LLRC does not adequately address issues of accountability – US tells UNHRC
The United States took another jab at Sri Lanka at the ongoing 19th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council by stating that the Government appointed Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report does not include any plan to implement those recommendations, nor does it adequately address the crucial issue of accountability.
US stated that, “We note the publication of the final report of Sri Lanka’s domestic Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission and welcome its recommendations on reconciliation. However, the report does not include any plan to implement those recommendations, nor does it adequately address the crucial issue of accountability.”
The US statement by the Delegation of the United States of America Delivered by John Mariz added that based on the recent history of countries that have undergone similar experiences we know that accountability can play an important role in reconciliation process.
As Secretary Hilton noted we are prepared to work with Sri Lanka in order to bring lasting peace to the island, US added.
Excerpt of statement;
We note the publication of the final report of Sri Lanka’s domestic Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission and welcome its recommendations on reconciliation. However, the report does not include any plan to implement those recommendations, nor does it adequately address the crucial issue of accountability. Based on recent history from countries that have undergone similar experiences, we know accountability can play an important role in the reconciliation process. As Secretary Clinton noted, we are prepared to work with Sri Lanka in order to bring lasting peace to the island.
Courtesy: Ada Derana

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This guy has failed to read the terms of reference of the LLRC. They do include implementation of the recommendations. the implementation will be entrusted to a separate commission.
It is not the function of the LLRC to provide a ‘Plan of Action’ and draw-up its ‘Implementation’ and ‘Evaluation’. The LLRC has quite rightly acted within its Terms of Reference and presented its extensive Report with Recommendations. It is for the Independent Commission appointed by the Hon President, to draw-up the Plan of Action, its Implementation and Evaluation and address Accountability issues. The Commission will hold its own independent judicial inquiry into allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity, allegedly committed by the SL Defence Forces during the last phase of the Humanitarian Operation. The Commission will gather evidence during its inquiry, under oath. The Commission will then present its report to the President. The President will then pass on the Report to the Public Prosecutor or the Military Tribunal, as the case may be, to prosecute those who may have substatial evidence against them of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Accountability arises following the inquiry. Hence the need to prosecute those who may have committed crimes.
Isn’t it amazing that USA is straining at the leash to accuse SL Defence Forces of war crimes and crimes against humanity when USA itself has totally ignored allegation against it for the past 60 years, since the end of WW2!!! Where is US accountability? USA is running torture camps in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Grahib and Render prisoners to certain Eastern European and Arab countries, for interrogation under toture of prisoners arrested in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Middle East. US soldiers, male and female, have been videoed torturing Arab prisoners in Abu Grahib. It was a war crime. Instead of punishing the soldiers involved in such gruesome crimes, US govt has arrested the 24 year old US soldier, Bradley Manning, who videoed the torturing and blew-the-whistle. He is in US prison facing a life sentence.
USA by pointing its finger of accusation at SL is actually trying to deceive the International Community, by distraction, of its own horrible record of war crimes and crimes against humanity for the past many years, that continue to be committed unabated, as it thinks itself to be the world’s most superior nation, and hence above the law.
Many racial remarks on this site. This is not good manners. I am tamizh person and I want peace and United Sri Lanka. The days of war and division are gone. Goodbye bad days. We don’t want to talk about it any longer. We want one country and we want to live with our brothers and sisters.
I am surprised the length this US administration going to tell the world how it should work. When as the respones indicate they live in a glass house, so don’t throw stones at others.
Learn from your mistakes and avoid confrontation at any cost, beacuse it is NOT the US Soldiers who suffer the innocent people who our leaders are supposed to protect.
We have heard all those statements by USA & past colonial rulers (EU)who are still living in luxury at the expense of developing & least developed world.
A good lecture on BUDDHISM might help these lost souls.
Thank you! I am NOT anti-any country,BUT PRO-Sri Lanka.
I am surprised the length this US administration going to tell the world how it should work. When as the responses indicate they live in a glass house, so don’t throw stones at others.
Learn from your mistakes and avoid confrontation at any cost, beacuse it is NOT the US Soldiers who suffer the innocent people who our leaders are supposed to protect.
We have heard all those statements by USA & past colonial rulers (E U)who are still living in luxury at the expense of developing & least developed world.
A good lecture on BUDDHISM might help these lost souls.
Thank you! I am NOT anti-any country,BUT PRO-Sri Lanka.
Read the truth:
The system that allows uneducated persons to be elected as president and to Parliament and the executive presidential system are a calamity to Sri Lanka says the incumbent of Naga Vihara at Kotte Ven. Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera. He added current uneducated leadership from the South has pushed the country back by more than 20 years.
Speaking in Gampaha Ven. Sobhitha Thera said both former President Chandrika Kumaratunga as well as the present President Mahinda Rajapakse pledged before coming to power that they would abolish executive presidency. However, both have failed to fulfill the promises he added. He added many promises were made by the current leadership but none have been kept.
He said the government should be forced to abolish executive presidential system and the present system of electing members to the Parliament. He added genuine frienship betweeen all races should be created and homelands of indigenous and other minorities should be preserved by law.
Kumar Kathiravelu,
I am glad you, as a Tamil, are for a united SL, ONE COUNTRY ONE NATION. It is true that there are radicals in both communities, preaching dischord and violence. Fortunately, they are a minority. I hope you are living in SL and will do your best to build the new UNITED SRI LANKA, under our valiant leader, Hon MR. Please vote for the current govt in all elections instead of TNA, which is a Tamil extremist party. Please vote also for Hon MR to be re-elected as President in order to implement his Mahinda Chintanaya Idiri Dekma, to develop the whole country on fast track.
VP and his LTTE has failed the Tamil community. He was an uneducated man who destroyed his school with an experimental bomb and then killed the Tamil Principal for sacking him. He later killed even Mr Amirthalingam, who provided him with a home and food. He was the curse of the Tamil community, who brought the Tamils much misery, death and destruction. Hon MR has saved the 330,000 Tamil hostages held by VP and the LTTE as a human shield, and re-settled them in the N & E after de-mining the areas. They are now happily getting-on with their lives in prosperity, aided by the fast-track infra-structure rebuilt by the GOSL and other developments. TNA is the mouthpiece of LTTE. It wants nothing less then Tamil nationalism and a separate state. This will never be given. Let us join hands to defy these extremists and develop the country as ONE NATION.
God bless you and the whole nation and our beloved Motherlanka!