind..! Don’t you know anything abt it while being slavers of the same..?
Hey Mama liwwe Sinhala.
Roger Nidanaya Mathpen Abusus.
Rani… Oyata kussiye wedak nathnam gihin mal pala walata wathura daanna… enawa methana… kata gahanna…!!!
Eka newei mata nurse knenekuge sewaya nam ona thamai. nikam ona na, mama oyata watupak gewanawa. Mama inne nuwara. “Saradiyel”/”madduma bandara”/”veera puran appu” ehema ape naayo thamai…!
Oyata free time thiyanawa nam evith weda karanna….
Although i attack to the misbelief, it’ll not be in any of personal attack. I attack to the misbelief of a person. So the person might get hurt himself, if he favours to misbelief. Then he deserves it as he is careless abt the destruction causes by misbelief. Otherwise your’re all same fellows in my mind..!
You get hurt as you’ve been slavers of gods myth. It’s your own fault. But I’ll never stop defining & revealing the things as they’re to the wise folk, because of your misery..!
So friends now this article is overloaded & lets move to a new one..!
‘amden’ minihata ona behethak nehe. Nurse kenek avashiyath nehe. Kudu bhavithaya nathara vunama ledeth suva veyi! minihata Depression neveyi lede. Paranoid Psychosis kiyana manasika roge. eya hadenne kudu bhavithayen.