Military denies presence of US troops
The Military denied reports about the presence of US Special Forces in Sri Lanka.
Military spokesman Nihal Hapuarachchi said there was no American or any foreign force in the island at the moment.
A top Pentagon Commander has said that US Special Forces teams are stationed in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Maldives as part of counter-terrorism cooperation.
However the Army has invited four countries to come with eight-man teams comprising of 68 foreign servicemen attached to elite Special Forces along with 2500 of our servicemen for its annual ‘Comoran Strike’ SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) training exercise which is to be held in September to enhance the striking capabilities especially in amphibious warfare operations.
The training is focused on improving decision making, commanding and efficiency in deciding command capabilities at a given situation.
Courtesy: DM Online

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Militaries do not reveal sensitive information that could undermine their effectiveness against threats or offer advantages to adversaries. Hence, one cannot either believe or not believe what these spokespersons say to the media. However, if US special forces are in fact operating in Sri Lanka (with or without the invitation of the government)one can be assured that fomenting public dissent, promoting sectarian violence, undermining the authority of the government if its policies are counter to the wishes of the US can be some eventual outcomes. Fortunately for Sri Lanka, it is not of strategic importance like the Mid East, where the free flow of cheap oil, ensuring continued regional hegemony of Israel, propping up and maintaining pro-Western dictators against the will of their publics, and preventing the advent of democracy despite the best efforts of the “Arab Spring” are all clearly established priorities of the US and western Europe. The US is somewhat miffed that Rajapakse thumbed his nose at them when they insisted on prolonging Sri Lanka’s civil war and bully and hector its officials under the rubric of “human rights” which in itself is anathemic to the American modus operandi, but which they contnue to quote hypocritically…
Dear Lasantha,
I agree with your comment re US modus operandi for world hegemony/domination, to smaller nations of their mineral resources and for strategic reasons.
In Libya, USA managed initially to gain a foothold through their CIA and a small SEALS squad, apparently at the invitation of Gadaffi. Their actual objective was to effect a regime change, which Gadaffi did not susspect till it was too late. This is in order to install a puppet regime to ensure unhampered oil flow to the West.
To facilitate this plan USA, curiously enough, allied themselves with anti-Gadaffi Islamic radicals, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and even Al Qaeda. Though, USA is fighting l Qaeda in Afghanistan and Iraq, they trained, funded and armed these very same terrorist groups, on the basis of ‘end justifies the means’. This expalins the US inconsistency. The US objective is regime change in Libya, so they would have even allied themselves with the devil to effect this. US saw Gadaffi as a man they could not do business with. Libya’s infra-structure was destroyed utterly by US and NATO bombing and missile strikes. Hundreds of thousands innocent civilians were killed in genocide by US and NATO action.
Gadaffi was killed in brutal cold-blood by US orders, just as they killed Osama on Obama’s orders in cold-blood. Obama, Clinton, CIA and Pentagon officials watched in glee and revelled as Osama was murdered in cold-blood by US SEALS. US leaders acted like ‘godfathers’ of mafia organisations, who would kill people they considered their enemies. Ban-ki-Moon (US puppet monkey) and Navi ‘LTTE’ PIllay (another US puppet) were totally silent. They dare not condemn these cold-blooded killings, war crimes, by USA and NATO.
SL should not hold military drills/exercise with US squads at US request. USA is cunning. They are master spies, who use these opportunities to gauge SL military strength and also befriend SL militarty personnel for corruption, to work for USA. US CIA and Pentagon is currently engaged in traing and funding SL rebel factions to oraganise and start riots against GOSL, USA would then arm these rebels for insurgency strikes as in Libya and Syria. It would be a repeat performance in SL of insurgencies carried out successfully in Libya and being carried out in Syria. The next step in US agenda is to obtain UN sanctions against SL for no-fly-zone and embargos. SL would then lose the use of its won airspace. How can USA and the imperial West, openly challenge and flout UN constitution, which guarantees the rights of sovereign nations? USA is gearing up to a regime change in SL and install its puppet. Would it be RW or SF? TNA/diaspora Tamils would then be given N & E to be ruled as a separate State, recognised by USA and imperial West and by UN eventually. USA would then build their biggest base in SE Asia in SL to confront China and India, to dominate ASia. This is US strategic objective and hidden agenda.
hy Lasantha pathiyagoda. what mean.with or without invatation of the gaovermant. if sri lankan are pims.some where in newyork.or your relation to american oryour grand mother.that the way your opinion.