Mahinda – Singh hold Indo – Sri Lanka bilateral talks
President Mahinda Rajapaksa met Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today (15) and discussed several matters of bilateral importance.President is in new Delhi where he attended the closing session of the 19th CWG.
Sources said that both the leaders discussed on the progress of the joint programme to build 50,000 houses in the North and East to give shelter to those forced to become Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) due to the the conflict situation created by terrorism.
They also agreed to further strengthen cooperation in security and to continue implementing the agreements reached at the bilateral meeting between the two leaders last June.
Prime Minister Singh appreciated the efforts taken by the Sri Lankan government in accelerating the development process with the restoration of peace.
President Rajapaksa apprised the Prime Minister of the progress in resettling IDPs and the success achieved so far.
Indian Ministers P. Chidambaram, S.M. Krishna, Secretary to External Affairs Nirupama Rao, Sri Lanka External Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris, President’s Coordinating Secretary on international affairs Sajin Vas Gunawardena, Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunge and Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs Romesh Jayasinghe participated for the discussion.
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India’s assistance in rebuilding the battered North and East through 30 years of LTTE terrorist rule is appreciated, but India must not seek to impose federal solution on their model to small SL as it is not appropriate. Let us through face-to-face talks with Tamil and Muslim parties and Opposition parties in SL come up with a home-grown solution which is best suited to our needs.
Let us never forget that Indira Gandhi created, nourished and released LTTE terrorist problem on us through RAW to cause us 30 years of economic set-back, death and destruction. Her son, Rajiv, eventually paid the price for it. India continued to aid LTTE against us to please Tamil Nadu. India sold us their decrepit Radar warning system to us. They banned sale of heavy armour to us. Only Pakistan helped us in this field through out the war.
Indira Gandhi signed an agreement to take back Indian Tamils who were brought to SL by the British to work in the tea plantations. They were stateless. However, she re-negged on her deal. Since then we had to give citizenship to all the estate Tamils and their progeny who were statless. They probably numbered 2 million.
We have to be cautious in our bi-lateral agreements with the current leaders in India. They are still pawns of the imperial West and may be playing their game.
Disagree with Mr Dias.
The late Rajiv Gandhi was eliminated by the CIA and the Swedes to cover up the BOFORS Scandal. The CIA used the Tamil Tigers to achieve their ends. The Tamil Tigers did have their own agenda. They were anti-Rajiv because of his views on tamil aspirations; this was demonstrated by the way he treated VP in India immediately prior to the JRJ-RG pact in 1987.
India is out to screw all in the South East Asian Region to establish themselves as a regional superpower. They screwed the tamils of Sri Lanka in Jan-May 2009. Now they are hell bent on screwing the Sinhala regime who are veering towards the Chinese.
If they find the Sinhala regime uncontrollable, they will pick up the Tamil nationalist sentiment and impose a solution in the North and East of Sri Lanka to establish themselves as a superpower.
The tamils of Sri Lanka have no regard for India who stood by and watched the massacre of over 100,000 civilians in May 2009 by the Gen SF led Sri Lankan forces.
The situation is entirely complex. A thoughtful Sinhala leader who believes in the Chinese for survival will look after the interests of the Tamil minority.
Demala Chelvam as usual is beating the drum for Tamil nationalism in SL. His comments are therefore riddled with half-truths and disinformation. I would not be surprised if he is working for Tamil Net or is brainwashed by TN.
VP, the fascist, dictatorial, anarchist, self-appointed sole voice of Tamil nationalism, assassinated all leaders of other Tamil parties in SL. This was because he did not want a negotiated peaceful solution to their Tamil nationalism question. He wanted a military solution. He led the terrorist insurrection against the GOSL. He was initially sponsored, trained in Tamil Nadu, and financed by Indira Gandhi through RAW. IG unleashed this terrible evil on its friendly neighbour SL for two reasons.
1. IG had fallen-out with JRJ.
2. IG wanted to divert growing Tamil nationalism in Tamil Nadu by stirring-up Tamil nationalism in SL, so that the Tamil extremists in TN have a cause to embrace.
Her objective was to aid VP and the extremists in Tamil Nadu set-up their autonomous state for a Tamil nation in SL instead of in Tamil Nadu where the Tamils number nearly 70 million today. What she little realised was that a Tamil nation in SL would only be the spring board for the larger Tamil empire by annexing a Tamil SL with Tamil Nadu for the Tamil nation. It would lead to the break-up of India into autonomous separate sovereign states based on ethnicity. The monster she created eventually lead to the death of her son, Rajiv. He was assassinated on the orders of VP in revenge for the thousands of LTTE cadres killed in SL by the IPKF. The claim by Demala Chelvan that Rajiv assassination was the work of ‘CIA and the Swedes’ is hogwash. There is not a shred of evidence for it. Even Anton Balasingham acknowledged that it was VP’s biggest blunder.
DC claims that ‘100,000 Tamil civilians were massacred in May 2009’ by SL Forces. This again is deliberate disinformation. Perhaps he is brainwashed by reading Tamil Net to repeat parrot-wise such lies. LTTE leaders and cadres have taken an oath of allegiance to rather commit suicide by swallowing the cyanide capsule, hung on a string around their necks, than surrender to SL Forces. That is precisely what they did. Those cadres who did not die in the final battle killed themselves. No LTTE cadres surrendered ‘waving white flags’. That is a cannard woven by Tamil Net and repeated by SF, the traitor, for political gain.
The Tamil civilians who were saved numbered more than 318,000. Those who died were killed by the LTTE cadres on the orders of the fascist brute, V. They machine- gunned their own Tamil civilians who were held hostage by them. Some were killed by the LTTE cadres throwing hand grenades at them as they fled to the SL Army side across the lagoon. Some LTTE suicide cadres mingled with the fleeing Tamil civilians and detonated thier suicide jackets killing many innocent Tamil civilians. Such was the barbarity of VP and the brainwashed LTTE! VP could not bear to see the Tamil civilians flee him to the army side. He wanted them to die with him in mass suicide. He became enraged when they fled his evil clutches. His pipe-dream was a puff of smoke.
318,000 Tamil civilians escaped. It was the biggest hostage rescue operation in world history! The whole world watched it unravel and willed it to succeed. President MR (Commander-in-Chief) and his brother GR, the Defence Secretary, were the architects of this final War of Liberation of our Tamil Sri Lankan citizens, who were the innocent victims of VP’s pipe dream.
For more than 2 decades, VP held his own Tamil civilians captive like a herd of cattle to breed for him young heiffers and bullocks, who were rounded-up at age 12 to be trained as LTTE cadres. The less intelligent among them were used as black tigers, the suicide squad. Whole generations of Tamil lives were blighted by the evil VP. He was deluded that he was invincible and boasted often about it. His pipe-dream was bolstered by the open aid from Norway and subtle aid by Britain, Canada, Australia and USA, to name a few. These Western imperialists still sponsor Tamil nationalism in SL despite the complete annhilation of LTTE.
China, Russia and Pakistan are our true friends who consistenly supported us with military aid, training and economic aid to vanquish the LTTE. India did not lift a finger to help us by military and economic aid. Spurred-on by Tamil Nadu extremists, the Central Government of India is still trying to impose their lop-sided solution of devolution on us. We are quite capable of working-out our own home-grown solution to suit our best needs. So India please keep out! Thank you very much.
Mr Nicholas Dias’ analysis appears to be the last kicks of a dying horse. IG was a brilliant political strategist but her son was a blundering idiot.
The LTTE participated in the elimination of RG at the behest of the CIA and Swedes and most likely, other intersted parties in India. In the RG assaination investigations, one cricial question remains unanswered. Why wasn’t any Congress official accompanying RG on his last campaign trip? They all knew it was going to be his last trip!
Coming to VP, it is true he believes in his invicibility. It is quite right; he was not killed by Gen Fonseka’s genocidal forces. VP is still living. The truth about the plastic face will be out soon. And also, why is GOSL reluctant to issue VP’s death certificate? Why did Gen Fonseka’s genocidal forces dispose the so-called body of VP prior to DNA analysis which India offerred to perform? India has complete medical records of VP.
Elsewhere on the Net, it is reported GOSL’s External Affairs Minister being unable to commit to a timeframe for the implementation of the 13th Amendment. This will be shocking news to the Indians.
MR pursued Ealam War IV at enormous civilian cost to win unstinted loyalty from the southern sinhala masses. That victory has given MR and family a licence to plunder the wealth of the land.
Likewise, India’s Congress would like to establish unstinted support in the South to perpetuate power (not to plunder as is the case with MR). And to achieve that, the Congress has to do something in the North and East of Sri Lanka for the tamil civilians. When they realise that MR and company have taken them down the garden path, the Congress has no option but to intervene and ensure the dignity and rights of the tamils.
By doing that, the Congress will be able to establish a soild power base in the South for the coming decades.
The Indians sent Nirupama Roy on a tour of the North and East recently. This appears to be an exercise in assessing the new crop of Tamil leaders. She met with Pillaiyan but appear to be ignoring him thereafter; Douglas is not in India’s favour. They may pick on the TULF as they offer credible leadership though a bit outdated.
India could also rely on RW for their future manipulations; he has strong relationships with the Congress leadership.
So, my dear Nicholas, the war continues; it is not over as proclaimed by MR and SF. 2011/12 are critical years in the evolution of tamil aspirations.
When SLAF bombed with precision bombing a Kilinochchi LTTE meeting attended by Tamil Chelvam and some senior LTTE cadres, TC may not have really died. Was it some other corpse with a rubber face mask of TC that was really buried? Did VP go through an elaborate farce of burying TC’s ‘body’ to make him seem a martyr for the cause? Is DC really TC? In the immediate aftermath of the discovery of VP’s body, doctored photos showing him as alive and well in hiding in a foreign country was published by the Tamilnet. This is because the diaspora Tamils in particular could not accept VP is no more. They feared the Tamil nationalism cause would be left with no leader now. The nationalists felt orphaned. This is understandable because of the shock they must have felt. DC is now parading to the ignorant Tamil nationalists’ consumption that the body buried is actually a fake body with a rubber facial mask of VP. It begs the question how on earth did GOSL managed to get an exact rubber mask of VP so fast. Unfortunately, DC along with a few Tamil nationalists are deluding themselves that VP is not dead, that GOSL has played an elaborate hoax to deceive the Tamils that VP is dead. They cannot bear the shock of it. Where then is this elusive VP? “They seek him here, they seek him there, they seek him everywhere.” Is he suddenly going to emerge from Norway or some other sympathetic country to lead an Eelam War V? Poor deluded fools, dream on. Our mighty Sri Lankan Forces will be glad to oblige, to vanquish them yet again.
Let me tell DC and other deluded fools. Do not bank on VP’s return. He is kaput. He is no more. Where he is at the moment, he cannot break free. Satan will not let him free. He is now lucifer’s slave. I suppose DC will not accept KP’s and Karuna’s evidence and assertion that VP is setthapochchi. Perhaps the Tamil nationalists who are adamant that VP escaped somehow the final push at Nandikadal, and is living happily with his family somewhere, are hoping thereby to keep the flame of Tamil nationalism alive till another VP arises oneday to fight on.
Indira Gandhi was Sri Lanka’s enemy ever since she fell- out with JRJ over some remark he had said publicly, which she felt was humiliating. She was an opportunist who then through RAW sponsored, trained, funded and nourished the LTTE from a small ragtag band of thugs to a terrorist force to contend with. She unleashed this evil with venom on SL to commit genocide of the Sinhalese and Muslims who lived in the North and the East. When VP was surrounded on one occasion and forced to surrender by the heroic army, IG threatened JRJ governement of severe consequences if VP was not immediately released. So he escaped with IG blessing to inflict 30 years of death and destruction on Sri Lankans and to cripple the country’s economy. IG thereby effectively diverted the growing cry for autonomy in Tamil Nadu for a Tamil Nation, for its 70 million people today. The Tamil Nadu nationalists, led by Vaiko, cried instead for a Tamil nation in SL. Tamil Nadu, along with Nagaland, Punjab, Kashmir, Assam are not happy with mere devolution. They want the real thing i.e. autonomy. This would lead to break-up of India. The Central Government cannot allow this. India’s race to be a superpower, with its arsenal of nuclear weapons would be stopped dead on its track. The old ploy of diversionary tactics are played once again by cunning India, by diverting attention of Tamil Nadu to Tamil nationalism in SL instead.
SL is capable of finding its own home-grown solution to its Tamil nationalism issue by granting more powers to Provincial Councils which will satisfy ethnic minorities to feel secure, and hence not agitate for autonomy or devolution.
So, let India keep well out of Sri Lankan politics. We do not intefere in their Kashmir issue. They should likewise respect us and not interfere. China and Russia do not interfere. That is why we have a better relationship with these superpowers. USA is striving to be a hyperpower. They want control of the whole world. They resent the influence of China in SL and SE Asia. China has built up friedships with African nations also. Imperial West finds this unnerving. There is nothing they can do about it, especially with their market economies in doldrums and the second impending credit crunch. This is disaster for the West. SL should be able to weather it as it did the first credit crunch.