Police and Judiciary “can do nothing”
Legal procedures were overlooked when Duminda Silva was taken to Singapore for further treatment says Hirunika Premachandra, the daughter of murdered presidential advisor Baratha Lakshman Premachandra.
Parliamentarian Duminda Silva was treated for brain injury as a result of gunshot wounds sustained during the shooting that killed President’s advisor Baratha Lakshman Premachandra. It is reported that Duminda Silva was air lifted to Singapore for further treatment on the 1st of November.
Above the law
Speaking to Sandeshaya, Hirunika Premachandra said “it is regretful that legal process was not followed in this instance”.
“It is clear from the evidence that Duminda Silva involved in this case and he should be in police custody. He should not have been sent abroad without a magistrate’s approval,” she added.
Charging that Duminda Silva has been placed above the law, the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) says “under normal circumstances anyone who is suspected of having been part of the commission of a murder would have been placed under arrest, irrespective of his condition”.
“Foreign treatments are possible only with the permission of the magistrate and on the conditions that a magistrate would impose under these circumstances,” AHRC added.
“No one knows any thing about Duminda Silva’s condition and people have a right to know the truth” said Hirunika Premachandra.
Alleging that Parliamentarian Duminda Silva had conspired to kill Baratha Lakshman Premachandra, Hirunika Premachandra said it is clear from the evidence that Duminda Silva is a suspect.
“He was there when my farther was murdered” she said.
Citing the erosion of rule of law in Sri Lanka AHRC said “The criminal investigating authorities and the courts can do nothing when the executive, by their unofficial orders, make anything or anyone outside the law.”
Baratha Premachandra and two of his bodyguards were killed in a shoot out in Angoda between his supporters and the supporters of Duminda Silva, MP who is also a Defence Advisor.
The late Bharatha Lakshman Premachandra was a Presidential Advisor on Trade Union affairs and a leader of Sri Lanka Mahajana Party (SLMP).

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There is absolutely nothing that Hirunika or anyone can do to bring kudu-D, the murderer and rapist, to justice as he has been placed ‘Above the Law’ by the Executive. Anyone who aggitates against the Executive will also be made to disappear. All eyewitnesses to this daylight murder will be also forced not to give evidence, be silenced.
The Executive has now become corrupt. The government is led by evil men who are without conscience. This happened under JR and under RP. No one thought history would repeat itself under MR. I lament for Motherlanka. What a pity we have no great leader, a true Statesman! I thought MR was such a man, but history has proved me wrong.
The Mahanayake Theros of the three Nikayas, who should be the voice of conscience, to uphold moral law, have failed the country. They have failed Lord Buddha, Buddhism and the country.
No one in the cabinet or leaders of the opposition and other parties dare voice their views against the Executive, lest they be eliminated as well, through murder or through ‘accident’.
The whole country knows kudu-D is evil and carried out Bharatha’s murder, perhaps through conspiracy. The Executive was probably involved in this conspiracy or is turning a blind eye. The Executive is protecting the criminal. He is their ‘flavour of the month’.
My advice to Hirunika is, “Let it be”. Do not even contest the vacant Kollonawa seat one day. Politics have become dirty. It is so, in India and many other countries. The most evil country is USA. They have carried out many assassinations over the last century alone, of those they felt did not play ball with them. Princess Diana was also assassinated by the top family.
Justice is there only in name, for lesser individuals. Bharatha’s family can seek a private prosecution but it will get them no where as all evidence will be wiped clean, scortched.
Only God will be the ulimate Judge. I pray to God to mete out justice, to punsih this evil man and all those involved with the cover up, including the Executive. Already kudu-D has been punished. He will live on, he will be a cabbage. He will have no life left to enjoy. That is his punishment on earth. In the hereafter, hell awaits him.
Well done Nicholas, your eyes are now open and your spirituality is driving your thought. Great news.
Perhaps now you realise what the war was all about. No nationalism there my dear Nicholas, it is the craving for the elusive $ commissions on arms that drove the war dear Nicholas.
It is not that the “Executive has NOW become corrupt”; the executive has been corrupt from day 1 Nicholas.
I sincerely wish Duminda will recover only because he is just another human being who has adopted a life of crime. I hope he becomes well and justice will catch up with him one day.
The Sinhala nation is now in turmoil; the tamil nation has been in turmoil for over 60 years.
I sympathise with the Sinhala nation and hope that it does not have to go through what the tamil nation has been through.
As I sit on the shores of the Nanthikadal lagoon with smoke billowing from the Chinese incinerator, I whisper under mr breath, “May God bless the Sinhala nation”.
Then let me tell you too..!
The buddha & The buddhism never failed or fail..!
Any other individuals & religions definitly subject to failure.
And Then, no one becomes a buddhist by name or by wearing yellow or by anything else but behaving as said by buddha…!
That’s strictly despite any ‘panditha’ names on papers or traditions or traditional positions in this world…! Those things can do nothing in behalf of buddhism.
Then no god come to punish humans as saying by ‘gods myth’ believers.
We all have born by ourselves with contact of human mother & father, not gods.! Those who don’t know that home truth, are “Blind Fool Mad Misbelievers” in this world..! They’ve no common sense…! They can’t see even how a man get birth…! They surpass what’s happening in front of their eyes & believe what they never can see…!
This kind of murders have happened in the past times also. There’re such stories in history.
Evil doers will have dangerous outcomes as the reactions of same evil acts…!
Despite the religion, the one who refuses this “Actions theory”, has no proper idea in what to do or don’t in this world. They swayed to believe stories of “gods creation myth” & that’ll give them a birth in the hell or animal world.
Animals & beings of the hell have no knowladge of what they do. Human Misbelievers also practise the same trait of foolness of self actions by refusing the actions theory. They practice the trait of hell & then go to the hell as a result of same by themselves.!
It is not Lord Buddha or Buddhism that has failed in SL. It is the guardians of Buddhism that have failed. They are the Mahanayake Theros of the 3 Nikayas. They should be advising the Executive on moral issues, so that the Executive behaves in an exemplary manner. The Ececutive should not place themselves ‘Above the Law’. All men are equal. Just beca
It is not Lord Buddha or Buddhism that has failed in SL. It is the guardians of Buddhism that have failed. They are the Mahanayake Theros of the three Nikayas who have failed. They should be advising the Executive on moral issues, so that the Executive behave in an exemplary manner, for spiritual advancement of the nation as well. Perhaps they are afraid to speak their minds out to the Executive. During WW2, Pope Pius XII also failed to warn Hitler against genocide of Jews, perhaps through fear of revenge attacks on the Catholic Church.
The Executive should not place themselves ‘Above the Law’. All men are equal. Just because they are the Executive they should not assume special privileges of killing those they disagree with or of committing evil. This was the way ‘stone age’ man behaved, the survival of the fittest. Civilised human beings do not behave in this manner. They should abide by moral law. Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun, Stalin, Hitler, Idi Amin etc had no conscience, no morality. Hence they behaved according to their baser instincts, that is, the law of the jungle and not moral law.
Kudu-D and the Executive who protects him have debased themselves to their utter shame. No one will, from henceforth, have any regard and respect for the Executive of SL. They will be remembered for the evil they have done. They will be despised forever. MR had a chance to show Obama and the imperialist West a lesson or two in Moral Law, by punishing evil doers, irrespective of their status. But he has failed miserably. Blood thirsty Obama was the biggest terrorist, when together with his allies he destroyed the infra-structure of Libya and killed thousands of innocent civilians before he killed Gaddafi, all because of their greed for oil. He and the imperial West were vandals. They too had no moral law, no conscience. MR had his chance to be an exemplary world leader, a Statesman by championing moral law at home. Had he done so, the whole world would have respected him and listened to him. But he missed his chance by protecting a villain.
There is no Sinhala nation, no Tamil nation, but only the SRI LANKAN NATION.
We give due credit to MR and GR for having totally erradicated the LTTE terrorist menace. It had become the perennial ‘beggars sore’, for some leaders to fatten on commissions earned. SL is now traversing the road to ‘Economic Victory’. It is more difficult to achieve, due to obtacles from our enemies, the imperial West, diaspora Tamils/LTTE and the TNA. But the Executive have made the situation worse by exempting themselves from Civil Law and Moral Law. How can any diaspora Sri Lankans decide to return to their Motherland, to help in the mammoth task of re-building SL and its economy, if the law of the jungle prevails here? They will have no faith in the Executive who behave like a common criminal, a mafia godfather.
Kudu-D may have been saved by the Executive but he will not escape eternal justice of God. I will pray that he remains a cripple for life, so that he suffers and repents at leisure, to make ammends to the family of Bharatha and to all those he had harmed before, for his spiritual re-generation and eternal salvation at least.
Dear Messers ND,DC and A,
Yes we have problem in our hands.It has been there
for quite sometime perhaps has gathered more momentum from
Free Economy,liberal imports and residue from our
thirty year internal conflict.
We should not expect all these vices to eliminated
overnight.Let all of us get together to make a concertrd
effort to rid our motheland from all these evils.
AND DEAR GENTLEMAN, Do Not Drag religions or their
leaders into these petty arguments.For anyone Religion
is sacred and therefore must be treated accordingly.
Dear Hirunika,
In my earlier posting I FORGOT to add a few words
of consolation to you, Dear Miss.
There is no argument you are the most aggreived party
in this very unfortunate incident.However take solace
in Dhamma, young lady,and never ever resort to vengeance.
NAHI VERENA VERANI- (Violence begets violence.0
Dear AUJ
100% agree with you. This free economy is all rubbish. Who benefits from the free economy? The top 1% consisting of politicians who abuse power and their lackeys.
Is it possible to get a a business licence for Bulath Kade in Sri Lanka without a politician’s signature on the application? No, it is simply not possible.
The 1% on top; they have no rules. Actually, they are communists or socialists; there are no rules for them; no questions asked.
But for the rest of the 99% – we are the real capitalists. We have rules to obey and we have taxes to pay.
When the business of the top 1% collapses the Government and Taxpayer will invest money to keep it going. If the business of the 99% collapses, the Law will come home and take away my meagre belongings.
So AUJ, start the revolution. I will join you.
That’s what i mean too. But what a fkng revolutlion…? No one can make all are in same wealth. Individual wealth will be vary on deservedly to own acts. Is there anywhere has solved this problem in the world..?
This can only solve by the Buddhism. Even above here AUJ has advised using the buddhism. Otherwise people only say blindly that, ‘god’ll punish them’ & they’ll spoil their minds with anger by themselves to be entitle hell.
We’ve to develop kindness/friendlyness/helping/generosity etc according to the buddhism to make this world better place for us.
Buddhism isn’t a religion which mislead & fool the folk from fabricated false facts or stories. Buddhism is the real true theory of existance of this world & beyond the world. Refusing to act according to the ‘theory of action’ will lead to the frustration here & ends up in the hell..!
Then, Hirunika took the wrong end by expressing anger to Blue bros. Because if the incident was aimed to break the affair between Hirunika & Namal, then she had to have the sympathy of Namal & show womans innocent nature.
Then Namal also feels guilty. It’ll cause to make more strong affair with him using his sympathy. And show the faith to Namal.
Then she could make Namal, who do what she says. She could win If she tried In that way. She hasn’t learned how to get revenge being friendly & without troubles. Now she goes wrong way & may get spoiled even her soul. Power of a govt won’t care for any. King Ajasatta helped to try to kill even the Buddha. Who’s this Hirunika girl to blue kings…?
Dear Mr.CK, ‘
Thank you very very much for agreeing with my comments
100%.Only a very handful has ever expressed thier
agreement with me in all my life.However, Dear CK,you seemed th possess a very pesimistic outlook in your life.
As for obtaining a license for a bulath kade without
intervention of a politico,Iwill quote my experience
where Iobtained 3 different Business Licences from ouir
Galle Secretariat within a matter of three weeks and
no gratifications whatsoever solicited or granted.
As for your request to lead a revolution, I humbly
say NO THANKS. I am an Octogenarian and hence too old.
Nicholas Dias, one time you were a strong supporter of government and iam happy that you have realized the truth now.Hope all sri lankas realize their mistakes and send this government home
Then who’ll govern this country..? Can jvp ATTIMBO do it…?
As far as one family business is out , country will prosper, UNP, SLFP,DNA can jointly form a govet
Yes why not then we could see a govt like ආඬි හත් දෙනාගෙ කැඳ හැලිය where no one of begger can do anything. That’ll be the prosper then.
Listen Wimale…!
There’s no any other strong leader in the stage now. Rest of them are just beggers. Kingship is the best in govts. But the king should be brave, lucky & RIGHTEOUS man. MR is also brave & lucky, but lacking in the righteous nature now. I think still he’ll make a good king if he has a strong application of Buddhism. That’s what the srilanka need now. The strong dhamma application need to MR & all of srilankans too. Sl won’t move forward Without applying Buddhism. It hasn’t been so in past time too.! All the successfull times in the past of srilankan history it had good background support applied from buddhism to lead the people in right direction. That’s what we’re lacking today..!
Amden’s blog shows the depth of turmoil in Sinhala society.
Julian Chelvin…
leave our turmoil to us. KARACHCHAL tamils have their own STINKING KARACHCHAL to solve. So mind your own KARACHCHAL business.!
World is gradually decreasing into lower level of human qualities. No one can stop or reverse it, but singhala buddhists will be ahead at all the time as we’re now in the world. Others may long why behind us.
We’re less confused than the rest of world. Do You know why.? Because we follow the natural theory of existance of the world in buddhism.
Westerns also only now coming to search it increasingly. They’re understanding that “fkng jesus never be happy”. So Asians who following the west are “අනාථයි”.
We’re the nation who secured & gave pure buddhism to rest of the world. We bear it in highest level in the world. So we know that no one can go over us in this existance of the world.
We’re developing the highest qualities of human & above the human. These things are even not subjec to you or your KARACHCHAL folk or rest of the world. We’ll be raised to the occasion ASAP we did it. Then rest of the world only be wonder & give the worship to GREAT SINGHALA BUDDHISTS NATION..!
Amden, look what I read:
Yet, idiots in our country still vote for this government!! In a way people in SL get what they deserve for bringing people like this to power! And lets not forget. Bharatha was in the very same government. Now he was one of the best ministers because he took a bullet and died?
Posted By: Saman Perera
There were many who suffered the same fate as you.Did you sympathise at their hour of grief and stand up for justice?. May your father ‘rest in peace’
Posted By: Peter Fernando
Whole of Sri Lanka very well know that Rajapaksa & Bros. are directly involved in the murder of Bharatha, Duminda is the wholesale dealer of drugs grown & supplied by Rajapaksa & Bros. Its a well known secret in Sri Lanka of the activities of these crooked brothers, there is a limit for everything, the day will dawn when all this will come in the open & cannot be hidden from the public. These brothers are not going to take all this wealth accumilated by fowl means when they go. The God is above watching all this , he also has had enough, the end is very near.
Posted By: Jerry.
Normally in any civilized society, people expect educated people will make sound and come forward during this type of events. But in Sri Lanka less than 1000 US $ salary depends Professors (Jokers) not saying anything about complete collapsed of country and its social and all fabrics. Are Sri Lankan Professors and University teachers living with clothes or witout. People kill them for not doing their expected duty?
Posted By: Dr Athirupana
Machan Julian Chelvin., you just read & write IRRELEVANT rubbish here.! Such narrow thinkings only frustrate themselves. Bull shits..!