JVP questions science behind reshuffle

Vijitha Herath - JVP

The JVP yesterday demanded to know from the President and the government on what scientific basis the ministries had been allocated at Tuesday’s cabinet reshuffle.

JVP Propaganda Secretary MP Vijitha Herath, addressing the media, at the party headquarters in Pelawatte urged the government to tell the nation what it meant by the term ‘scientific basis.’

“The government and the President kept on telling people that they would reshuffle the Cabinet and ministries would be allocated on a scientific basis. The so-called Cabinet change was effected on Tuesday. Anyone with an iota of intelligence will understand that there was no scientific basis, at all.

“What scientific basis is there when wildlife conservation is given to one and the subject of forest conservation to another? Both subjects should have been under one minister. Similarly, instead of setting up a single ministry for subjects such as agriculture, lands, irrigation and livestock development they have been distributed among several ministers. How can one expect the development of agriculture to take place by placing them under several ministers? Agriculture Ministry which was under Duminda Dissanayake has been given to Mahinda Amaraweera. The ministry which were under Mahinda Amaraweera has been given to Vijith Wijyamuni Zoysa. The Ministry which was under Vijith Wijyamuni Zoysa has been given to Duminda Dissanayake. Can anyone call this a scientific basis?

“Education and Higher Education subject has been divided to two and given to two ministers.

“Lakshman Kiriella has been given the Kandy District Development portfolio. Mohamed Haris who is from Ampara and has no connection to Kandy has been given deputy minister of Kandy District Development. As the Urban Development Minister all cities come under the purview of Champika Ranawaka, but Kandy has been taken away from him and given to Kiriella. Can anyone find any science in that allocation?

“Youth Affairs and Vocational Training have been given to two different ministers.

“So the Tuesday’s cabinet reshuffle is a joke.

(Source: The Island – By Saman Indrajith)

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