Police probe assault on JVPers in Jaffna
Investigations are being conducted into the incident where Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) member and Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Parliamentarian Sunil Handunnetti and several others were assaulted this evening in Jaffna, a senior police official told Adaderana.
The official said that around 15 persons are suspected to have carried out the assault. Two separate police teams have been deployed to conduct a thorough probe into the incident, he said.
Mr. Handunnetti and two others were receiving treatment at the Jaffna Hospital.
Meanwhile, JVP General Secretary Tilvin Silva told Adaderana that members of an organization named “Api Sri Lankikayo” or “We are Sri Lankans” were on their way to attend a meeting at the residence of former MP Mrs. Padmini Sidambaranathan when a group riding motorcycles had followed them.
The meeting was to discuss ways and means to elicit information about those who had disappeared. When the meeting was in progress, the group which had followed them had stormed Mrs. Sidambaranathan’s residence and assaulted the JVP members, Mr. Silva added.
However, Media Centre for National Security (MCNS) Director General Lakshman Hulugalle said that persons from the area were probably responsible for the attack.
Courtesy: Ada Derana

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this kind of things government should stopped. any one in this country has right and freedom to follow any political party its same for all sri lankana ( sri lankan mean all citizens in Sri lanka)if this kind of thigs continued how we can win tamil peoples.
Dear Saman,
The blame should go to those in power. There are people in high places who command paramilitary forces in the north and east. These people are above the law despite having been intrisically involved in the Tiger movement.
There are allegations that some were involved in the Dalada Maligawa bombing; some wanted for murder in India; some were frontline fighters; some were multi-million arms purchasers.
As long as all these people are protected by the rulers and given important positions and are treated as being above the law, the lives of tamil people and genuine sinhala people who attempt to interact with the tamil people politically or otherwise, will be in jeopardy.
DC is pointing finger at Tamil politicians who are allies of the UPFA. He is thereby speculating without hard evidence. It is good propaganda for TNA and the diaspora LTTE. TNA, JVP and DNA may have set-up this attack themselves on their own men to win public sympathy. It is not unknown for failing politicians to resort to such cheap tactics when all else fails.
Is the JVP is trying to re-group LTTE cardes ? BALAMUKO thawa tika dawasak gihin
Mr.N.D. you totally right,I also thought as much,D.C. is pointing finger at tamil politicians who are allies of the upfa.also you are right he is speculating.two years ago jvp were talking against Ltte,now they want to talk and demostrating behalf of them,Been a tamil person my opinion is we do not need tamil disapora and Jvp in north part of srilanka. atlease now tamil people have to open their eyes,look in to their future,and thankfull to Mr.MR President that after 30years they can live peacefully and without any fear,Ask themself what has LTTE and prabakaran done behalf of entire tamil people.please my brothers and sisters get together to rebuilt srilanka,and will be the best country in the world.god bless srilanka and entire people.
Dear Mr Pillaiyan,
It has become crystal clear during the past 62 years that Tamils are not required in Sri Lanka.
Politicians instigated mods to destroy Tamils’ Assets in 1958, 1970 and 1983.
The State use military might to crush a tamil nationalist uprising for 30 years culminating in May 09.
The Tamils have understood the implications for this approach. The only Tamils that are required by the southern leadership are those who command paramilitary forces or those who have some information related to hidden wealth of the nationalist movement.
If a tamil sincerely desires a peaceful life, taking care of the family and do a job or a business for earning an honest income and providing a better future for the next generation, that tamil has no place in Sri Lanka. This rule applies to the peaceful sinhala persons as well.
It is obvious that DC is a die-hard Tamil nationalist who is too blinkered to see plainly that Tamils today are thriving under the Mahinda Chintanaya agenda for the whole nation. He should discard his red glasses and see clearly. People like DC are only a few, thank God. We cannot convince them. They are too indoctinated with the false propaganda of Tamil nationalism which has vitiated their blood. DC is spilling out daily the same Tamil nationalsim tripe. He is stuck in a groove and unable to get out. I pity him.
For 30 years VP and the LTTE carried out brutal terrorism in SL. He killed not only Sinhalese but also Tamils and Muslims who opposed him. He began by killing his mentor, the Tamil politician who sheltered him when he was expelled from school in his teens. He killed the principal of his school for expelling him. He killed other leading Tamil politicians, intellectuals and business men. He struck a deadly blow on his own people. Hon President liberated the Tamil people in his final war against LTTE to rescue 300,000+ Tamil hostages from the evil clutches of a madman, akin to Stalin and Hitler. Tamils in Jaffna and Baticaloa fled to the protection of the South in droves to protect their children from the madman. Their children was their wealth. They left their land and property behind as they fled. Some were able to flee abroad as refugees. Some are now returning to their motherland to pick up the pieces and start life afresh. Afterall this is their homeland. SL is the homeland for all our peoples. There are no minorities. It is true, mistakes were made because of a few extremist politicians, on both side of the divide because of racial hatred. Under MR, let us now bury the hatchet, do away with all extremism, and re-build our motherland for all to live in peace and thrive together, for a better future for all. This is being achieved, not only in the South but also in the North and East, at a fast pace. Tamil businesses are thriving once again free of the yoke of LTTE terrorism.
DC please do not vitiate this development with your false propaganda of Tamil nationalism. I think you are an extremist living abroad and vomiting this tripe. Majority of Tamils want to live peacefully with other communities as one family, as one nation. There is a golden future for all. Divided we fall. Unity is strength. Turn the weapons into ploughs to make SL the granary of Asia once agin as in the days of Parakrama Bahu.
dear mr.N.D.I think you are totally correct with your argumants, people like DC they do not want to understand real present situation in srilanka.because as you said they live in abroad and still dreaming of Ltte.Let them to dream, all those arguments DC having are Ltte propergandas,therfore ltte or Elarm they are is no place in srilanka,only we can do forget the past and think for the future and work together with Mr.president to achive his aim.Also i like to remind all the tamils my brothers and sisters,we have to take an example Karunamma,how good he get on with my singhala brothers and sisters, and also please do not forget he is also tamil. god bless srilanka.
Demala Chelvan appears to have no idea what he is talking about.
He said “It has become crystal clear during the past 62 years that Tamils are not required in Sri Lanka.”
And then he went onto say” ……. This rule applies to the peaceful sinhala persons as well”
Does he mean that also peaceful Sinhalese are not required in Sri Lanka? Once you get rid of white hair and black hair you only left with bold head. DC is rambling on without a proper idea of what to say. I think he is fooled by tamil chavunism and tamil racism.
However, I can say one thing. As DC said Sri Lnaka doesn’t need Tamils and also not Sinhalese or Muslims. Sri Lanka only needs Sri Lankans. Therefore DC, if you are a Tamil, we don’t want you, you have no right to talk about Sri Lanka. Only if you are a Sti Lankan, then you have the right to talk about Sri Lanka. I think I am loud and clear to you here.
Dear Manjula and Pillayan
Thank you for your support. Most people in SL think of themselves as Sri Lankan, and are proud to be so. As our country develops in huge strides under our Hon President, there will be a golden future for us all and for future generations. Let us not spoil it by polarizing into different camps and fighting each other. Let us not think of ourselves as Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims but primarily as Sri Lankans, working together to build a golden future for ourselves and our children. If we think of ourselves in terms of ethnicity and various castes and discriminate on these grounds, the country cannot develop because of in-fighting and petty rivalries. Let us rather grow in spirituality by living according to our conscience and being righteous. Only then can we be happy by loving one another than hating each other.
Dear Nicholas, Majula and Pillaiyan,
The Sri Lankan nation houses two distinct homelands housing two ethnic groups with distinct cultural, social, linguistic and religious attributes.
The concept of homeland is identified in the UN Charter and prevoius administrators of the UN who were men of stature (unlike the current bootlicker) sought to implement the homeland concept wherever it was applicable.
The distinct tamil homeland has identifiable geographic boundaries. The tamil homeland’s nationalistic expressions has been subdued with military might in many instances.
Two such instances the foray of the Indian Army (IPKF) and the foray of the Sri Lankan Army (in 2008/09).
The war crimes committed by both, India and GOSL, should be tried under international jurispudence and such a trial will lead to the installation of the aspirations of the tamil people in their traditional homeland within the shores of Sri Lanka.
In USA there are many different races, mostly from Europe who have migrated there in the 16th C. The original Native Americans, (Red Indians), are reduced to a minority now. All these different ethnic communities, with their varying cultural differences, do not have different ‘homelands’ within USA on the basis of their ethnicity and cultural differences. Together they form one nation, the American Nation. The American nation is therefore multi-racial and cosmopolitan. The same applies to Britain and other countries which are multi-racial and cosmopolitan. It is ridiculous to say these countries should be split-up into bits of so-called homelands, on racial and cultural grounds. Perhaps, DC should level this argument to Rudrakumaran, who is based in USA and is a USA citizen, who has elected himself PM of a so-called Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam. Why don’t they set-up their eelam in Tamil Nadu where the Tamils number 70 million unlike the paltry 4 million in SL?