JVP claims it can save the country
The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), issuing a New Year message, said that Sri Lanka will step into 2020 facing a spate of challenges on the social, political and economic fronts compared to recent years.
The Party said that Sri Lanka will face severe economic challenges in 2020 as the country’s debt burden has exceeded Rs 1.2 billion.
They said that even the present Finance Minister of the caretaker Government had claimed publicly that the country’s Treasury was bankrupt.
The JVP said that the present economic mess is primarily due to bungling by successive Governments since gaining independence 71 years ago.
They also stated that Sri Lanka will also face severe challenges on the social and political fronts as well in 2020.
Among a few of the burning issues will be the heated competitive education market for which both parents and students are engaged in a never ending struggle, the health service which is being sold for a pittance and the transport service with the barest of facilities available, said the JVP.
Hence, the JVP has urged the public to join forces with them in the New Year to fulfil the aspirations and dreams of all Sri Lankans rather than siding with the traditional major political parties who are only interested in serving themselves and their kith and kin and not the masses.
(Source: Ceylon Today)

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You bloody idiots. You need to be voted in by the people of SL to save the country. Do you really think you will ever be able to win a general Election. Keep on dreaming.
Dear Stanley,
The JVP is a Youth Group with highly definitive social polices and a sustained eagerness to achieve and deliver.
Unfortunately, the majority Sinhala Buddhist modayas fail to recognise them.
Not recognising JVP’s potential is just another disaster imposed by the Sinhala Buddhist majority modayas.
Stanley, just compare UNP’s Modadasa and JVP’s Anura Kumara and Pohottu’s Namal R?
Whom would you pick?
Stanley, do not pay attention to any comment that has “Sinhala Buddhist modayas” words in it as the author is inevitably an undercover LTTE/Tamil Separatist agent. This term/slogan, which is not used by any true Sinhalese, is the hallmark of Tamil Separatists’ vile attacks against the Sinhelas of Sri Lanka who they always detested with a rabid sickness, but especially so since the wonderful and finishing fireworks our brave Ranavirus gave at Nanthikadall! So sad to see how some of these vermin still yearning for a Nathikadaal second innings!
You bloody mother f***ing basted. Have you forgotten the torture and fear you imposed on innocent people. Even today people in Kandy have the fear of going out in the night. So many innocent girls were wiped out from their families and raped at gun point. People left the lights out in the night to hide from you barbaric basted,You saving the country. It is biggest joke of the century.
For a bunch of unpatriotic, useless-to-anybody, bunch of bloody mentally retarded whore-rats, i.e. whore-rats who fare abysmally at every election at every time, including at the last Prez election where you got barely 3% of the vote and thereby losing your deposit, you have the balls to be uttering this kind of nonsense?
Of course Tamil separatists and Jihadists love you – because you are so anti-Sri Lankan, anti-Sinhalese in your actions and utterances, but you always never fail to mention that these separatists and Jihadists have ‘legitimate causes’ and therefore must be accommodated with dialog, respect and dignity!
In a sense, to me, you are worse than the monster Prabhakaran!