“Leadership training as scheduled”, says Ministry
Training for students who are eligible to enter universities will be conducted as scheduled, says the Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr.Sunil Jayantha Navaratna.
He told Sandesaya that the ministry has already spent about 90 million rupees on this project and can not stop.
The Supreme Court has directed the Attorney General to consult relevant authorities to postopne the training for a week if possibale as the matter is still being considered at courts.
Students’ unions have raised objections to the scheme under which university entrants will have to undergo three weeks of training in military camps.
They petitioned the Supreme Court to try and stop the programme.
“It is waste of money if we are to stop this programme and embarrassment to various organisations in the country that are involved in the project,” he said.
Globally employable students
“Our intention is to produce logical and practical people who are globally employable” he said.
Dr.Navaratne said students would be given leadership skills and mental and physical fitness.
United National Party MP former Education Minister, Kabir Hassim objecting to this scheme said that such a scheme has to go through parliament.
No consultation
“Members of the Higher Education Parliamentary Committee should be consulted before being implemented,”he said.
There are a number of factors including cultural sensitivities that need to be considered when implementing a national programme,parliamentarian, Kabir Hassim said.

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It’s better if they’re given a training how to be Under a leadership too.!
It’s better if they’re given a training how to be Under a leadership too.! Because all fools are tend to be fool leaders today. So, making more fool leaders is more dangerous. one know how to be in a leadership.
why spend money on these idotes. Only thing they do in uni is to riot and come out with a useless piece of paper called a SL degree. Then they get employed in a foreigne country as toilet clearners and domectic servents because the locals do not want to do these jobs
Last week we saw how tallented our boys were. The creation of wesak lanterns and kind of mechanically moving thins etc. And don’t forget our humbel mechanics and builders who went to middle east and generereated a massive income to the country. So call universitiy idots what they do other than sitting and warming chairs. The title don’t count. It is the work they do count. Shhot them the day come out from the Uni. Will do a better country to live in.
That view abt them is also widely available within people.
By the way, attention pls all commentators; guru, nicolas, pilleyan, rani, karuna, chelvin & all others…!
The latest part of ‘SF Drama’ has closed for comments.
So you all may give comments for that on other articles like this i do. We can name this type of comments with a heading of “General Naadagama”….!
This time he has slipped away by giving the history of his service, instead of answering W.flag case..!
Where’s Fredrika Janz..?
So we can name this drama as “Thoththa Babala” also…!
Good idea Amden!
SF is a stooge of the imperial West. He received more than a million dollars from the US embassy at the height of the Presidential campaign for his campaign fund. He came away from a meeting with US ambassador with a brief case loaded with crisp US dollars. He hid it in safe deposts through his mother-in-law. It was exposed and the money confiscated.
This man is a heartless brute who imprisoned, tortured and tormented his own soldiers for daring to challenge his sexual excesses and threesomes with innocent village nubile female soldiers. He had a whale of a time in airconditioned luxury while our heroic soldiers in the front lines suffered and shed blood to save our country from the evil LTTE. He also went on a jaunt with his family to China during the final days of the War of Liberation at country’s expense. During the trip he ordered without authorisation of the Defence Secretary ship loads of weapons which was not needed as the war was nearly ended. He ordered this to arm his private army of desserters who he had secretly mobilised with the help of JVP and lodged in Cinnamon Hotel for a coup detat to topple MR government, in case SF lost the presidential election. This was thwarted in time and the man arrested.
The honourable court should have ordered the man to stick to the point and answer the charge against him, of betraying the army and the country with the false story of ‘white flag’ through Sunday Leader and again repeated through TV media. The evidence is plain as pie.
This evil and ambitious man is trying to wriggle free by trying to win the sympathy of the court with cock and bull story of his army career which is totally irrelevant. Why didn’t the Hon Court order him to “Shut the f–k up and answer the question”. By dragging the court proceedings and delaying with false sickness certs he hopes to wriggle free if MR government falls. Fat chance!
This stooge of the imperial West and the JVP anarchists should be found guilty without further ado of betraying the country and the army with his falsehood put into his mouth by LTTE and the JVP. He should also be charged and found guilty of trying to stage a coup detat against MR government. The fool’s plans were obvious from his speeches during the presidential election campaign. He only spoke in the language he knew, which is, the revenge he will mete out to his ‘enemies’ that is, the MR family and the celebrities who backed MR and other ministers and MPs. He said, “Munva hire dala minis katu godaval ona hetiya dennam kanna”. That’s what he did to his army buddies who dared to oppose him for his sexual trysts with female soldiers.
What’s the HELL this evil should go..?
this type of rubbish can’t be a real threat to this buddhist country but the danger is buddhism is also almost nothing at present in SL..! That’s why some of yellow dresses also has become henchmen of such evil doers…!
What a SHIT is this….?!
This’s a “fucking chicken shit” of west…!
This’s the “stools of west”(waste matter comes from the western bowls)…!
That’s why our “party slave” people must at least aware to vote for a Sinhala name, despite the party…!