No problem with KP getting into politics – Karu
Posted by Editor on February 2, 2011 - 4:36 pm
The UNP has no problems with the former LTTE Chief Arms Procurer and International Wing Leader Kumaran Pathmanathan alias KP joining politics through a democratic course, UNP Deputy Leader Karu Jayasuriya stated.
Speaking at a press briefing held in Colombo today (February 2) he also questioned as to where democracy lies within a country in which Sarath Fonseka, who helped defeat terrorism in the country sits imprisoned while people like KP are allowed to get into politics.
Courtesy: Ada Derana – Pix by Reuters

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These pot-bellied scatter brained gentlemen are groping in the darkness. One has an ambition of sleeping in Janadhipathi Mandiraya at lease for one night with a 5 minute glory of being the President. The other is a man of darkness, Karuwala J, he was known as the energy minister. No hopes here, my dear fellow IDP’s.
The hope now shifts to Comrade Tilvin and Conrade Sunil.
sri lanka is a joke. people who fight for the country but oppose the dynasty are in jail while people who fight against the country, get caught, and then fall in cahoots with the dynasty run free. how many sinhalese died cuz of kp’s active hand in the liberation struggle? how many? sf is in jail and kp is in the dynasty. lol lol lol
gosl is as big a joke as burma or iran lol lol what morons. death to sinhalese colonalism
DC and ‘Cesspit’ are obviously die-hard diaspora LTTE goons. One is advocating JVP uprisigs as in the past to create chaos so that the LTTE can rise again from the ashes, while the other is bleating about ‘Sinhalese colonialism,’. Psychopath VP tried Tamil colonialsim with the help of Sinhalese political leaders like RP, RW,JJ, KJ etc but failed miserably when MR and his brothers utterly defeated the so-called invincible ‘sun god’. Need I say more!
Karuna and Pillayan left LTTE due to their concern that VP is a psychopath who is more harm to SL Tamils than a boon. Now that the devil has been dispatched to hell where he belongs with the other evil LTTE devils, the diaspora LTTE are hoping his name is enough to strike terror Among diaspora LTTE to shell-out more of their hard-earned wages to establish their ‘mythical Tamil nation’ for less than 4 million Tamils in SL. Let these goons migrate to Tamil Nadu to join Vaiko and company to agitate for Tamil nation there for its 70 million Tamils.
As for KP, he is held in custody, ‘helping police with their inquiries’. He still has not disclosed sufficient info such as access to the secret bank accounts of diaspora LTTE and their movable and unmovable assets to be seized by the GOSL. Until then he cannot be given amnesty and rehabilitated to enter politics.
Is UNP leader RW now reduced to a peon waiting on KJ? By the way DC, ‘Karu’ does not mean ‘Kalu’ which is ‘black’ in Sinhala.
All are wlcome. Anyone can establish a politrical party and getting into democratic way.
Mohamed Shareef Asees
Thank you Nicholas for helping me improve my knowledge of the Sinhala language.
In 1983, I was teaching in Talawakelle and when the incidents broke out, I boarded a bus to Kandy as advised. Within a few kilometres out of town the bus was halted and I was subjected “language” tests by a mob.
String hoppers in Tamil is “Idiyappam” and bread in Tamil is “Paan”. These two words comprised the language tests. Those who said “Idiyappa” and “Paang” correctly in the Sinhala language were allowed to continue the journey. I passed the tests but was held back as someone in the had recognised me.
In the melee that ensured, I lost my clothes and meagre belongings; I was physically and sexually assaulted and lost a testicle in the incident.
Do not forget what happened to Mr.Sarath Fonseka with the UNP.As Mr.N.D. said,Mr. D.C. is a real LTTE disapora,who is still dreaming for tamilhomeland.
Mr Pillayan,
Thank you for your thoughts.
It terrifies me to be reminded of gun powder filled testicle bearing young men and dynamite padded bra wearing young women from your community, parading in the streets of our emerald isle, not so long ago.
I did fear those terrible people and sleepless nights driven by that terrible fear persist.
Added to that misery is the fear of sleepers and my mind keeps on reminding the terrible acts of violence that were caused by the tamil community.
No other community in the world can be as vicious as the tamil community in Sri Lanka.
How pathetic! Gura is still beating the radical Sinhala Buddhist drum preaching intolerance of the Tamil community as a whole, incapable of distinguising the good grain from the chaff, because he is a fanatic, an extremist Sinhalese, a shame on Sinhalese and Buddhism. He has donned the garments of Buddhism and preaching hatred. He is trying to stir up brutal bloodshed of a few Sinhalese thugs against innocent Tamils. He is hoping for a backlash of the Tamils then, especially the TNA and the diaspora LTTE, paving the way for another brutal militant cry for Tamil eelam in SL.
Gura is undoubtedly an anrchist, fanatical, radical, intolerant JVP spokeman representing the worst in mankind.
Mr.Guru you know what happened to world worst ruthless terrorists call Ltte,Same will Happen to Jvp,Because who likes Jvp In srilanka.