Nationwide Teachers’ and Principals’ strike disrupts Sri Lankan schools


Teachers and principals across Sri Lanka have called in sick today (June 26), as part of a nationwide strike.

The Ceylon Teachers’ Union, led by Secretary Joseph Stalin, organized the strike to address ongoing salary issues in the teaching profession.

Joseph Stalin announced that all teachers and principals will gather in Colombo for a protest at Fort Railway Station at 11:00 AM, with participants coming from various regions.

In anticipation of the strike, teachers advised students to stay home, leading to a halt in educational activities just as the second school term began.

The main issue behind the strike is the government’s failure to fully implement salary increases recommended by a special committee last year.

According to Stalin, the government has only provided one-third of the recommended increase, leaving educators demanding the remaining two-thirds.

A government sub-committee had acknowledged salary structure problems and proposed solutions to be implemented within six months, but no significant progress has been made.

Stalin emphasized that the government is responsible for the disruption caused by the sick leave campaign.

He criticized the government’s reliance on parents to cover additional education costs, arguing that this undermines the principles of a free education system.

As the protest takes place in Colombo, the impact on the school system is clear, with classrooms empty and educational activities stopped.

The Ceylon Teachers’ Union and its members are committed to continuing their actions until their demands for fair salaries are met.