Parliament to debate current political situation
Posted by Editor on February 19, 2018 - 1:55 pm
Parliament will take up a special adjournment debate from 4 p.m. until 7 p.m. today on the prevailing political crisis.
Party leaders decided to hold a three-hour debate from 4.00pm today (19) following a request made by the Joint Opposition.
The Speaker convened a Party Leaders meeting, suspending sittings for 15 minutes earlier today.

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The Circus is on, today.
The Clowns are in action.
Go listen Citizens, it will be hilarious !
A 3hour debate cannot resolve the contradictions within the parties nor the contrad9ictions between the two. The coalition had no confidence before the polling to the provincial government took place howeer the voting pattern refelcts the people having no confidence in the coalition parties polling 25 and 8 percent UNP (Ranil) and SLFP(siisena) respectively! This trend if projected to the general election in 2020 would be a disaster for UNP and the SLFP under sirisena iwll equally bad. In the final analysis his debate and it is unlikely that ministers are in no moodhe will not be suppoted by the UNP for a debate with so many uncertainities even the idea of surviving till the next election.
Sirisena ought to give up the idea of campaigning for another term as president. He could save face by resigning from the presidency for whatever reason. But then that would ceate more problems if Ranil is in line to be the president by default!
The SLFP, UNP, UPFA, UNF and all the remaining political parties are ‘Dead Ducks’ with many tired people and others, the young blood, who do not have any testicles.
The POHOTTUWA is the leader of the pack and will adorn the big chair, shortly.
The POHOTTUWA is where we are heading to and reach that desired position of an ’emerging’ Paraya State which is unable to honor its debt commitments.