LTTE Cemeteries: A response to the BBC…
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in its news service has raised a big hue and cry over the reported demolition of a LTTE graveyard in Sri Lanka’s North.
A BBC report claimed that there was sharp criticism over the demolition of the graveyard and the construction of a Military Camp on that site. It also quoted ‘experts’ stating that the LTTE’s such large graveyards was a part of a cult of martyrdom. We do not know how the BBC assess terrorists as martyrs.
The BBC report further quotes ‘Tamil Nationalists’ criticism over the demolition of the LTTE graveyards, adding that a former Member of Parliament, M P Sivajilingam claiming that 2000 bodies of LTTE cadres had been buried there.
Sri Lanka is a democracy that recognizes legitimate Armed Forces of all countries. If the BBC visit the General Cemetery in Colombo and war cemeteries in Kandy and Trincomalee, it could witness the special graveyards with memorial stones of British soldiers killed in World War II. These plots of land have and are being well looked after by the Government of Sri Lanka giving due honour to the soldiers of the British Army, who laid down their lives when the World went to war in 1939.
Sri Lanka has a proud history. Even the tomb of King Elara who died at the hands of King Dutugemunu is still respected. Slain LTTE leader V Prabhakaran’s parents sought refuge at the hands of the Sri Lanka military. They were allowed to live peacefully until they died. They were afforded funerals with dignity and respect despite being parents of a brutal terrorist leader.
The LTTE is a ruthless terrorist organization banned even in the United Kingdom. A terrorist organization cannot have legitimate cemeteries on the soil of a sovereign state. The British Broadcasting Corporation should understand this bare fact. The LTTE was not the sole representative of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. We do not know how the BBC came across “Tamil Nationalists” to claim the reported criticism on the BBC report.
The Government of Sri Lanka reserves the prerogative and the legitimate right to build Military camps on any part of the land of the nation. Illegal cemeteries are not allowed in any part of the territory in Sri Lanka. There is an absolute necessity to bury memories the treacherous LTTE terrorist group in the interests of the future of all Tamils and the generations to come. No remnant of terrorism should be left to observe as it would affect the psychology of the Tamil youth of today and tomorrow.
Military Chief, Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya had correctly told the BBC that the Army which respected with democratic rights of all people, accordingly vacated the Subhash Hotel in Jaffna occupied during the war and moved to a building on a land owned by the Prisons Department.
The statement of the Army Commander to the BBC makes it crystal clear that the LTTE had put up a graveyard on a land owned by the state. Therefore, the Government had all the right to demolish this unauthorized illegal cemetery to establish a legitimate Army Camp in that premises.
The BBC report quoting no authority, accuses the Government of Sri Lanka of having demolished the ancestral home of the slain LTTE Leader Velupillai Prabhakaran. This statement of the BBC is far from the truth. Prabhakaran’s ancestral home was damaged and brought to ground during the war period when the two sides resorted to heavy gun fire aimed at each other. During that period a replica of the ship that sunk with LTTE’s Kittu, located at that junction was also destroyed in the exchange of heavy gunfire. All that was much before the final war.
The BBC report states that the Government has built several memorials to the fallen Government soldiers. The British Broadcasting Corporation certainly should be aware that every legitimate Government in this world is bound to pay tribute to gallant men who have laid down their lives for the country by building memorials to remember them.
The BBC says the policy of the Government is to wipe off any trace of the LTTE to ensure that terrorist violence is forgotten. Let us tell the BBC that the Government of Sri Lanka did not only implement that policy but also enjoys such right in the interest of its nation and the people.
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BBC is not truly independent. It is funded by the Bitish government, from annual TV licence subscriptions which is cumpulsory, and from sale of its documentaries etc. It is also funded by donations. Diaspora Tamil organisations in UK are also a big donor. Hence its disinformation is broadcast through BBC. Hence it is not surprising that BBC is voicing diaspora LTTE twisted propaganda.
The Army Commander has replied quite succintly and brilliantly the questions raised by BBC.
1. LTTE is a terrorist organisation proscribed by the International Community, including Britain.
2. LTTE built a cemetary on state land for their so-called ‘martyrs’, a word borrowed from fundamental Islamic terrorists.
3. Being an illegal cemetary, the GOSL has the right to demolish it. The remains of the slain terrorists will be buried in a common unmarked grave elsewhere, but not honoured, like the graves of fallen heroes of SL Defence Forces in the war against LTTE, and in the WW2.
4. When cities are built and extended ancient grave sites are also re-cited. So it is not anything new to remove a grave, in this case an illegal cemetary.
5. Would BBC have raised this as an issue if Taleban terrorists were not allowed to build cemetaries for their ‘martyrs’ in UK and in Afghanistan?
Thank you for your commentary.
What we are failing to apprecaite is that the noose is tightening. the US call for independant war crimes probe is indeed, a pointer.
With the UNSG’s imminent re-election, he will go all out to court the support of the President Hussein’s administration in Washington.
As HE MR quite rightly stated a few days ago, the electric chair beckons many.
with regard to the statement about annais parents the grave of his dear mother was descerated see below link:
sinhalese are full of lies and refuse to see the truth. a day of reckoning is comin dear lanka
Current US President and the previous incumbants are guilty of gross human rights violations and war crimes, not only in Iraq and Afghanistan but also in Vietnam, Korea and during WW2. US soldiers massacred whole tribes of native Americans (Red Indians) in their conquest of Red Indian territories. They massacred them along with the bisons. US Presidents past and present should be held accountable for these gross violations. They should face the War Crimes Court in the Hague and be given death sentence. There is no UNSG brave enough to do so. He is a puppet of the yankee administration. His eye is on keeping his job and extending it for another term
Accusing President Hussein and his predecessors of war crimes will not absolve war crime accusations against SL leaders.
War crimes were committed towards the end of the war. UN and EU leaders feared this would take place and hence they attempted to bring the final thrust to an end. But the Indians did not care about the process; they cared only about the outcome and pecuniary gains.
The tamils do have nationalistic aspirations; unfortunately the Sinhala polity does not recognise this fact.
The US can be pacified if some meaningful measures towards reconcilliation are established. The MR Govt has 2/3rds majority. What’s preventing them from some meaningful measures that will satiate US and the international community’s appetite for reconcilliation.
Suggested measures are
1. The creation of a Vice President’s post to be filled by appointment by the President; a suitable candidate is Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan aka Col Karuna who was once a deputy to the Sun God.
2. The appointment of KP as the Chief Minister for the Northern Province
3. The withdrawal of the armed forces from the Northern Province.
3. Termination of Emergency rule
Measures of this nature will satisy the US Congress and also, satisfy nationalistic tamil aspirations.
I do not know who this Julian Siriwardene is. He sounds like a diaspora Tamil/LTTE, with a pseudonym Sinhala name as a cover. Your cover is blown mate. His arguments are proof enough that JS is not a Sinhalese but a diaspora Tamil/LTTE.
US President is not Hussein but Barak Obama. But JS insist on calling him Hussein, tongue in cheek perhaps.
Our Hon President Mahinda Rajapaksa ia a true patriot. He loves his Motherland. Hence he does his utmost to develop the country. No one is 100% perfect in their efforts to build a better future for his fellow countrymen. We love and honour our President as he is a patriot who stood up fearlessly in the face of relentless pressure from the hypocritical imperial West who tried to rescue the LTTE terrorists in the last phase of the War of Liberation. Our Hon President fought the LTTE and totally vanquished them. They were totally decimated and swept into the sea. VP’s body was fed to the fishes.
UNP leaders past and present were traitors. The current leader is the worst traitor. During the few years he was PM he tried to sell out his Motherland to our enemies, the evil LTTE terrorists and to the imperial West, in an underhand way. RW does not love his Motherland. He loves himself only. He is not a patriot. He is a TRAITOR. He is a Judas. He should hang for his crimes. At least Judas had the courage to hang himself. RW is a coward. RW was a puppet of the LTTE and the imperial West. That is why he is a traitor. He has no shame. He deserves to die at the end of a rope.
Our Hon President MR does what is best for his Motherland. Hence he does not act to please the USA or its allies in the imperial West. He does not take orders from the imperial West. Our Hon President has kicked the arses of US and Britian. They cannot bear it. They wince in pain and are boiling mad. They are crying for his head now.
USA and its allies in the imperial West, such as Britain, are hypocrites. They are committing gross violations of human rights and war crimes currently. There is no one to stop them. UN is a powerless, toothless old hag. UNSG is in their pocket. He does everything to please his master the USA. He has one eye on extending his term for another 5 years. He is totally incompetent. He is a US puppet.
There is absolutely no truth in the allegation of war crimes in the last phase of the War of Liberation. This is disinformation trotted out by the diaspora LTTE and the imperial West. The war crimes were actually committed by the LTTE in holding their own Tamils as human sheilds during the War of Liberation. The LTTE terrorists themselves blew up the Tamil hostages as they fled to the SL liberating forces side across Nandikadal lagoon through suicide bombings and machine gunfire. Many SL soldiers died in the rescue effort. The Tamil hostages know the truth are ever so grateful for rescuing them. In any rescue effort of such magnitude there is likely to be causalties among the hostages and the rescuers. 330,000 hostages were rescued and are enjoying settled happy lives, free at last from the evil LTTE iron grip, who herded them like cattle to breed children for the LTTE terrorist machine. The diaspora LTTE are lying when they accuse our Hon President of killing the Tamil hostages when they know very well it was under VP orders that the LTTE machine gunned them and sent suicide squads to blow up the fleeing Tamil hostages. It is totally ridiculous to assert that the rescuing SL army killed the Tamil hostages. This is diaspora LTTE disinformation.
So, JS the diaspora LTTE rep with a pseudonym Sinhala name I say to you, “GET KNOTTED.
JS, the diaspora kotiya with a pseudonym Sinhala name, has got his vetti in a twist. He is deliberately propagating disinformation for Western consumption. Hence I totally refute his arguments.
His suggestion that the SL army vacate the North and the East is totally barmy. SL is ONE COUNTRY, ONE NATION. The defence forces are stationed throughout the country in strategic places for the defence of the country, the nation, from enemies within and without. His suggestions that the one-time LTTE leaders such as KP, VM et alia be given political power in the North and the East to govern as a separate eelam country is even barmier. This proves JS is actually a diaspora koitya vomitting LTTE tripe of eelam aspirations which they failed to get through a 30 year insurrection aided by colonial crafty India and the imperial West.
Why do they have the graves still? I thought they burn their bodies in their culture? I am unsure why they’d need it. But any how, if SL does put a military base on top of the so called graves, it will only give more fuel to the international Tamils. They have all the rights to put a base anywhere but to put it on a so called graves of “fallen soldiers”, will fuel very negative media across the world. I actually want to see how this turns out, until now I’ve seen the SL government to handle matters very effectively but not sure about this. L
Dear Luther
Tamils are mostly Hindus. Hindus cremate the bodies of their dear departed on a funeral pyre. The ashes are then scattered on a river with the chanting of Hindu religious rites.
LTTE did not observe the Hindu rites by cremating, even though they were Hindus. The LTTE buried the bodies of their cadres who died. This is because VP, the leader, was secular and did not observe Hindu faith and rites. He even murdered Hindu and Catholic priests who denounced VP and the LTTE for their atrocities. The LTTE buried their dead in a cemetary on state land. Such a cemetary has propaganda value for them.
Since the defeat of the LTTE this cemetary must revert back to the state. No monuments of any sort can be allowed to honour LTTE terrorists. In the West too, no monuments or even statues would be allowed to be built on state land to commemorate terrorists who died on suicide missions in the West. For example, relatives of Islamic terrorists who killed themselves on suicide bombings in London on 7/7/2005 will not be allowed to build statues for them or have special monuments for them built on state land. Hence it quite right that the GOSL erase the memory of such terrorists by demolishing this cemetary of the LTTE built on state land. Their remains will be collected and cremated according to Hindu rites and then the ashes scattered on the river or in the sea. The relatives of these dead LTTE would then have the consolation that at last Hindu religious rites were observed for the departed ones to rest in peace.
The demolishing of LTTE cemetary built on state land has nothing to do with reconciliation. Majority Tamils hate the LTTE for having blighted their lives for 30 long years. They were ‘taxed’ heavily and their children were conscripted to LTTE terrorist ‘army’. The majority Tamils are with the GOSL against the LTTE. The majority Tamils enjoy a better life now with the utter defeat of the evil LTTE. They no longer live in fear. Their businesses and agriculture can now thrive with the help of the GOSL. Their children can have a good education without fear of being snatched from the school by the LTTE for their ‘army’. They can now observe their Hindu traditions and religious rites which were forbidden by the LTTE leader.
Reconciliation is about building a ONE NATION, ONE COUNTRY. Tamils are citizens of SL with equal rights. The LTTE were less than 1% of the population who engaged in an armed insurrection to create their own country. The majority Tamils opposed this. The leading Tamil politicians and illuminaries who Opposed the extremist terrorist LTTE were brutally assassinated. With the total destruction of the LTTE in the War of Liberation the Tamils have been freed at last to lead normal peaceful lives for a better future for themselves and their children as citizens of SL with equal rights and equality of opportunity. It is a few Tamil extremist politicians who try to whip-up racial hatred and continue to clamour for a separate eelam country for the Tamils who number a mere 3 million. Even in Tamil Nadu in India, where the Tamils number 70 million, no such separate country is allowed for them. So it is ridiculous to grant a separate country for the few Tamils in SL, which the majority SL Tamils do not want anyway.
Nicholas, I have been waiting for your outburst. thank you for your bark.
Nicholas, if you stick to your ONE NATION, ONE COUNTRY, the noose will tighten rapidly.
Already the Vishwa Keerthi Three Sinhaladipathy is barred from many countries. So was the LTT before its downfall.
I like if BBC (The Lie factory only second to Tamilnet) can built an LTTE memorial at their premises in England (to show their solidarity with paying terrorists), and also to transport all the LTTE terrorist grave yard memorial stones from Sri Lanka to England. Just like the remaining rotten tamil terrorists who are being exported (with lodes of lies) to Canada, UK and Australia, their other remaining souveniors also can go to those countries. We in Sri Lanka do not want any of them.
By the way, I like to see what BBC would say if Al Quaida builds memorial stones in New York (in state land) for their 911 “liberation fighters” without permission from US government and if US government tries to destroy them, would LTTE funded BBC liers scream just like what they did in this case. Any BBC lier of their tamil terrorist co-hooters can reply to this question.
You are the next Mother Therasa.
A tamil pretending to be Julian Siriwardena… said “The tamils do have nationalistic aspirations; unfortunately the Sinhala polity does not recognise this fact.”
Unfortunately tamils have to take their nationalistic aspirations back to Tamil Nadu not in Sri Lanka, just like the red Indians in US or aborigines in Australia or Astecs in Canada cannot do such. By the way, if this tamil guy who is pretending to be a sinhalese called Julian Siriwardena , that to me means thet tamils don’t even have the courage to use their tamil name in public and if that is the case, where the hell is their “nationalistic aspirations” are heading?
This man in his suggestions request Sri Lankan armed forces to withdraw from northern province. What hell were you smoking lately? Before you ask Sri Lankan government to withdraw its forces from its souverign soil just ask the US govenment to withdraw their forces from every inch outside their soil (IraQ, Afganisthan, Soudi Arabia, Germany, Japan, the lists goes on…). You might say, US has agreements with those governments. If so, Sri Lankan government has agreement with the government of northern province (itself) to keep its forces and you definitely must stop smoking Marijuwana with immediate effect at lest before you write in public areana, otherwise you stupidy will be exposed to the world.
Also this Justin likes very much to satisfy and to lick the asses of US congress and shows his slavery attitude at the white skinned guys. We Sri Lankans do not care about how happy or sad the US congress is regarding our internal matters. We are not a US colony (for your information since you didn’t know it before).
Agree with you Manju; I have been advocating mass transfer of all SL tamils to Tamil Nadu and have been shouted down by the patriot, Mr Nicholas Dias and his manfriend, Mr Pillayan the blogger.
Well said Manju! I agree whole heartedly with you. It is quite apparent that this fellow JS is using a pseudo Sinhalese name as a cover to lash out at the majority Sinhalese. I would not be surprised if he is a diaspora LTTE blogger from USA or Britain or even Canada. Probably he is the blogger called Demala Chelvam who has re-invented himself as JS. He has probably not even set foot on SL. Let the diaspora Tamils go on dreaming, as VP dreamed, of an eelamised SL for the SL Tamils hiding in Tamil Nadu to invade, with the help of Tamil nationalists in TN. As the HOn Prime Minister revealed, Tamil Nadu with the connivance of Central Govt of India and the RAW are training once again SL Tamil terrorists in 3 different camps to assassinate our President and other leading politicians, Security Chiefs and intellectuals, in a long term plan to invade SL once again to set-up their eelam kingdom. Our Hon President and the Security Forces will decimate them as they did before. We gladly await the day.
As Guru S also said let them set-up their eelam kingdom in Tamil Nadu, if India allows, for their 70 million Tamils. Let the diaspora Tamils then flow back to Tamil Nadu, their ‘homeland’. However, majority Tamil SL ciizens do not have aspirations of a divided SL. Their aspiration is only to be integrated into ONE SL NATION ONE COUNTRY. This is where they were born and where they will die. I do not agree with Guru’s concept that ALL SL Tamils should be deported to TN in India. This is totally unacceptable to the SL Tamils, will not be acceptable to Tamil Nadu and India. It is as unacceptable as to say all US citizens of Italian, Irish, English, French, German and African origin etc should return to their mother countries in Europe and Africa. That will leave the USA with only native Americans, the ‘Red Indians’. This will never happen. Migrations of people have taken place across the world for many thousands of years. No one is ‘pure bred’.
Dear Manjula and Nicholas,
My surname is spelt “SIRIWARDANE” and not “Sirwardene”. It has been so for more than 200 years. I encourage you to spell my name correctly.
Manjula has also referred to me as “Justin”. This demonstrates intellectual decadence; I value my name, Julian which was gifted by my beloved parents at my birth.
As for your assumptions on my ethinicity, I respect your views. But sadly, your conclusions on my ethnicity are not based on factual evidence.
JS reply to Manjula and me are utterly puerile. Who cares whether his surname has an ‘e’ at the end or an ‘a’? Manjula did refer to you as ‘Julian’ except on one occasion at the end.
What matters is not whether you are indeed a Sinhalese on the pay of the diaspora LTTE or an INGO/NGO or the treacherous UNP or whether you are a Tamil under a Sinhalese pseudonym. What matters are your misguided views which are totally unacceptable to both the Sinhalese majority and most SL Tamils. You have expressed the views of the less than 0.1% nationalist Tamils in SL and abroad. Hence we condemn you as a ‘Tamil nationalist’, voicing parrot-wise their views.
SL is a sovereign country and does not bow or scrape to the diktats of USA and Britain who are imperialists with neo-colonial ambitions, using small countries like SL for their own strategic ends or to strip them of their mineral deposits and oil for their benefit. They have no moral rights to issue such diktats as they have proven over and over again that they are violators of human rights and continue to commit acts of war crimes with total disregard to the criticism of the Freeworld. They still continue to trample under their jackboots smaller nations. They would not dare to take-on superpowers like China and Russia. Instead, they use CIA and MI6 to infiltrate and and spread dissention among a few citizens of these countries to stir-up revolt.
I do care about my name and how it is written. I am proud of my heritage and the land that I was born. I am proud of its culture and its peoples.
I beseech you and Majula, whatever label you attach to me, it is the product of your ignorance; but please do exercise care when you address some one by his/her name.
JS, point taken, but I do hope you shed your leanings to diaspora LTTE and mouthing their call for a divided SL. If you are a true Sinhalese, as you claim to be, you should be serving Mother Lanka as a patriot, to call for ONE NATION ONE COUNTRY. These extremist Tamil nationalists can go to Kanimoshi land, as Guru said, and set up their camp there, to call for an autonomous Tamil Nadu.