Maubima People’s Party convenes first media briefing
The Maubima People’s Party convened its first media briefing in Colombo.
’’When you look at the long term, this country is doomed. Today agriculture in the country is finished. How can there be an agricultural industry when the seeds are being brought from Australia?’’
’’There is sunshine in our country 365 days of the year. We may be without sunshine for a maximum of ten days. There are good reservoirs, but due to the mud in the heads of those in the ministries and in Parliament, these reservoirs have dried up.’’
’’The agricultural Sri Lanka that we read of when we were little is no more and now only the slums are left,’’ stated Leader of the Maubima People‘s Party Hemakumara Nanayakkara
’’Look at India which is a very large country. They still follow the Westminster Parliamentary System. This protects the people. Democracy is protected. Under the system here, we are all bound to the decisions of one person. This is scary. We must give prominence to this issue. Elections can be postponed, we do not need elections until this issue is resolved,’’ stated Politburo Mernber of the Maubinla People’s Party Shaul Hameed lnqhammed
Courtesy: News First

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Unfortunately we have more corruption than sunshine in Sri Lanka
Why do we select a few hundreds of people (most of them are uneducated and corrupted) to rule the rest of the population in the name of Democracy? This is a system the rulers tend to become Be-more-crazy and glorify themselves with the accession of power to be in the parliament, given by the people to represent every individual in the country.
I don’t think that the democracy is always right with the wrong set of politicians. But, what else we could do unless we have some political system consisting a panel of specialists who can rule the country? There is a name for this system but I can’t remember it.
(This is only my highly personal opinion but I know that nobody can change any existing political system. That is the reason we are running round in circles all the time)
Educated people should come to politics and citizens should vote for.
Yes Basnayake, then what about uneducated people cometo plitics, get elected and educated: e.g. Dr. Mervin Silva!
I would say they buy a PhD. Most politicians particularly those who are in power now have PhDs.
Therefore, minster Sarath Amunugama refers to them as ‘Pinacharaya’.
Do you think it as getting educated ?
This clown by the name of Hemakumara is a dreamer of the highest degree.
He was given a leadership opportunity which he flushed down the toilet. Now he is looking for the stuff which went down the toilet !
The thrust of Mahinda Chinthanaya is an unstoppable force. The clowns and the dreamers are of course required in a circus. They have a role too and that role is to make the audience laugh.
Mr Hemakumara is doing a “good” job with his Maubima Party; he is trying to make us laugh with his dull and boring jokes and blaming the rest of the world except himself !
Mahinda Chnthanaya, jaya wewa.