JVP says expat remittances reduced by $ 2 billion

Tilvin Silva - JVP

The JVP claims that expatriate remittances have decreased by USD $ 2 billion last year compared to 2020.

JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva said investment opportunities in Sri Lanka were destroyed due to actions of politicians, despite many people being interested to invest.

Speaking to media today Tilvin Silva said Sri Lanka lost a main source of foreign revenue through expatriate remittances.

He claimed that if a new government is appointed and requests expatriates to remit their money to Sri Lanka through official channels, they will support the country.

Silva also stressed on the importance of calling for foreigners to invest in Sri Lanka.

However he claimed that many such remittances were discouraged, since politicians were requesting bribes from interested parties.

Silva noted that rebuilding expatriate revenue streams could help the country avoid taking out loans from neighbouring countries.

(Source: News Radio)

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