Lankans have deposited 85 million Swiss francs in Swiss banks, says Dr. Harsha de Silva
United National Party Parliamentarian Dr. Harsha de Silva says that Sri Lankans have deposited 85 million Swiss franks in Swiss banks last year.
He made this observation while attending a meeting in Ethul Kotte yesterday.
It was under the auspices of Parliamentarian Harsha de Silva that United National Party organisation was set up in Ethulkotte yesterday.
Dr. Harsha Dee Silva shared these thoughts in that event.
’Why don’t people eat? Is it to diet? There are such people in high places, but this is not the case when it comes to the ordinary people. The ordinary people don’t eat because of poverty. Then where is this so called development? What are they doing? If they are to built something worth 300 million dollars, they would spend 800 U.S. dollars on it. Where does this money flow? Is it to the houses of the public or to Swiss banks? During last year 85 million Swiss francs were deposited in Swiss banks by Sri Lankans. Who is doing all this? It is money that is being earned unfairly that is deposited in Swiss banks.’
Source: News First

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My Dear Dr. silva,
A. Where is the source and the authenticity of your revelation?
B. Live in the real world. At least Mahinda’s government managed to build one highway!
Now read this:
The man Congress put in charge of auditing the billions of dollars dumped on Iraq after Saddam Hussein was toppled has told the Los Angels Times he can’t rule out the possibility that $6.6 billion in cash sent from the U.S. was stolen.
Special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction Stuart Bowen told the Times the missing money may represent “the largest theft of funds in national history.”
It was not, it is crucial to note here, U.S. tax-payer dollars which have gone missing in Iraq. The money came from a special fund set up by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with Iraq’s own money — funds which were withheld from the nation during a decade of harsh economic sanctions under Saddam.
Now, and here’s the real kicker, Iraq wants it’s money back. The Los Angeles Times says some officials in Baghdad have threatened to take the U.S. government to court to reclaim the missing loot. The last known holder of the funds, before they mysteriously disappeared into the dusty oblivion of post-war Iraq, was the U.S. government.
“Congress is not looking forward to having to spend billions of our money to make up for billions of their money that we can’t account for, and can’t seem to find,” Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) told the Times. Waxman was head of the House Government Reform Committee which held hearings on U.S. waste, fraud and abuse in Iraq about six years ago.
Bowen has been a harsh critic of the way the U.S. government spent money in Iraq following the ouster of Saddam.
Speaking to CBS News correspondent Lara Logan in July 2009, he warned that “billions of dollars were wasted in the Iraqi reconstruction enterprise,” and said a whole new approach was needed in Afghanistan.
Waste, fraud plague Iraq reconstruction
As for the missing $6.6 billion, Bowen did not tell the Times whom he believed might have made off with the tremendous sum of neatly packaged blocks of $100 dollar bills.
For almost a decade, when audits and reports surfaced about money being misspent or wasted in post-war Iraq, the finger has generally been pointed first at the generic “corrupt Iraqi officials,” of which there are no-doubt many. But as the Times points out in its report Tuesday, “some U.S. contractors were accused of siphoning off tens of millions in kickbacks and graft during the post-invasion period.”
The money in question was literally air-lifted into Iraq by the George W. Bush administration, which flew it into Baghdad aboard C-130 military cargo planes. Bush White House officials were worried in the immediate aftermath of Saddam’s fall that Iraqis would revolt if salaries weren’t paid and services deteriorated. In total, the Times says $12 billion in cash was flown into Iraq in 21 separate C-130 flights by May 2004.
as far as i know there are black sheeps roaming around in this ruling party.How come just an ordinary person become a huge VIP and rich??? Iam talking about a person who is not even a secretary of a minister but his friend!!!!
there is a reason, that ordinary person becomes minister by the help of publics who trust him that he would do something for their community and the same time those ministers becomes VIP and very rich in a vrey short period that is normal because they are ministers, they can steal lump of money in various aspects and reasons, but
how come minister’s not even the secretary but his friend become very rich in a short period????
well this is just a simple point.
Black moneys are flowing towards the ministers,and what they do is just reveal false reports and the statements for the auditing department and for the inland revenue.
Indra said that this gov at least erected a high way.
what we say is, this gov has signed and received lumps and lumps monetary supports from most of the countries in the world since several years, according to that, they can easily build flyovers through out the Island instead of one highway.the monetary those have been hidden as black money by the ministers even they could buy a fresh ceylon on their own.
we are not fool to cheat.
So what to do for this..? All gossip mongers are crying & no one has a solution..! Bull Shit….
I am glad to see corruption well entrenched in the social fabric amongst ruling and middle classes in Sri Lanka. Is time ripe for a Sri lankan spring?
Sri Lanka’s spring arrived with the end of the 30 year terrorism. Assuming all these numbers and the accusations are nothing but the whole truth, when compared with the cost of the 30 year war, lost lives and the lack of development, the number will be a decimal percentage. Mahinda and his brothers provide the much required stability to the country for the economic growth and foreign investment and do not bend backward before the colonial and imperial past masters. Like Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indunisia and even China, Sri lanka will go through the transition period. Compete Justice, social justice and all good things anti-government camp barking about do not come into existence in a poor country anywhere in the world. Only as a result of a strong economy and a generation or two of eduction of people of the country about respecting human rights, being patriotic, how the corruption can hold the country’s development and progress things will change. Just by changing the government those things do not happen overnight. Ohterwise it should have happened after giving power to many UNP government in the past. If SL people vote for the UNP, one thing is certain – that is the Eelam war 4 and other Eric Solhams running the country again until the innocent people is the south being slaughtered by the LTTE or their proxy TNA.
Yes that’s a reasonable comment indeed about the whole picture….
I fully agree with Blog 5 of Indra. Well said! Indra is truly patriotic and rational.
A “prana” said, “I am glad to see corruption well entrenched in the social fabric ….”
This shows the true colours of a “fake patriot” who incidently said that he is “glad to see” corruption entrenched in the society. For me, I am not glad to see any corruption in the society!
These are (a-pranas) the type of people who pretend that they love Sri lanka, but in reality they want to destroy Sri lanka, they want more blood on the roads. Their “spring” means more bloodshed, they like to see more dead people. They have already swalloed the “mad pills” given to them by American big mama.
Is this a sign of ill-education or sign of foolishness, or a sign of early childhood brain damage? Either one will not be honestly admitted by such people and will continue to pretend as true Sri lankans. But people out there are not foolish, they can recognise the true colours of those guys very well.
Ohoy A-Prana! push your so called “spring” deep inside the bottom of yours. We had enough violance in Sri lanka, we are not foolish like you.