Minister Samarasinghe tells United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva: A Sri Lanka free of petty differences, our aim
External Affairs Minister Prof G L Peiris and Plantation Industries Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe had discussions in Geneva with Human Rights Council President Laura Dupay Lasserre on the eve of commencement of the 18th session of the Human Rights Council.
Sri Lanka’s international critics have, perhaps, lost sight of the very real opportunities for a new Sri Lanka that the defeat of terrorism has brought into being, Plantation Industries Minister and President’s special envoy on human rights Mahinda Samarasinghe said.
“Through our ongoing efforts to engage, we will seek to convince them of the new reality and, if possible, co-opt them into rebuilding a new nation in which each Sri Lankan, irrespective of language, religion, ethnicity or cultural background, is welcomed and accommodated and given space to develop his or her full potential,” the minister said at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva yesterday. “The above is not some idle political platitude but forms the pith and substance of the vision of our President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his government,” Samarasinghe said.
He added: “Our commitment to human rights is second to none, and with such commitment we seek to transform our society to one of peace, pluralism and equality.”
“This, then, is our overall goal and mission. Our immediate, medium and long-term goals are a sustainable peace with equality, equity and the guarantee of human dignity,” Samarasinghe said.
The minister said that in a mere two years and three months after the end of the armed conflict, Sri Lanka has achieved tremendous successes in connection with the reconstruction effort.
“Caring for IDPs in welfare centres alone cost the government US $ 31 million. A further US $ 2.1 billion has been mobilized for the Joint Plan for Assistance to the Northern Province – based on a tripartite agreement between government, the UN system and civil society. A vast portion of this funding is debt incurred by the government. However, the government has taken upon itself the responsibility of ensuring that there are resources sufficient to rebuild conflict affected areas while it also ensures nationwide economic development,” he said. Samarasinghe also said de-mining of conflict affected areas was carried out at a pace that compares with the best efforts anywhere in the world. He also said development partners had told him that they admire and acknowledge the lead role taken by the Sri Lanka Army in this respect.
“The army is responsible for around 75 to 80 percent of the successful demining operations,”
The Minister also said resettlement has been achieved at a pace that is perhaps unmatched elsewhere.
Samarasinghe also said that over 11,600 ex-combatants have been put through varying programmes of rehabilitation depending on need and level of involvement in terrorism.
“Many have been released through the judicial system. The office of the Commissioner-General of Rehabilitation, has done yeoman service in this context. A special mention must be made of the child combatants who were rehabilitated. A proper legal and institutional framework was set in place and this critical segment of Sri Lankans have been cared for, trained and rehabilitated at great cost to the State,” he said.
“These persons have now been given the opportunity to become useful and productive citizens – a credit to their families, communities and the country. We must continue to monitor their progress and assist them to build a secure future for themselves. Approximately 9,000 persons including child combatants have been reintegrated and just over 2,700 remain within the rehabilitation process. Every effort is being made to draw down the numbers still further,” Samarasinghe said.
“Reconciliation and political solutions must be found if Sri Lanka is truly to win the peace. We have pointed out that reconciliation and political solutions in other post-conflict societies have taken years, even decades, to evolve into durable systemic responses within a democratic framework. Calls from certain quarters to expedite political reforms must therefore be tempered with an appreciation of the nuances of the Sri Lankan situation. A near 30 year conflict that is multifaceted and complex and had its roots in decades of history, cannot be analyzed and dissected in a space of a few days,” he said.
Courtesy: Daily News

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Now, the end is near, …………
The Darusman report is in the hands of the UNHRC and the UNGA meeting coming up shortly.
The plane load of delegation members who were hoping to visit New York with the Voharadhipathi will be dissapointed.
It is time start picking out a new set of “traitors”.
UNHRC is controlled by the imperial West dogs and bitches, through the UNSG the chief puppet of USA, the most corrupt man on earth.
However, God will punish USA and its puppet allies of the imperial West for the utterly disdainful and gross human rights violations and war crimes they have committed and are still committing in Iraq and Afghanistan and now in Libya, with no one to stop them. The evil they committed in Vietnam is unforgivable. I pray to God daily to strike down the chief perpetrator USA, with natural disasters, as he smote Egypt and liberated the Jewish slaves through Moses, after 400 years of slavery. The imperial West will not escape God’s justice.
The animal sacrifices committed in Kali Amman Kovil in Chilaw is an abomination, totally reprehensible, to be condemned by the whole world, by Animal Rights Groups specially.
I am glad it is condemned outright and stopped through a court injunction, albeit temporarily. The President should act decisively as the leader of a Buddhist nation, dedicated to respect animal life, as we respect human life. In this 2600th year of Sambudhatva Jayanthi, it is most meaningful for this horrible cruel act of animal sacrifice is stopped altogether for good. I cannot understand why the Buddhist Mahanayake Theros and Buddhist organisations in SL are totally silent about it. Surely, they should provide leadership and prevail on the President to stop this abominable animal sacrifices altogether permanenly. Hon MR should call for “satva bilidimata thitha”.
Rajapakse & family ….run…..possible asylum in China or Russia. You see, we Sinhalese are not smart like Tamils. They are closer to the west than us. Majority of them wanted Praba to go and get the Eelam through democratic way. I am very sure that they are establishing that. Indian, China & Russia will shit us very soon. Please take India out of your friendly countries. Tamil Nadu is like a “Piles trouble” to India.
Don’t think aunty Sonia will come to your rescue, putting her party at great risk, because congress heavily depends on Tamil Nadu.
Already, west has declared a human rights war on Sri lanka. UN/UNHRC/Amnesty / International criminal court has already crucified you. Very soon ICC- international cricket council will pull the membership, and we will end up playing hide and seek with the Rajapakse family.
I had a please of speaking to many Tami diasporas across the globe, most of the academia/Dr/Lawyers/Student organizations /business community are doing mega campaign against the government. Not to mention, this has been their full time job (literarily) for the past two years.
They have very close relationships with many member states and government VVIP’s, both in NA & Europe. West thinks wearing a hijab is a violation of human rights… so do we have a chance to prove we are innocent? I am talking to the more educated, common sensed Sinhalese, Do you think the way the present government taking affairs to the world community is great? Do you think it is a perfect democracy or perfect dictatorship? The country is right royally raped and bleeding blow the belt by this family of morons. I think we need a Srilankan spring!
Nicholas Dias!!!!!,,,,,,,,Start running with your president …..the end is near. Uncle Ban Ki-Moon & Obama is going to screw you all.
One should have seen the expression on the face of racist Tamil woman Navi Pillai, the UNHCR high commissioner when Minister Samarasinghe said to her face (just one metre away from her face) that “We want you to treat Sri Lanka similar to how you treat any other country (refering to US, UK etc). The expression on the Tamil woman Navi Pillai’s face was so lost and she was spechless that it became a “priceless” moment. I love it !
Well done minister Samarasinghe.
Dear Roy,
You are really fantastic. Mate, wish we had more of your ilk with us in SL.
Roy you received CASH in EURO O USD from LTTE to comment on ONLANKA ,why don’t your go and get CT scan see what your having between your leg, we have seen many of like you in they history of sri lanka, your guys are all the time looking at the mater like that. Even during the war so many smart people had the same feeling, we can’t change your mind it will happen slowly or not at all and we don’t care your or your Tamil Diaspora .we care those Tamil living with us. your one of the tail of Dr.vikkramabahu. this land will be under one leader today ,tomorrow and forever those Tamil Diaspora thinking from there money they can run the game forever am sorry to tell you this its over you go and sleep with them man. ICC is not belong to west or US it’s belong to people that love the game and unity its event of gentlemen ICC display there support to us resent two awards to the Mr.SANGAKKARA ICC northing to do with our internal (SRI LANKA) problems, your talking bushtit talk some thing with realty.
Hi Manjula,
Minister Samarasinghe is no diplomat. His behaviour demonstrates the typical attitude of Sri Lankan men towards womenfolk. Surprised your appreciation of his disgusting behaviour being a SL woman living in Australia.
This man who calls himself, Roy de Silva, may not be a Sinhalese but a diaspora Tamil with a pseudonym Sinhalese name. It could be the same fellow Demala Chelvam, who is writing under assumed Sinhala names. This is to give the impression that the Sinhalese are also pro-Tamil separatists.
On the other hand, there are ofcourse Sinhalese traitors, down through the ages, who worked with the enemy against the Sinhalese, for money. They would sell their own mother for money. In this case they are selling ‘Mother Lanka’ to the enemies. Even Lord Buddha had his enemy, his own cousin brother who tried to kill him! Jesus was betrayed by Judas for 30 pieces of silver. He regretted it and hanged himself at the end.
These Sinhalese traitors are in SL itself and in foreign countries, who have be-friended the diaspora Tamils/LTTE and working for them for money. They have been ‘bought’ just as UNSG, Navi P, UK Parliamentarians, US Senators and lawyers and media institutions like CH 4, have been ‘bought’ with all the money the diaspora Tamils/LTTE have hoarded through legal and illegal means.
It is all money down the drain, just as 30 years of LTTE terrorism got them no where, except total wipeout. They think Obama will come to their aid this time, as in Libya. Fat chance! We will defeat all the conspirators and enemies of Mother Lanka with God’s help. “If God is with us who can be against us?”
because of tamil tigers Roy,Julian;Demala chelvan,are all got asylumant in western countries to wash the toilets,now they all afraid,because very soon those western countries not willing to take over, tamil terrorists,so therefore they need the tamil terrorists war again in srilanka.
Yes Nicholas! Your correct we will defeat all object going to stand front of our effort,
Roy, where the hell were you sleeping for last 2 years, feeding on diasphora dollars. You are suggesting to have a sri lankan spring. Don’t you see everywhere in Sri lanka we are altready having a Sri Lankan spring. Sorry mate, you are way too late to suggest it. Now go back to whereever you came from and keep feeding on cow dum as you did before. You cannot divide Sri lanka using cheap but popular words.
Mr Pillayan is provoking me by falsely and baselessly claiming that I am a diaspora tamil.
I am deeply offended. I am a Sri lankan citizen of tamil origin born and bred and living in North-East Sri Lanka. I am currently living in a tin shed near the Nanthikadal Lagoon very close to the Chinese Incinerator which keeps on blowing smoke day in day out over my roof.
Nicholas Dias and Manjula are two mad dogs (over 60 years). They are good at barking and some times good at shouting for the Sri Lankan government.
Roshan is another traitor. They are two a penny, on the pay of the diaspora tamils/LTTE. LTTE/diaspora tamils’ dreams post VP will never be realised just as pre-VP and during VP, they were not realised. Anyway dream on and fleece fellow diaspora tamil-fools for every penny/dollar they can squeeze out of them. What a waste!
Another “Sri Lankanism” in action.
All those who do not sing the “Nicholas” tune are traitors.
It is similar to all those who are not Blue in their political beliefs are traitors.
Long live Sri Lanka.