Life predated the Earth – its origins go back very close to the start of the Universe itself
Onlanka News – By Walter Jayawardhana reporting from Los Angeles
Over the past two decades astronomers and space scientists have discovered vast quantities of organic molecules everywhere in the universe – in planets, comets and moons of our solar system, in clouds of gas and dust that are the birthplace of stars, and even in the most distant galaxies.
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, Director of the Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology (Univesity of Buckingham, UK), working in collaboration with Rudolph Schild (Harvard University) and Carl Gibson (UCSD) recently published a theory that argues for the first microbial life in the Universe originating in the watery interiors of primordial planets numbering about 1080 (1 followed by 80 zeros), just a few million years after the Big Bang. This paper is published in the International Journal of Astrobiology (1). As the Universe expands this primordial legacy of life is distributed in galaxies including our own Milky Way system. A single event of life’s origin is therefore responsible for life everywhere, including on the Earth. Comets, which are derived from the disintegration of a primordial life-bearing planet, distribute life within our solar system. A colliding comet brought the first life to Earth nearly 4 billion years ago.
In another paper published in the online Journal of Cosmology (2), Professor Wickramasinghe and an American colleague Rhawn Joseph made a mathematical study of the genetic evolution of life from single microbes. Using standard statistical techniques they analyse how the genes in life forms have increased with time, from microorganisms to the entire spectrum of life including plants animals and humans. From their analysis they conclude that the origin of the first primitive gene must predate the Earth to a time about 3 times the age of our planet. The progressive evolution of life on Earth involved the assembly of genes delivered by impacting comets from the time when then first microbial life became established. Wickramasinghe said:
“The astronomical observations indicating that about one third of all the C in interstellar space is in the form of life-like molecules is incorrectly interpreted as representing steps towards life occurring everywhere. This must surely be wrong. The correct answer is that we are witnessing everywhere the degradation products of biology, the detritus of life.”
“On the Earth some 99.999% of all organics come from the decaying of life. Why do we not apply the same logic for the vast store of life-like material in space?”
According to Wickramasinghe an obsolete pre-Copernican philosophy still prevails. We gave up our place at the centre of the Universe half a millennium ago, but we still cling tenaciously to the idea that life is in some way centred on Earth.
(1)The origin of life from primordial planets
Carl H. Gibson, Rudolph E. Schild and N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, International Journal of Astrobiology 10 (2) : 83–98 (2011) doi:10.1017/S1473550410000352 f Cambridge University Press 2010
(2) Genetics Indicates Extra-terrestrial Origins for Life: Did Life Begin Following the Big Bang?
Rhawn Joseph and N. Chandra Wickramasinghe
Journal of Cosmology, Volume 16

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These modern technology & any science won’t find ever the “starts or ends” of life or world…!
The real theory is given in The Great Buddhism without any question.!
But saying that “life was before the earth” is agreed with The Great Buddhism.
There’re many kinds of Gods alive when destroying & newly creating the world Itself.
Then Some of those Gods die there & get birth themselves as Gods on the newly created world. Then those “Gods become humans by evolution”
But the hilarious thing here is, westerns believe “god made the Earth & then the Man”, while finding “Life was before the Earth” also by themselves…!!!
It’s Better you shit & piss the “Gods Myth” by yourselves…!!!
These modern technology & any science won’t find ever the “starts or ends” of life or world…! They just touching in the dark as wise fools.!
The real Ktheory is given in The Great Buddhism without any question.!
But saying that “life was before the earth” is agreed with The Great Buddhism.
There’re many kinds of Gods alive when destroying & newly creating the world Itself.
Then Some of those Gods die there & get birth themselves as Gods on the newly created world. Then those “Gods become humans by evolution”
But the hilarious thing here is, westerns believe “god made the Earth & then the Man”, while finding “Life was before the Earth” also by themselves…!!!
It’s Better you shit & piss the “Gods Myth” by yourselves…!!!
At the time you die you are to meet your creator. You will recognize him at your last breath. You will be forgiven for your thoughts of today and who you are! He is merciful!
At the time you die, you’re to meet the “Outcomes of what you did” & that’ll create another life itself.
There’s no f..king forgive from what you’ve done already.!
So Damian…! You’ll only have to Shit & Piss yourself while you dying..!
Now you’re doing all Shits while hopping to have forgive at the end.
That’s the evil misbelief leading you to make this world killing field & hope to be forgiven when you die..!
GODS MYTH is the Bull Shit which you send Hell.!
Yes its better to be cats and dogs rather than human…..That is what many religions tells you..The man is made to the true image of God. In your blood You have shit & piss & f….How can you think of forgiveness.According to your philosophy ….why do you talk of freedom or Nirwana…
They’ll be Cats & dogs in the next life who practice its same animal instincks of killing & eat other beings even though they’re humans now.!
Then, the man is made to the true image of MAN & not a god which you never going to realize yourself in misled way.!
And if the man is made to the true image of god, then what’s shit image of your god made to..? Cats & Dogs..?
Leave aside many misled religions & just vomit the shit evil belief of gods myth which your narrow mind has been slaved with blind foolness..!
You’ll be a shit dare devil who doesn’t hesitate to kill, if you Believe to be forgiven for your evil acts anyway…!
Is that a so called religion which says to be forgiven for sins at the death.? If so what the bull shit you’ve to do according to that belief.? You’ll Only have to shit & piss yourself with your opposit driven low dens black bloods.!
The rightous man never expects f..king forgiveness of MAD MYTHS but only avoid evil acts & practices good acts. Just that will lead him to be praised in this world & heaven at next..!!!
We go strait forward & forthright with clear view which no one can defeat or resist while having an ability to think & understand things as they are..!
That’s not just a philosophy or anything else which subject to your narrow borrow mind.
But That’s the TTTTTWBTW…..!!!
Can you understand..??? That’s;
(The Theory of Things as They’re in This World & Beyond This World)…!!!
Can you UNDERSTAND now why do i talk of THE GREAT NIBBANA..?
Because you dumb & deaf & you can’t talk of it. There’s nothing as nirwana..! But there’s NIBBANA…! Ok…!!!
NIBBANA Means, the extinguishing of mind & body by LEAVING everything in this world.!
Hi Damian..!
Be calm & cool 1st.! Only then you’ll get what i say as it is.
Look here & can you see clearly the bottom of a boiling water container.? No.! But you’ll see the bottom clearly when the water is cooled.
So be calm & cool to see things as they’re.
Anyone goes against the theory of things as they’re DEFINITLY be frustrated like you.
SEE THE NATURE as it is. There’re humans & fishes. Isn’t it.?
And Who’re the majority of both of them in this world..? I say that Fishes are more than humans.! That’s i see as it is & can’t you.?
Then the same theory applies for the majority of Right viewers & Wrong viewers within humans.!
The majority means most of religions. they’re just Shitting &
pissing themselves here.
Only extremely very people get right view of things as they’re. That’s why the real theory only get by few of Buddhists in the world.!
No one will be able to resist or refuse or against the nature forever.!
Hi Amden
I am sorry to see a Buddhist always talking of shit & Piss.
Just think of yourself. Who am I? Why I am I living?
If you can’t forgive for the sins that someone has committed against you- you are not belongs to mankind. Let me put it right. If I killed a man so close and dear to you, according to your theory you are ready to punish me by killing me and you commit the same sin. To punish you for killing me there should be somebody to kill you. That somebody too need punishment. To punish him there should be somebody who has to commit the same thing which never ends. World becomes a killing field. Think of the opposite…. If you can forgive me without thinking of punishing me for my wrong doings, you will not commit a sin. Therefore nobody is needed to punish you. Because you have not committed a sin. The rest in the chain become saints and the world becomes a better place to live.This is the beauty of forgiveness.
Life existed before the earth or the universe. There will be a day that all scientist will come to know this. There was God (God himself is life) So he created the world & the Man. So God had life before the universe.
So the origins of life go back very close to the start of the Universe itself is right. He is in the correct path
You’re only beating your own tail in above comment & let me clarify again.
I’m also sorry to express you things using ‘shit/piss’ in slave drivers english. Then,
1. Forgiving for faults of others.
2. Rectifing own faults & others faults. Both are importent things in Buddhism i follow strictly than you in its highest stand.
Then no matter of that & your above writtings not make a sense here but in waste.!
–>>……..If you kill a man & forgiven by a god for that sin of killing…….!
Doesn’t that your God Cause & encourage you to KILL another man……???!!!
Because you’re free to think that your f..king God forgives you even if you Kill 1000…..!!!
Can’t you
U N D E R S T A N D now What i mean..?
So YOU’RE THE MAN WHO MAKE this world a KILLING FIELD by your Blind Foooooool view of “F..king Gods MYTH”….!
I’m sorry that i couldn’t find more shit & piss words to explain about what makes / who make a killing field this world.!!!
And then YOU SAY in above comment that,
the man continues killing if he going to punish for killing of another man.
Then why you gods myth believers say that “god will punish evil doers ” ….???
Doesn’t that mean ‘your God is also Murderous’ as your god punishes to people who kill others..? That’s so upto your own view…!
So…my dear Damian…!
You’re just Shitting & Pissing yourself with your own views..!
You’ve Only a “BELIEF” about “will bes” & “may bes” but you don’t know a god or even yourself. You only think & dream a myth god yourself by following false stories in Whole Blind Book.
Can you any f..king proof of anything what you belive or say above except just dreaming. So you mind that your Religion is just a BullShit of Dreamers..!
Then what’s your Nonsense of life or earth..? Are you blind shit also think to express here..? If a god made the earth then who made god..? How’s he originated..?
You’ve been ever FOOOLED & ever BLINDED not to find the Causes or Origin of a thing, while there’s “cause & origin” for everything in the world.!
O Udurawana,
Well come again “Auto”..!
Udu might sitting outside the wall of UN office at Geneva while Waving hands & weeping in vain for the dream homeland…!
They’re only shitting & pissing there till the end of this month.!
Then, The answer of any “anti buddhist” for my resonable clear questions are, SILENCE or IRRELATANT TALKS or NO REPLY…!
They become Dumb & Deaf when facing those questions.! You’ll remain so without damage for now.
But at the end of your life you’ll only have to shit & piss yourself realy. Because there’s no one to forgive you for your sins. You’ll face the outcomes of what you did.!
Can’t you think at least that if a god can canceles outcomes of for murder, then what’s the purpose or course of that religion..?
Because if that’s so, then good & bad all people will be in the heaven just by believing & praying. So there’s no need good behaving & it’s useless. Do anything you want & god’ll forgive to all…!
That’s your religion.!
What a foolness of your bullshit thinking & understanding..?