Open economy destroyed Lankan values: Cardinal
The open economy has destroyed the social norms and values practiced by the people of this country, Colombo’s Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith said.
He said this at the festive mass of Our Lady of Madu earlier this week.
“Open economy has destroyed this country’s culture norms and values especially among parents. Children were given the foremost place in our country. However the open economy has destroyed this because both parents have to work to support a family,” the Cardinal said. “Women go to work leaving their children with others. They have to work because the cost of living is high. However if one brings children into this world they should be looked after and should be brought up in a proper manner. If your child goes astray the money you earn by working go waste. Children should be brought up with good values. Late Pope Jahn Paul in hi encyclical on labour said a salary should be paid to non working mothers who stay at home to look after their children. This will encourage them and will help them to realize the importance of the hard work they do to bring up children. If not the money a working father and mother earn will go waste.”
He said Pope Francis in his encyclical on the family said the period when a mother bears her child within her is a most important and valuable time of her life and await child birth with eager anticipation.
“They consider motherhood as a blessing. Today many mothers do not want to give birth to children. They abandon their children and their childhood is taken away from them. We are living in a society where children are rejected. No one knows that their next child is going to bring great blessings,
However children are being rejected continuously. At the same time we curse god when we lose these blessings. Some countries give great emphasis to children’s rights. Elaborate statements are made on children’s rights. However the rejecting children have become a norm in most of these countries. The societies today goes beyond legalizing abortion and even reject children who are already born,” the Cardinal said.
(Source: Daily Mirror)

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Colombo’s Archbishop Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith. How many catholic archbishop are in prisons all over the world for abusing children. So don’t come to preach about human values to us. If some one eat human flesh and drink human blood I call him a cannibal. If you eat some thing pretend to human flesh and drink dome thing pretend to be human blood you are a virtual cannibal and that what you do in your holly communal. So don’t give these boring lectures about human values.
Some religions theologically forbids contraception and abortion. These however do encourage unwanted pregnancies through withdrawal in one form or the other but the probably that these methods do gurantee pregnancies. In the final analysis the government ought to investigate the family size and draw conclusions as about the domestic economy.
Sri Lankan fiscal policy need to be framed in relation to the GDP and the balance of payments. Over the last few years the balance of payments have been unfavourable yet the government instead adopting austerity measures to contain import of stuff that does not contribute to economic development. Import of cars. spare parts petrol, diesel runs into billion s of rupees the ultimate of cost is borne by the sweat and blood of labor daily for pittance both in Sril Lanka and abroad.
It is is time that the government ration gas and diesel and ban import luxury goods and those that can be produced locally.
Ranjit. I agree about the wrong doings of some of the priests ut dont criticize the eelefioys practises of any relegion for the weong doing of a few preists. So can we crirsize Buddhism just because some Budhist priests have concubines or .olest their abbithiyas
Stanly I agree with you. Wrong is wrong who ever does it. But these are the people that are so near to this so called God. So when these child molesters who behave like these is saying to me is that there is no God which is right.