Mulleriyawa shooting: The two sides accuse each other
Sanjeewa Bandara, an eye witness to the Mulleriyawa shooting incident said that supporters of MP Duminda Silva opened fire at late MP Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra felling him, in front of police officers on the day of polling.
The eye witness, who is a supporter of Mr. Premachandra, said that Mr. Premachandra had been shot a number of times, but none of the police officers on duty in the area had come to his aid or even to take him to hospital.
He said, “When we were engaged in election activities with Mr. Premachandra, we got news at about 3.30 pm that some supporters and the wife of the Prasanna Solangaarachchi, the chairman of the Kotikawatta and Mulleriyawa Pradeshiya Sabha, were being assaulted with clubs by Mr. Duminda Silva and his supporters near the old Angoda Police Station. Bharatha Lakshman decided to go there. We went with him to the place in question by the old police station on the Himbutana road.
Near the Sirimavo Bandaranayake Library in Walpola we came upon Duminda Silva and his group who were coming from the opposite direction in vehicles.
They stopped; blocking our vehicle.
Duminda got out from his vehicle and came towards us. He abused Bharatha Lakshman in indecent language. The he struck him and pulled him out of the vehicle. Then the two struggled and Bharatha Lakshman fell on to the ground. Then Duminda asked his companions too shoot him. Duminda’s security personnel started shooting at Bharatha with T-56 rifles. They fired at us with about ten T-56 rifles. Nobody came to take Bharatha to hospital. There were police officers present but none of them helped take him to hospital.
With much difficulty we took him to the I.D.H. Base Hospital. We heard later that he had died in the intensive care unit.
A businessman who witnessed the incident said, on condition of anonymity, “I saw Duminda Silva and Bharatha fighting on the road. During the fight Bharatha fell down. Then a volley of shots were fired from both sides. Both Bharatha and Duminda were injured in the shooting.
He added, “I was near the Sirimavo Bandaranayake Library on the Himbutana road in Walpola. Duminda Silva and his companions were travelling towards Himbutana in a convoy of vehicles. Bharatha and his companions were proceeding from Himbutana towards Angoda. The two convoys met. Both Baratha and Duminda got out of their vehicles and began abusing each other in indecent language. This turned into a brawl soon. An exchange of gunfire followed. Who started the firing was not clear. I saw Bharatha being shot. Both Bharatha and Duminda fell to the ground. Their supporters took them to hospital.
Courtesy: DM Online

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Hon Duminda Silva is the Supervising MP for the Defence Ministry. This is a high profile position supervising the Defence Ministry which is headed by the Defence Secretary, Mr GR.
There is much more to these events than being described by unknown witnesses. GOSL should seek the assistance of specially trained intelligence personnel from a neutral but friendly country such as Israel’s Mossad to investigate the matter.
All signs are that these events are an international conspiracy to embarass GOSL immediately prior to events such as the new Indian Foreign Secretary’s visit, the release of LLRC report on 15 Nov, the EU parliamentary sessions and the UNHRC sessions in Mar 2012.
could we have more upto date info on this crical news!
You seem like a knowledgable person but your comments on this issue does not reflect your knowledge or common sense. Stop blaming ther whole world for all the thuggery happenig within our parlimentarians. If the Hon MR does not get rid off all the thugs that are involved in running the country then things will only get worse. I am a proud Sr Lankan and strong beliver of MR but I think the time has come to clean up the parliment of all the ignorrant , uncivilsed barbarians or else we will be heading for disaster in the very near future.
We belived in MR. Everyday we are arguing with many people telling that MR is the best leader we have ever seen in our country. But now is seems to be the biggest myth. MR is not an exception to former bloody leaders who protected thugs like Dumindha Silva for political mileage. Baratha laxman was relatively good mannered politician in comparison to most of the thug politicians. But he did not deserve what he should receive from his party for his political commitment. If president continue to protect those drug dealers like dumindha he will have a sad end. Before that happen please contemplate what is going on in this country. Dear president if you cant understand the reality you are no exception to other rulers.
Guru, Your comment is HILARIOUS LOL LOL LOL … best not to talk about stuff you dont know!!!
Guru’s speculations and conjectures are total nonsense!
We don’t need Mossad or CIA or MI6, for that matter, to investigate this incident. These organisations are foreign spies and not detectives. They stirred-up the troubles in Libya to topple Gaddafi for Libya’s oil. These spies are already active in SL, working in collusion with JVP militant rump, to topple MR.
It is an open secret that there was rivalry between kudu-Duminda and Bharatha for a long time. It is because MR took little action to get-rid of kudu-Duminda, the villain, that Bharatha was lost. It should have been the other way round. Anyway, I hope the 3rd operation to remove a bullet imbedded in the brain, may fail, and the villain left paralysed for life, a just punishment.
He should have been kicked out of the cabinet a long time ago. MR is weak! The other villain M de S is still around. When is MR going to take decisive action to prune the rotten branches? UPFA will thrive if these rotten branches are lopped off, for the good of the country.
International conspiracy my foot!
Thuggery, murder, rape, corruption, drug trafficking,
assaulting, – you name it, are all
part and parcel of this terrible country’s
every day politics. Its because the majority
of this terrible country are low brained
zero IQ idiots like Guru, that wrong people are elected.
You are a sucker of MR. This government wins by forge ballet papers and now demanding for witness. MR & company with Ministers are stealing money from Govenment earnings and commission innocent people’s money received from taxes convert in to buying asserts and billion rupee worth of worth vehicles. poor people suffering
Preferential War!
Grousing mother and daughter
Plead to up-bring justice for victimized father
Regime of same cadre
Un wailed political behavior
Struggle is great; anticipation is to become a leader
Why? to serve the nation by that power
Policy Manifestation is to serve each other
Though such, however even by murder
Death is attained
Same culture may retain
They may rule, until we may citizen
Voting for rather, pray for human, non-violent culmination …
Plot: A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission
SRI LANKA: The Regime’s Politics of Violence Implodes – triple murder and further violence leads to no arrest
On the last day of the 3rd stage of the Local Government Election, two prominent politicians from United People Freedom Alliance (UPFA) fought with each other at Mulleriyawa in Kolonnawa in Colombo District, according to reports. Former Member of Parliament and a presidential advisor on trade unions, Bharatha Lakshman Pramachandra, and three of his body guards, were shot dead on the orders of Duminda Silva, a Member of Parliament and advisor to the Ministry of Defence. Duminda Silva has survived after an emergency surgery by a team of doctors. He is now said to be being treated at an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) .
No one has yet been arrested for the three murders and the injuring of several others who are undergoing treatment at hospitals. There is no report as yet as to whether a case has been filed before the Magistrate’s court on the triple murder and the other incidents. Under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code police should file a report before the nearest Magistrate’s court as soon as possible when a serious crime has taken place in its vicinity. There is no report of any warrant issued for the arrest of Duminda Silva or any others regarding the triple murder.
This violent conflict between two prominent members of the ruling regime points to the type of politics prevailing in the country. Duminda Silva was before accused of a rape; however, the case was discontinued due to his political allegiance to Rajapaksha Regime. He is a rich businessman who is widely believed to be engaged in the illicit trafficking of drugs.
The emergence of such persons as prominent politicians on whom the regime depends on for their political campaigning indicates the extent of coercion and violence used during election campaigns and during elections. The government has refused to create an independent commission for the conduct of elections and in fact virtually abolished the provisions of 17th amendment to the Constitution. As a result, Sri Lanka does not have legal institutions which are capable of guaranteeing free and fair elections.
The regime believes in the use of extensive violence for all purposes including in conducting elections. The police are coopted to support this violence. The police lack the power and the capacity to resist the political influence. The police in Sri Lanka are no longer in an independence institution capable of enforcing law and order.
The present implosions like this among the hardcore elements supporting the regime are merely indications of the descent into the politics of coercion and violence. At the moment the Sri Lankan judiciary lacks the capacity to intervene against the regime’s politics of violence.
It is only the people’s own interventions against such violence that could restore rule of law and democracy in Sri Lanka. If, however, the present violence continues it is hardly possible to imagine the depths to which the country may descend.
# # #
About AHRC: The Asian Human Rights Commission is a regional non-governmental organisation that monitors human rights in Asia, documents violations and advocates for justice and institutional reform to ensure the protection and promotion of these rights. The Hong Kong-based group was founded in 1984.
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Create Date : Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Update Date : Wednesday, October 12, 2011
sisirachandra vaduge
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[Hata Bildir]
What UKE said is exactly correct and 100% agreed. we professionals of this country strongly beleived Mr. MR is the only saver for the nation and had all the regards. I think situation may change with no time if President does not take any action soon.
as many of the above said, i too am an individual who believe and hope that MR is the one to take this country to a better civilized level so that we the srilankans who really deserve to live a better life will get there soon. But now after this incident am bit doubtful about the aforesaid statement as both baratha and duminda are politicians and none of the above is a saint. but comparitively baratha is much better than the so called self centered mr.kudu duminda. But i will have to say that the MR and his group should take cover from duminda as he appears to be the person willing to do anything to get higher up in the political ladder.
Afgan Flowers.
Amidst massive forests of Afghan
Blooming flowers of very reddish
Seemingly golden but forbidden
Well producing heroin…
Plot: Poem submitted to Sunday Lanka by Dambegoda Jinadasa.sisirachandra vaduge
Submitted Date : Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Expanding Heroine Business along the Silk Road.
Mushrooming millionaires by large and small scale heroine business in and around Colombo and other suburbs have been identified by Srilanka police and mass operations underway to arrest such business developers under supervision of the secretary defiance and IGP police. The operations may implement by the DIG Colombo. This news has been released by recent local media. Heroine is a very active and high per sensitive narcotic drug. Ganja (canbies sativa) marijuwana, cocaine are also in this category.Since long era heroine is distributed worldwide from Afganistan.This statement is revealed by a survey conducted by “Newsweek magazine” The largest heroine production hideout is in Afganistan.Further Newsweek says 75% of heroine production is done in Afganistan.Srilanka receives heroine via Pakistan. Srilanka operates as a hub for distribution of heroine according to Police Srilanka.
Long years ago Asian spices and textile transportation operated from central Asia to Europe.Cetral Asia to Europe road called the Silk Road today uses for heroine transportation.According to Newsweek from Kabul Afghanistan to Europe market large scale heroine transportation is carried out by this Silk Road route. In Afghanistan heroine business is an open market business.Mulla Omar is an Islamic religious leader of that country. They say maintaining opium farm is a sin and its against Islamic religious precepts. But he doesn’t say anything regarding heroine business. In Afghanistan from any shop you can buy raw opium.From central Asia to Europe there are police checkpoints to search for heroine transportation. These police barriers are used to control heroine transportation but the heroine business deceive police and however carryout with this business. They make use of by routes for this purpose. Certain businessman pay whatever amount the police demand to pass these barriers with those forbidden stuff. According to Newsweek today highest demand for heroine is dominated in Europe.Some decades before there was no place for capitalism or heroine business in Soviet Russia. But today every thing has gone up-side down. It’s revealed in Russia more than one million youth addicted for heroine. As a result of wide spreading heroine menace aids decease, hepatitis and born melting deceases spreading in high dense capacity. Because of drug menace today in Russia aids virus widely spreading in Russia than Europe. Today every country is interested in developing highway road infrastructure. As a result of developed high-speed main roads highly facilitating heroine transportation says the ex- coordinator Anti-narcotic-drug control unit European commission Wolfing Meierhoper.He says as a result of globalization process the heroine business man are much more ahead than police and they operate their business very successfully inventing new methodology oriented strategies.The Tajikistan borderlinening Silk Road is watched by the military leaders of forces enforced during the period of feudalism. They are well paid by the heroine businessman according to a news week reporter.Tajikistan sub state in Afghanistan border receive high percentage per capita income by heroine business reveals united nations. It is the third major income source of that country.Afganistan is a country of high poverty. The common masses earn quick cash by taking raw opium bundles or few packets of heroine to the town.They earn approximately 15 dollars for this task. Even today including Europe receive narcotic drugs from Afganistan.It is said the economy of Kasakaswtan is strengthen by drug business of this nature.
Roman a thirty one year youth says that he is addicted for drugs since 16 years of age. He is not receiving drugs now.Insted of opium now only heroine is available in the market. His opium supplier now asks him to use heroine instead opium. He is now leading a life of eighty years old. He says that he is not living but floating without opium. It is said in every year more than 10 million tourists enter Moscow city. They enter and exit by airport. News week says that these airports have become main centers for drug distribution. It is revealed that those who come from Central Asia as tourists bring heroine for heroine businessman. They are called ‘swallowers’ they swallow small packets heroine and transport.They keep hidden heroin containers in condoms and balloons. They hide them in rectum and at out side they pass it to businessman. It is also revealed that heroine come from Pakistan in hidden containers. Some businessman hide heroine packets inside half cut potato yams. Recently police narcotic bureau discovered 943 sacks of heroine contained potato sacks. They found 55kgs of heroine which costs Rs.275 million. Today the value of a kg of heroine is Rs.4.50 million. There are 55000 heroine adductors in Srilanka.Most of the youth are Sinhalese and are from rural localities is another significancy in this phenomenon.
Sinhala version submitted by Arthur.U. Amarasena for Sunday Rivira Srilankan Sinhala News paper dated 13th Sunday 2011.