October 07, 2010: Sarath Fonseka’s family members are not interested in securing his release, says the Minister of Mass Media and Communication Keheliya Rambukwella.
The Minister made this statement while addressing the cabinet media briefing today.
“When Vijaya Kumarathunga was imprisoned on naxerlite charges, Chandrika Kumarathunga met the President on several occasions and requested for pardon. Anoma Fonseka and their children could therefore act in this regard. Based on the manner in which she is carrying flags around and engaging in a political exercise, I personally think she has no desire to see Fonseka freed,” said Keheliya.
“A group including Ranil Wickremasinghe is acting with much enthusiasm in this regard. This resembles a political journey and they are working as if it were one. But family members have an opportunity to make a request , and the President will consider it and take an appropriate decision. That is his prerogative,” said Keheliya Rambukwella.
Courtesy: News First
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SF has a big ego. He will never ask for pardon even though he knows he is guilty as hell. He will not ask others also to plead a Presidential pardon for him.
This man is on trial in the civil court on very serious charges of treason, plotting a coup d’etat, and plotting to assassinate the President, his family, certain members of the UPFA government and certain celebrities who campaigned for the President. While he is on trial for such serious crimes he should not be released even on bail. He should be in remand prison. In his case he is in prison already for breaches of army code. He should never be released. If released he would definitely escape to the imperial West, just as his son-in-law was bundled out, with the help of corrupt officials for a large bribe. He would then return one day for an even worse insurrection funded and armed by the imperial West, diaspora kotiyas, and the JVP and TNA et alia.
Do we need this problem when we are in the threshold of economic emancipation to be the Shining Star of Asia?
Let the trial in civil court continue and let us await the verdict of the court and the sentence. Hon President can make up his mind later on what is in the best interest of the country on the basis of the voice of the majority of people.
Mr. Rambukwella,
In 1989-1990 when you killed dozens of innocent young boys from central province no one opned their mouths. Because the fear of their lives. That’s why you were not imprisoned by a coutr of law. Now you are under the umbrella of Sri Lanka’s president (the Dictator of South Asia). So you are safe for the time being but punishment is running behind you. Now you are happy but take care.
Dayaratne Bandara.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dayaratne, who were these so-called ‘innocent young boys’? We know that the evil anarchist party JVP misled some of the country’s youth by extremist communist propaganda which is alien to the welfare of our country. We do not want these alien philosophies and ideologies to destroy the peaceful fabric of our Buddhist nation. For 5 centuries we suffered imperial West domination who pillaged our country. Now that we are independent we should be free to rule the country by ourselves without imperial West continued interference and economic domination and slavery. The two JVP anarchist extremist insurrections had to be put down ruthlessly because the JVP was a ruthless killing machine led by Wijeweera, now led by the clown Somavansa. This bigotted idiot brainwashed and massaged the ego of SF against the President who with Gotabya was the architect of the total liquidation of the LTTE. We are now free at last to attain economic victories to be the Shining Star of Asia along the Mahinda Chinthanaya Pathway, which is our own home-made solution to our problems, just as we defeated LTTE by our own home-made strategies. So let us all join our beloved President to build our nation as one nation with one aim of making SL a prosperous nation with a bright future for us and our children for generations to come. Dayaratne you owe this to Mother Lanka who gave you a free education and health service unlike many other nations, including our neighbour India, where there are millions struggling to scratch a living in dire poverty.
SF mulakalle Ranil, Mangala Jvp. SF hituwa haribole Mama Yudde dinnuwa hinnda mata Chandeth dinnana Puluwan Megollo kiyannawiddiyata. Onna otanai mulawella pegunne. SF witarak newe Yuddekeruwe kiyalla eyata thamath terenne naha. Matanam weeroyo Meruna soldaduwanuth. Parakrama Pannipitiyath weerayek. Jvp, Ranil ekawachanayak wath katha karada Parakrama Pannipitiya Wenuwen. Uddgoschana karada. Neha ekkale wuwamannawak tibunne neha dannawada mokada kiyala. Unp ekka ekale oya taram pasubemak thibune neha. den Kata ariyoth Channda keddenawa Ranilge. Hebai SF Anoma mula wunnata Rate Minnissu Mullakaranna Tikkak amarui. Molaya thiyenna Minnissu wedi pramannayak Lankawe Inne. Annoma Thamath Jvp kiyana de ahanawa.Annoma Denwath tikkak Kalpanna karala weda karanna.oya passe inne mulla karayo tikkak. eyalage oluwa beragannai oya kegahanne. oyath oluwa udumma ganne nethiwa rate Jannadipahitumagen sammawa Ganna. ekka leghghawak nowe. oya kinne kohomada oyage mahaththaya niweradiy kiyala. eyage weradi Minissu dekka Tv, Paththara walin. hemoma niweradi neha. Manussayo wunama weradi karanawa thamai. eheth weradda piliaragena samawaganna ekai Mannussakama. Thamange Hithata thattu karala ahanna SF kiyapu karapu dewal ,oya birida nisa dannawa ethi. Jvp ekath ekka innnakan oya ammaruwe wetennawa . ara pahugiya kale Kollo dahas ghanak merunne oya mulla katha ahalla. Denwath Jvp ekkata thitha thiynna.
Rani oyaa bohoma hari. Ape minissu vedi denek oyaa vage sihibuddiyen hithanne. Chande danne. Ape minissu hondata ugath minissu vedi denek. Minissu dannawa kauda udha veerayo kiya. Chande kale SF tv eke peni indhan pali ganna katha kivva, hire danava, mini katu kanna denava, janadipathi vunama karana pali geneem pamanai purajeru katha kivve. modaya! minhage katinma chande nethi kara gaththa.
Anoma samava illuvath eken palak nehe. SF kiyanne, mama veraddak kale nehe, emanisa mama samava illane kumatada? Miniha veradda piligena samava illavanam pamanai Janadhipathi thumata samava diya hekke. Deviyanvahanse vunath samava denne papochcharanaya kara samava yadinavanam pamanai.
Kese namuth, SF adikaranaye peni sittinna veneva balavath chodana resakata. Rata thota ema naduvath asiya uthuyi. Nadu theeranayak diya uthuyi. Pasuva dena gatha hekiyi ukthi sahagathava kala uththe kumakda kiya.
Nicholas, Thanks,
Mamanam tikai tv eken owa dekke, Welawak thibunoth thama Intenet eken Samahara ewa Dakkinne kiyawanne Niwadudawasata. mamanam Lankawe nethi nisa hari kemathiy Mage Adahas liyannath.
mr.dayarathna ou mata mathakai oba karana prakasaya,eath thawamath apee ratee modakam karana gonnu perela ee wageema e ayata kade yana ayagen teka denek thamai oya comments daala theyenne,apee mudal penata kana baala wayas kaarayo