Maximum penalty for peace violators – Defence Secretary
The government yesterday stressed that it will deal firmly with terrorist elements who were responsible for recent incidents in several parts of the country. According to Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the maximum punishment will be meted out to the criminals who were involved in the murder of a policeman in Puttalam.
He said that the government is bound to ensure the security for each and every person in the country and criminals who are involved in certain incidents in several parts of the country would be brought to book soon.
He said that the incident which took place at Puttalam claimed the life of a police officer who had no connection with any incidents. He said that the wrong doers in those incidents and in the following murder of the police constable would be given the maximum punishment according to the law.
He said that the government is ready to deploy the Police and the Security Forces to nab the wrong-doers behind this incident. “This police constable who was on traffic duty was beaten to death by them,” he said.
The Defence Secretary was addressing the trustees of mosques in the Batticaloa, Ampara, Trincomalee and Puttalam districts at the Defence Ministry yesterday.
Defence Secretary Rajapaksa requested the public not to fall prey to those who have resorted to various means to incite the people against the law enforcement authorities to achieve what they want. .
The Defence Secretary added that the members of the public have all the rights to make complaints to the senior officials of the Police if they are not satisfied with the investigations that were carried out over several incidents involving the grease monster.
“We will deploy the Security Forces if Police fail in bringing the culprits to book,” he said.
He stressed that the public taking the law into their hands is not the answer. The Defence Secretary said that a group of people have surrounded military camps in the East following the incidents involving the monsters. “Surrounding military camps by a group of people in the night is a serious violation of the law. Persons involved in terrorist activities might have got into this group of people and they would have acquired weapons in the camps if they entered it,” he said. The Defence Secretary stressed that the Sri Lankan Security Forces who eliminated one of the most ruthless terrorist groups in the world can face any challenge to maintain law and order. “The military exercised utmost restraint in the face of provocations by this group of people,” he said.
He rejected rumours being spread by certain segments of society that these incidents involving monsters are organized by the government.
The Defence Secretary said that rumours are spread that these incidents are carried out with the knowledge of the government to extend the Emergency. Rajapaksa said that the government does not require neither the services of suspicious elements nor ‘monsters’ to get the Emergency Regulations extended.
He said that the President took a decision to relax the Emergency Regulations after considering the prevailing security situation in the country. “It is neither the grease monsters nor foreign countries who can take decisions with regard to the extension of Emergency Regulations,” he said.
Rajapaksa said that the country is enjoying the dividends of peace after a lapse of 30 years and the government does not want to disrupt it. He also rejected rumours that members of the Security Forces are involved in these incidents.
The Defence Secretary said that the members of the Security Forces and the Police who made great sacrifices for the establishment of peace in the country are breathing a sigh of relief with the dawning of peace in the country. He said that these Security Forces personnel and the Police do not want to disrupt this situation. Senior DIG Pujith Jayasundera gave a full description of what actually happened in Puttalam. Chief of Defence Staff Air Chief Marshall Roshan Gunathillake, Army Commander Lt. Gen Jagath Jayasuriya, Air Force Commander Air Marshall Harsha Abeywickrema, Navy Commander Vice Admiral D.W.S.A. Dissanayake and IGP N.K. Illangakoon and Defence Ministry officials attended the meeting.
Courtesy: Daily News

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Isn’t it ridiculous that after so many days no one has yet been arrested over the murder in broad daylight of an innocent policeman on his way back home after duty? There seems to be a conspiracy of silence by the public who witnessed the murder. Are they afraid for their own lives? Perhaps it is time for the police to issue a reward for information leading to the arrest and successful prosecution of these criminals. Witnesses who come forward should also be provided state protection by the police from criminal gangs behind the murder. With all the mobile phone cameras around isn’t it surprising that not a single photo had been taken of the crime in public in broad daylight?
The next “humanitarian war” to save population being held by the Grease Yakka’s comenceth.
yes mr.n,d. he is correct,governtmant should take real action against those thugs.
The ‘koti yakku’ were massacred wholesale in the Humanitarian War, a causa nobilis. They are now stoking the fires of hell.
‘Grease yakku’ are the creation of nationalist Tamils led by the Pillayan gang, TNA and the LTTE rump. They too will be meted out a swift punishment if they exceed their boundaries. So watch out you kallathoni ara paithyan grease yakku! You too will be given the coup de gras ere long.
Yeah, yeah Nicholas,
The next “humanitarian” war commenceth.
Your leader, Mr GR, has already bought 14 helicopters.
There are nerve gas canisters remaining from the previous genocidal war; those will be useful too.
Time you enrolled as a Commander in the “Grease Yakka” war.
The Grease Yakka’s are born and bred within Army camps.
SL needs a force outside its armed forces to face up to the Grease Yakka threat.
It will be worthwhile employing the “settapochchi” Sun God as an advisor. Make sure Vijay Nambiar’s brother is employed too.
Pillayan, Karuna and KP belong to the extended family of the Blue Brothers.
Had the Sun God been found alive, he will also be part of the family now.
He may have been a Vice President of Sri Lanka living in Janadhipathi Mandiraya.
I can see a similarity of breeding grease yakkas in Sri lanka when similarly one grease yakka appears in 2 or 3 names here as Demala Chelvan or Fredrick etc. May be even more names can appear here from the same LTTE grease yakka who didn’t even bother to go to war to save his tamil tiger bretheren from death rathere than living on manipulated tamil people’s money hiding in a comfortable armchair, fooling his fellow tamils. He add nothing but hollow and stinky farts to this forum, in different names. Useless characters.
None of the women have been molested or sexually assaulted and no complaints have been lodged by women about any rape from this grease yakkas yet. That means there is no grease yakka other than the LTTE ideots and some few foolish people who are being monkey-danced by some LTTE rump.
You cannot arrest a person just because he has grease on his body. Having grease on the body is not a crime anywhere in the world. If such a person has molested a woman then there should be a complaint and witness for a real crime. Where are they? However killing a suspected person walking on the road is clearly a crime.
Rather than talking hollow bull-shit, can you come to the discussion table to debate the issue, Mr.40000+ and Mr.Genocide? Can you put some wise facts for us to think?
DC who is hiding under pseudonym Sinhalese names such as FM alias JS and enjoying comfortable lifestyle in UK perhaps, duping and fleecing gullible ignorant fellow diaspora Tamils, the ‘gease yaka’ myth was created by the LTTE rump in SL and the TNA as a strategy in its opening conflict with GOSL for autonomy with the creation of LTTE-2. The writing is on the wall. We have to hit the Tamil nationalists hard before they raise their evil head again.
My name is spelt “Frederick” and not “Fredrick”.
Fredrick Mahakotipitiya said “My name is spelt “Frederick” and not “Fredrick”.
What ever and who cares?
At least I spelt “Tamil Tiger” correctly, and it is your right name, no need to pretend otherwise.