My top priority is to ensure that there will be no place for rotten corrupt regimes in future – President
President Maithripala Sirisena said the top most priority of the government is to create legal, constitutional and political conditions in Sri Lanka to ensure that corrupt, rotten, autocratic regimes will not come to power in the future. Such undemocratic regimes of family nepotism was a curse on the nation and the way the state resources and finances were swindled is unthinkable, he said.
The President said that the government enacted the 19th Amendment to the Constitution exactly a year ago on April 27, 2015 to establish the Constitutional Council and eight other independent councils to strengthen democratic practices in the country. He said he was determined to continue these steps to ensure a healthy political culture in Sri Lanka.
Addressing the heads of media institutions at the President’s House in Colombo yesterday (April 27), President Sirisena said that although some people with vested interests were talking about forming a new government soon, there is not even a semblance of a chance for a government change as none of the parties represented in the Parliament could get the majority support. “It is a pipe dream,” he said and added that those who make such announcements do so with the intention of creating fear among the bureaucrats and law enforcement officials who are investigating into bribery, corruption and other misdeeds.
The President said while it is necessary to punish the corrupt, what is more important is to create conducive socio-political conditions as well as legal and constitutional provisions to ensure that such corruption and malpractices would not take place in the future.
Recalling the reasons for leaving the government in November 2014 to be the common candidate at the Presidential Election, he said that the way corruption, family rule, misdeeds and abuse of public property had spread, he thought that he would be committing a major sin against the nation and the people if he had remained a partner in that government. “Although I had only 40 days to campaign, over 6.2 million people voted for me because they looked upon us to form an exemplary democratic, righteous government. Because the people held very high hopes of an exemplary government, they expected quick results. But we have inherited a very rough, broken, dilapidated pathway and, our progress became slow. However, we are courageously forging ahead and our determination to fulfill the promises given to the people remain unchanged,” he said.
Answering questions, the President said that the government is fully committed to media freedom. He urged the media to act freely and impartially and stand on issues in the interest of the nation. He said that there were complaints by two electronic media institutions that another media outlet has abused the guidelines and regulations listed in the licenses issued by the Telecommunication RegulatoryCommission and it was necessary to bring these concerns to the notice of the errant party. The TRC will have to ensure that the guidelines and regulations are adhered to, he said.
The President said that he had asked British Prime Minister David Cameron when he met him at the CHOGM in Malta to help us to get the fish import ban lifted and restore GSP Plus concession. “I am glad that we managed to get the ban on fish exports to EU lifted and I have received some positive indications that the call for GSP Plus also be considered favourably”.
When a media correspondent asked about the resolution passed by the Northern Provincial Council calling for a federal solution, the President said anybody could pass any resolution, but the government will never allow Sri Lanka to be divided or bifurcated or allow any harm to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the nation.
(President’s Media)

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Here we go again. Blaming some one else for their short falls. Stop talking about the previous government when your government is also so corrupt. People are not blind they can see through you guys.
Thanks Fernando. He forgot to include stupid clueless governments in his list.
your top priority should be to have a plan for least cost electricity generation for our country which is the statutory duty of the CEB and the PUCSL which will bring in enormous benefits for us the people and our country with BOT coal power projects definitely not by solar power which is over 20 times the cost of coal fueled electricity , do not think of your party but think of your country
These fools never learn…
The President’s staement should be as follws:
“President Maithripala Sirisena said the top most priority of the government is to create legal, constitutional and political conditions in Sri Lanka to ensure that corrupt, rotten, autocratic regimes similar to the stupid government I have formed with komis captains in the UNP, will not come to power in the future
The president should have added:
My Central Bank Chief’s son-in-law, Ar**na Alo****s, will soon be in the Forbes magazine International top 100 Rich Men’s List. That is the only achievement of my Yahapalana Government.
Sirisena was in past a part of that that corrupt, rotten, autocratic regime while he propped up his brother build a the islands rice milling enterprise. He continue to subscribe to the same scheme with daughter playing a leading role in his adminstration supported by his kit and kin which is no second to Kim of North Korean fame.
Sirisena has little influnece on what is going on. He wanted the finance minister removed with him Arjuna for robbing the Central Bank. They have yet to come up with a consistent story ravi says one thing and mahendran says another with little eveidence to support the claims. If sisrisena has any conviction to his claims why could he not remove ravi or arjuna two of the biggest crooks that took over the management of ministry of finance the Central bank in particular. The IMF is made up of bufoons to fall into the yarns that is spun……
Meanwhile Ranil is singing his swan song which means no sense.
Apart from that it is the same old song …..but the people that matter is not as gullible as Sirisena is
The previous regime was neither corrupt, nor rotten and authoritarian.
The Mahinda Rajapaksa tenure, which ended on the cursed Jan 08 2015 “revolution”, was the most productive since independence.
The cursed Tamil terrorist were finished; blood stopped flowing in southern villages; roads were built, harbours and airports were built, the City of Colombo was made shiny and vibrant.
The economy was booming and the fruits of MR’s initiatives were beginning to reach the tables in rural households.
Then came the clowns on the 8th of Jan 2015, claiming to be more patriotic than any other citizen.
Down we go, down to ruination strangled by IMF loans with Finance Ministers and Economic Ministers fattening their pockets with glee. The Son-in-law of the Central Bank has joined the billionaire club in the Rhodes Magazine, thanks to the father of his dear wife, who conducts the most corrupt currency auctions in the CB.
The expletive laden CEO of Sri Lankan Airways is a standing example of the new order.
Chathurika, Daham and Kumarasinghe, all leading the way to the new ‘sena-singhe’ order.
Mahinda Sir, I love you Sir, I miss you Sir and so do millions of other citizens.
This wanker amden accepted himself and his communities people are fool.
Oka ne api kivwe baiyyo…… Pala.