No possibility of holding election on June 20, Election Commission informs court
Posted by Editor on May 20, 2020 - 1:24 pm
The Election Commission of Sri Lanka informs the Supreme Court that there are no possibilities of holding an election on June 20 under the current situation in the country.
That was when the petitions against the dissolution of Parliament were taken up for the third day today.
Appearing on behalf of the Election Commission, Counsel Saliya Peiris informed the Five Judge Bench that with the prevailing situation it is not possible to conduct the General Elections on June 20.
He said the election could be held within 60-75 days if the green light is given by the health authorities.

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Very correctly said by EC. Convincing statement. EC has to work through the Covid-19 episode ! A new election date to be fixed with Ministry of Health. There is a huge difference between dissolving the parliament last year (Oct, 2019) & this year (Mar, 2020). Fixing a new election date is the best way forward under the current context of 2020. Under special circumstances, there should be some operational flexiblity to run the country. Constitution should give some space to the executive to have the necessary administrative & financial space to run the country in the temporary absence
of a parliament. 03 months cap to re-convene the parliament not practical. That is a way backwards. Covid-19 has provided an excellant opportunity to test the real stength of the 03 pillers of democracy, i.e:- Executive, legislature & judiciary. A landmark decision is expected in this regard as president is the symbol of national unity, as he is elected by a unified country-wide people’s verdict. Parliamentarians are elected by fractured verdicts on electoral basis. People are anxiously waiting to see how the Supreme Court will interprite and decide ?
Mr Shivapalan,
You say “president is the symbol of national unity, as he is elected by a unified country-wide people’s verdict”.
What a load of bull.
The current president was elected in Nov 2015 by sole SB Majority Vote.
Dear Mr. T. S’Sundaram, Long time no see. He Hee? I think you got up from your Hibernation. It is November 2019 (not 2015 where Bull Sh.t YP came to power too by SB votes..with lots of them). Indeed our current Prez is the unity of the nation. Your Former YP president is enjoying his life in 900 Million Colombo residence.