‘North-East Humanitarian Operations medals awarded
‘North-East humanitarian operation’ medals were conferred today (Dec 14), upon personnel of armed services and police including civilians- who had directly engaged in humanitarian assistance programmes, in the quest of liberating North and East from a three decade prolonged terrorist tyranny.
H.E the President and C-in-C Mahinda Rajapaksa graced the inauguration ceremony of the national event held at Temple Trees this morning at 10.30.
The award ceremony of the Medal for North and East Humanitarian Operations to 680 Army War Heroes, 170 Navy War Heroes, 85 Air Force War Heroes and 65 Police War Heroes got underway after representatives of all three forces and the Police read out the citation for award of such medals. HE the President was conducted to the main hall in a colourful Army pageant.
Giving a symbolic meaning to numerous sacrifices made by thousands of War Heroes, the President at first pinned the Medals on Tri service Commanders and the Inspector General of Police before he moved to honour other War Heroes who sweated day and night to bring peace to Mother Sri Lanka. Accordingly, separate groups representing Tri services and the Police ranging from senior ranks to the lower ones were awarded the medals by the President.
Prime Minister D.M Jayarathne, Secretary to President, Mr Lalith Weerathunge, Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, Minister Rauf Hakeem, Secretary Defence Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Chief of Defence Staff Air Chief Marshal Roshan Goonetileke, Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya, Commander of the Navy Vice Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe and the Inspector General of Police Mr Mahinda Balasuriya followed suit afterwards and pinned the medals on War Heroes who stood at the main auditorium.
Senior Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Parliamentarians, senior officers representing three forces and police, many invitees and family members of the war heroes who received medals participated at the awarding ceremony.
Source: Ministry Of Defence
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Pity the ceremony wasn’t held in the Welikada Prisons Complex to ensure participation of the biggest war hero. The suspected Tamils who are being held there indefinitely with no charges laid, could also have participated.
The list of persons commended at this ceremony makes up an accurate record of war criminals in the genocidal war.
Today is the last day for submissions to the UNSG Advisory Panel. The Presidential Secretariat should forward this list, rightaway.
There are many war criminals from the LTTE who escaped to the imperial West and have been granted refugee status, beginning with Adelle Balasingham. Perhaps DC, you should submit a list of these LTTE war criminals who managed to escape, since you are in the thick of it. Some are still trying to get in, to countries like Canada, in boat-loads, the den of LTTE war criminals. The other hideaway is Norway. They will probably grant Adelle a Nobel Peace Prize. DC, who is an an avatar of Thamil Chelvam, could submit his name also as an LTTE war criminal. The biggest war criminal is VP, who according to DC and some diaspora LTTE, is not dead but in hiding, like a rat in some hole. May be he will surface one day like Saddam Hussein to be captured alive.
Thank you Nicholas for alleging LTTE committed war crimes. This means LTTE was a conventional army defending a conventional nation and its peoples and was fighting a conventional battle recognisable under the Geneva Convention.
Doesn’t it sound great, Nicholas?
My dear D.C. Think before you Jump,Accoding to your heart,ask yourself who commited war crimes?Thanks god Karuna was giving statemant about Bloody Ltte and how country like Norway helped the Ltte to killed innocent tamils,singhalis,and muslims.I will suggest you to read and listen to Mr.Karunas statemant and then talk.please do not try to wake the sleeping dogs.
Mr Pillayan,
Thank you. I believe you feel good being an admirer of Col Karuna.
I don’t admire people; I admire the truth.
My forefathers wer born very near the Nandikadal Lagoon. I too lived there until the genocidal forces of the Dharaneeshwara Kalyani arrived. I lost all my family in the massacre that followed.
Now I am an IDP living in a tin shed not far from the Lagoon. I see the shadow of the Incinerator gifted by the Chinese Government and every day, I see smoke billowing from it.
But the truth cannot be incinerated. It will manifest one day; maybe not in this generation but in the generations to come. Why cannot the death certficate be issued to bring closure to that matter? Many people fear the truth.
So Mr Pillayan, which tamils are you talking about?
UNSG AP is not recognised by the Sovereign Nation SL nor by the Freeworld. It was set-up by the evil machinations of diaspora LTTE through lobbying the right connections with the money they have hoarded in their bank accounts. The imperial West support it due to vested interests. How come there is no such UNSG Advisory Panel to investigate the vast acts of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by USA and Britain and other imperial West countries who are allies of USA in their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan? Why is there no UNSG AP to investigate the on-going ‘rendition’ of suspects arrested in Afghanistan and Iraq to be tortured secretly? Information on double standards and hypocrisy of USA and Britain have been revealed to the world through Wikkileaks. The director of Wikkileaks, Julian Assange, have been arrested in Britain and denied his human rights, on trumped-up charges by Sweden for rendition to USA. UNSG is biased in favour of the imperial West and therefore a puppet of the imperial West. The Freeworld has no faith in him.
The real war criminals led by VP is now stoking the fires of hell. The few who escaped to the imperial West are sheltered by the imperial West. Perhaps one day they will be brought to justice unless they die early to join the rest in hell.DC can do so also.
The SL Defence Forces sacrificed their lives and limbs in the War of Liberation to save more than 300,000 SL Tamil civilians held hostage as a human sheild by the psychopath evil dictator VP. Some of them died as they fled his clutches to the safety of SL army, their liberators. Hence the ceremony was held to honour them with awards for their heroism in liberating the SL Tamil hostages and liberating SL for ever from evil LTTE terrorism.
DC, in response to your comment no:4, evil LTTE led by the psychopath dictator VP, did not have a conventional army but a ragtag ‘army’ of sorts of conscripted SL Tamil children, VP therefore committed war crimes. We fought and put a full stop to him and the LTTE as terrorists.
Re Comment 6, You are safely embeded in UK or some imperial West country. You are a diaspora LTTE hiding away and dishing out daily all your drivel, to comfort yourself and all your fellow diaspora LTTE. That is all you can do now. Have pipe dreams of eelam. You dare not return to SL and reveal youself. The drivel you dished out about your background is nothing but a pack of lies. It is disinformation. That is all you are good at with your fellow liars in tamilnet. You are full of lies. You are full of shit.
my dear mr.D.c.I am talking about real tamils who sufferd last 30 years under Terrorist V.P. And you are the only an IDP whom i know living in a tin shed with Internet access to outside world, I am so sorry for you.The rest of the tamils who live near to the Nadikadal lagoon their still fighting to live,so you seems to be having good life near to the river thems in UK.As Mr. N.D. said do not try to cheat yourself,you are a disapora Ltte hiding away,and still dreaming.
If Onlanka permits or if anyone provides email adress, I can send pictures from the nanthikadal lagoon including the Incinerator gifted to the Blue Brothers by the noodle eaters.
DC is talking about the incinerator the LTTE used in burning live prisoners-of-war (a war crime) and the captured cadres who tried to flee the evil clutches of the psychopath, VP. This incinerator, we are reliably informed, was a gift from Norway, delivered by RW the traitor, duty free, when he signed the now infamous piece of paper called the ‘RW-VP peace treaty’. Ranil used his copy to wipe his a..se in the toilet. VP used his copy to light the incinerator. It was daily entertainment for him to see the live SL soldiers thrown headlong into the incinerator. Their screams were music to his ears, just as their tortures were which preceded. Some of the unfortunate prisoners had all their blood drained out of their starved bodies, for LTTE bloodbank. VP was known to drink some of the blood in a beer glass every night topped with palm toddy, like Idi Amin or dracula, thinking it will make him immortal. He considered himself ‘son of Kali’ who required human sacrifices every night to appease him.
DC, do send those ‘photos’, not the doctored ones, to our heroic Army Commander and our heroic Hon Defence Secretary, so that they may locate this LTTE incinerator, wherever it is hidden or buried. We could oblige DC by displaying it in the next army exhibition of VP’s torture chambers and torture methods, in the Vanni. Tourists will have paid special excursions to the Vanni to see VP’s ‘House of Horrors’. If you have any more such gems to be disclosed, do share it with us.