It is questionable whether Sri Lanka has gained real independence, says Rosy Senanayake, United National Party parliamentarian.
She made this statement during a function to award certificates held in Colombo yesterday at the auditorium of the Colombo Public Library.
“The police, folding their arms like girls, simply watched while we were being attacked with poles, spikes and bombs, during our vigil and peaceful march.
“We engaged in a peaceful activity, holding candles at 6.30 pm on the 4th of February, demanding the release of Sarath Fonseka, who has been imprisoned despite providing leadership to the brave war heroes who freed our country from the scourge of terrorism.
“Did the officials who are supposed to protect the law, fulfill their responsibilities? It is questionable if we truly have been granted freedom, if the defenders of the law acted in this way due to orders from the top, and allowed such uncouth acts, where journalists were attacked and the Sirasa camera was stolen,” said Rosy.
Courtesy: News First

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I am writing this short article not in favour of UNP or the Mahinda Rajapaksha regime. Time to time I am leaving a response to some articles published in this page as an independent columnist. And also I don’t respect any political party in Sri Lanka. What Mrs.Rosy Senanayake says is hundred present correct. If we go to the past of Sri Lanka, in 1989-1990 while UNP regime, dead bodies of young men and women were burning by the road sides and police had blind eyes with those horrible incidents. Mrs. Rosy Senanayake should remember all these preset and past incidents. There are thousands of stories we can write about the past and present goverments of Sri Lanka, but this is enough for the timebeing.
Dayaratne Bandara.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Dear Bandara,
People like you will always refer to the past and try to justify the present. Your message is indirectly saying ‘you did it in the past so don’t complain about now’. Because of people like you who do not have the courage to say ‘no’ to violence, politicians (UNP or SLFP or JVP) will have the license to hammer anybody because they know they will win the votes of the idiots who are taught to look at things subjectively than objectively. Point is not what Rosy can remember from UNP era, the point is our country being looted by these lawless politicians. Learn to say ‘no’ to violence and corruption without an iota of justification. Thanks
hey rose . u still beautiful . the good old days …never 4get . : )
well said sam
Rosy has forgotten how RP and RW of UNP acted when in power against the JVP uprisings. The then UNP government unleashed a bhishana yugaya against the JVP. JVP leader was arrested and murdered. Some leaders managed to flee to the West, including Somavansa. UNP used army and police units in civies to arrest, kill and burn the JVP revolutionaries. It is the UNP leaders who were at fault then. Rosy has a memory lapse in not denouncing these crimes.
SF has been found guilty by 2 courts martial and sentenced to prison, quite rightly. He is now standing trial in crimnal court on a serious charge of treason for his ‘white flag’ story to bring disgrace to his fellow army officers, the Defence Secretary and Hon President, as he had an axe to grind against these people, who he considered his enemies.
When found guilty, the sentence should be capital punishment, as in USA even today for treason. He should also stand trial for conspiracy to stage a coup d’etat against the ruling government when he failed to be elected President. He conspired to assassinate Hon President, his family and relatives, and leading celebrities and government ministers. This is a serious charge. If found guilty he should face capital punishment for this also.
People like Rosy, never campaigns for justice for the ordinary poor. There is no political mileage in that. She and her ilk are trying to make political capital out of imprisoned SF to garner votes in the LG elections. How pathetic!
Mr anil,Because of present governmant you can travel and live peacefully in srilanka,Also 1989-1990 also UNP governmant killed innocen well educated young people weather JVP or not.And also those days you are not suppose to tell your opinions,Therefore do not talk rubbish.Atleast now you have to open your blind eyes and thankfull to presnt governmant and the pesron like mr.N.D.
The sleeper is back in action enjoying his “freedom of movement” given by the current set of rulers. The sleeper I am sure is using his “freedom of movement” to organise gun powder filled testicle bearing youths and dynamite padded bra wearing lassies to recommence their terroristic actions against sinhala civilians and villagers. This is a continuation of LTT philosophy; build your terroristic capabilities at time of “peace” and then unleash terror on the innocents. The sleepers have even found backers and supporters like ND. Until we get rid of the sleepers and their cohorts, there will be no peace in this land.
Mr Pillayan the sleeper, who are your masters? From whom are you receiving instructions? Where are you hiding the gun powder filled testicle bearing youths and dynamite padded bra wearing lassies?
Come clean Mr Pillayan.
The sycophantic remarks of Mr Pillayan in Blog 7 are disgusting. Mr Pillayan says “And also those days you are not suppose to tell your opinions”. Well Mr Pillayan, what has happened to Lasantha and Pradeep? I have also been reading about this moslem guy from Anuradhapura who has apparently dissapeared without a trace a year ago.
So Mr Pillayan, I add (in your words) “even these days you are not suppose to tell your opinions”.
Mr Nicholas,
Your comments above on Rosy Senanayaka and General Sarath Fonseka are disgusting.
With your background and learning, we, the youth of Sri Lanka look up up to elders of your calibre for leadership and inspiration.
Rosy Senanayaka has written a moving recount of her experience on 04 Feb, in today’s Sunday Leader.
If the LTT were the World’s most ruthless “terrorist” movement, they now have a competitor (who is a couple of miles ahead of the LTT) who is terrorising the people in Sri Lanka.
Mr Dias, please have an inward look at yourself. We, the youth of this country, are looking up to you.
Well, I think it is time for a MMM protest (Egyptian style Million Man March) in Sri Lanka. The Egyptian lost 300 civilians in their MMM 18 day revolution. I fear in Sri Lanka where organised “terrorism” is the order of the day, the loss of life is likely to be excessive.
The Egyptian uprising is indeed, a turning point in the World’s history. It has left President Hussein and his hillarious Secretary of State (of the World’s most influential superpower) reeling and ducking for cover. President Hussein is pontificating (visit http://www.whitehouse.org) telling peoples of the World how to lead their lives such that his falling superpower nation can dominate our lives forever.
I fear all is not over for the Egyptians. Observe who announced the resignation of ex president Hosni M? The messenger is an agent of the spy agency of the superpower? If you read Wikileaks between the lines, you will realise how much power is weilded by the spy agency. The spy agency is run on the basis of rubbish information provided by the Superpowers’ diplomats all over the World.
I fear President Hussein and his hillarious Secretary of State are powerless dummies in the World’s stage.
My sympathies are with the Egyptian civilians who risked life and limb in the search for change and freedom of expression. I hope they will be rewarded.
President Hussein promised change to his people and the world too. But he never risked anything; he is a teleprompter driven man.
Comimg back to SL, will the MMM ever evntuate? Our population is consistently kept below average nutritional levels so that they lack the strength to express their aspirations. Cruelty is not the word.
Responding to Anil, the bhishana yugaya of RP and RW of the UNP against JVP uprising of 89/90 was an overkill and blatant human rights abuse. Because UNP has always been pro-West, the imperial West made no protest. Neither did the UN nor AI or HRW. They were silent because they were puppets of USA.
JVP uprising was not terrorism on the scale of LTTE. It was a mini revolution, unlike the French or Russian, to overthrow the capitalist UNP regime. UNP put it down harshly. Even innocent youths were dragged out of their homes in the dead of night by special army and police hit squads, dressed in civies and disguised. They were tortured and murdered. It was a brutal repression. Our current President was then a young MP, who fought against human rghts abuse. He took to the streets in demonstrations and was thrown in Welikeda prison for his trouble, by the UNP government. Isn’t it a pity that Rosy has a memory lapse of this. She talks about a ‘peaceful demonstration’ on Independence Day, mind you, opposite Welikeda prison to cry for the release of SF, a criminal, found guilty by two courts martial of fraud and corruption. SF is now standing trial for treason. He is yet to stand trial for conspiracy to stage a coup d’etat and assassination of the president, his family and other celebrities. Is this the man Rosie wanted released? Had he won the presidency he would have been worse than VP. He is as much a psychopath, a barborous despot. There would have been a blood bath in SL.
RP of the UNP found a bosom buddy in VP. Infact, he sent him gunny bag loads of cash and arms galore to kick-arse the IPKF back to India. When the psychopath VP brutally murdered the 600 STF personnel, who were ordered to surrender by RP of the UNP, RP was totally silent. No action in response from him. How shameful! RP was a traitor. RP did not want his bosom buddy to be upset, afterall he kick-arsed the IPKF back to Bharath. RW also followed in his steps and became a traitor by signing a secret peace treaty with VP giving in to all his demands. The bosom buddy eventually snuffed-out RP using a brainwashed Muslim, in his own time and choosing. His message was perhaps, “Iam invincible. I am the sun-god”.
I hope Anil you can respond rationally like a gent instead of insulting those who hold contrary views. JVP behave like you.
It is unfortunate Guru is still paranoid about Pillayan. There is no cure for this malady, my friend. Perhaps if the two were to meet one day and shake hands he may be convinced Pillayan’s “testicles” are not “filled with gun powder” nor does he have a harem of “bra-clad female Tamil suicide cadres as sleepers”. Guru is unfortunately fixated on testicles and bras. He gets some pleasure from repeating these words I suppose, like a mantra. I wonder what Sigmund Freud would have to say about this fixation.
Julian mentions about some people who have disappeared. Julian is unfortunately naive. This ‘disapeared ones’ strangely reappear in the West as economic refugees. Danuna is one such “disappeared”. I suppose his father-in-law SF can provide us with some info about where Danuna has disappeared to. But ofcourse SF is not going to give that info, after all Danuna may spill the beans about all SF plans, corruption and fraud. SF has to save his own bacon. It must have cost him a pretty penny to bundle the man out of the country with the help of the very CID who were supposed to arrest him. When they could arrest him in hospital they failed to do so. How much were they paid to do nothing?
Asela, thank you for not insulting me. You are a gent. We can have a rational discussion without getting emotional and resorting to blows like the JVP. I am not a sycophant of MR. Infact I took him to task recently, under a different blog in Onlanka. So much so, Guru was surprised and commented, “Thank you for your outburst against our illustrious President.” I express my views freely just as veryone else who have a right to express theirs. You may not agree with me but it does not matter. We are a democratic society. We must be able to debate freely without insulting each other. We must learn to respect each other’s views.
Nicholas Dias ,ekada dan KARUNA AND PILLIYARRAN RAJA DEGERA. They killed all unarmed police
UNP,JVP ekatuwela SF Amaruwedala den kibulkadulu helanawa, SF Sallikedarakamata Ratapawa dunna, Ubanadan, Ubanadan Ubata Owa Honda Padam.
nicholas dias
so my friend JVP had guns whether its justifiable or not. tell me honestly do you think this govenment will respond differently to that situation? be honest to your self. i know you are benefiting from the government but at least you can keep quite.what is your poinion of thugs who assalted unp peaceful protest? if you have a backbone tell straight whether it is correct or wrong. give me a straight answer in one word without writing rubbish
dias can you tell why ltte killed premadasa if he has given arms and money ? i hope you can think rationally.
in my opinion he gave arms to ltte to chase the indian army. you people should learn to talk the truth without political bias.
dias can you tell why ltte killed premadasa if he has given arms and money ? i hope you can think rationally.
in my opinion he gave arms to ltte to chase the indian army. you people should learn to talk the truth without politicaly been bias.
Premadasa kalle LTTE Ekata Udaw Demath samaga Ratata Kiwwe Demala Marapiya Kiya Kiya Pelapali Giya. Eya langa Hitiya Mithra Demala Babu Okkoma Denagena hitiye Depath nai Gathiya. Wede Dunne Laga indagenamai.
Dear Anil,
Thank you for debating peacefully without resorting to insulting others who hold contrary views. I do not insult you or others. We have to accept, in a free society, that people hold different views. “Tot capita tot opiniones” (As many opinions as many heads). We need to respect each other’s views without trading insults and coming to blows. It is shameful that even in Parliamentary sessions, at times when the debates heat up, the parliamentarians trade insults and come to blows. This is so in India also. We should not copy them but behave in a gentlemanly way respecting others’ views. Anil you also have your view which I respect and will not try to change. But I will listen to you and try to answer as best as I could.
Re RP of UNP. As Rani said he was a depathnaya. His son is a nidan hora. He is now trying to be upasaka balala, to gain power. Do you think the country would be better off under his leadership? During the War of Liberation he did not support the war to vanquish the LTTE totally. He sat on the fence. He has his father’s genes. He may even be a worse leader given his character as a nidan hora. He was greedy for wealth then, now he is greedy for power.
In blog 12, para 3, I made it clear that RP sought LTTE assistance to kick-arse IPKF back to India, which he did successfully, with the help of the arms and money provided by RP. But the fool RP, did not see beyond the tip of his nose. He failed to reason out that the very same arms would be turned against SL Security Forces once the IPKF has been kicked out. VP went further. He assassinated RP in the time of his own choosing using a Muslim suicide bomber.
My friend, you ask me why RP was killed if he had given money and arms to LTTE. Can you answer me why Rajiv Gandhi was killed, who gave VP a pearl handled revolver as a gift, and had face to face friendly talks with him several times to resolve the eelam question? Surely, this amounted to cras ingratitude on VP’s part, afterall it was Rajiv’s mother, Indira Gandhi, who created, nourished, trained, armed and funded the LTTE in India, and then unleashed the evil on SL to create mayhem. VP turned against Rajiv because he felt Rajiv has re-negged on his private deals with him. He killed his own cousin and second-in-command Mahattaya, because he suspected Mahattaya was plotting to kill him to take over leadership and was a puppet of RAW. This was the nature of the psychopath VP. He was paranoid. He distrusted Karuna who eventually turned against him and helped GOSL to vanquish VP for good. VP had no sense of gratitude. However much Karuna and Pillayan had served him well, he wanted them dead, just as he killed Mahattaya, the moment he suspected them of turning against him. He ordered RP’s assassnation because it gave him a thrill to kill a President, at his own time and choosing, despite the bodyguard, to show his prowess, and that he was a demi-god.
Finally, it was our heroes MR, GR and the entire security forces with their combined strength, that vanquished totally the LTTE despite the strong relentless combined opposition of Britain, USA, Norway and EU who supported LTTE for selfish gain, according to their hidden agenda to dominate SE Asia and the Indian Ocean.
Anil, it is wrong for you to assume that I benefit from the current government. I have never met the HOn President nor spoken to him nor written to him. I do not know or communicate with any minister of the government. I am fighting for justice and truth as I see it. You have same right to express your views as you see them. I do not justify the demonstrations in front of Welikeda prison calling for the relase of SF who had been found guilty of fraud and corruption after 2 Courts Martial. It was a fair trial. He is now been tried by Criminal Court for treason. He would then be tried for conspiracy to stage a coup d’etat aginst Hon President and his government and carry out a bloodbath of many leading politicians and celebrities who supported the government. SF bubdled out of the country his son-in-law Danuna T as he feared the worst, if DT spilled the entire can of worms. SF used his money and influence get DT out of the country. If he has nothing to hide, if he is not guilty, why did he act fast to budle DT out of the country?
UNP and JVP demonstrated in front of Welikeda prison for their own political gain or mileage. How can a criminal SF who has been sentenced to prison by a Court of Law be freed through political demonstrations? In that case all other criminals in prisons around the country should also be freed by JVP and UNP demonstrations in front of those prisons. There would be no law in the country then. That is what JVP wants, anarchy. That is why they have formed JVP cells in all the universities and link them up with inter-university organisations and meetings to mount student unrest in the country, chaos and anarchy. If JVP resorts to a militant uprising again, the GOSL has a duty to respond to such an uprising by putting it down by armed force, for the security of the country and peace. We cannot allow JVP or any other rabble, funded by inperial West, Norway and diaspora LTTE to create anrchy within the country to destroy the economic re-generation that is now in place on fast-track. If the enemies of the nation come bearing arms they would be put down fiercly with no mercy. This is not the same as what RP of the UNP did in 89/90 bhishana yugaya. RP created secret army and police units to apprehend, torture and murder even innocent youths without trial in the dead of night, as done by Argentina and Chile regimes in the past. I oppose it. I do not think MR government will resort to such deplorable tactices as it would be abuse of human rights.
mr dias it is obvious you are writing on behalf of sunami rajapaksa & family. yes this govenment finish the war but the point i want to drive in is just because they finished the war you cant justify corruption and dictorial acts. war is over now we have to look forward.
you talk about sajith as a nidhan hora. why cant they file a case against him ? yes rajapaksa stole sunami aids but he got over it since he was in power by obtaining a injunction ordre.
do you justify sunami rajapaksa;s government beeshanaya ?
yes or no . i also can write things which are not proved. i also can say gotabaya has created a secret army and they apprehend.torture and murder even street beggars. but i dont write like that and i always want logical explantion without giving illogical explanations
Mr.guru same on you,you are bloody JVP idiot.Plese ask your wife where i am hiding.
It is very sad that Anil keeps on hammering away at Hon President with false allegations of having stolen ‘Tsunami money’ by which he probably means aid. There is aboslutely no truth in this gossip. It was started and spread by JVP to garner votes during Presidential election. But people rejected such disinformation and gossip as they saw through the JVP tricks. Anil, if you beleive this JVP cannard why don’t you file charges aginst MR of corruption?
I would not be surptised if Anil is a JVP and SF supporter. Such people still repeat parrot-wise this disinformation about MR corruption. On the contrary, Hon President is the only President in history who devoted himself to build the country’s long needed infra structure as stepping-stone to economic recovery while waging the final War of Liberation against the brutal LTTE, who held their own Tamil people as a human shield committing human rights abuse to the final moment before VP’s death.
Down with JVP, DNA and UNP! You are all enemies of the Nation.
Anil talks about a bhishanaya today. I think he is blind and ignorant what bhishanaya actually was, under the UNP. Clearing pavements of pavement hawkers and moving them to covered shopping malls with roof over their heads and lights is not bhishanaya. It is progress. It is making life better for all, the sellers and the shoppers. It is restoring the pavements back to the pedestrians so that they do not walk on the roads at risk from traffick. Clearing the streets of beggars, which is a huge operation run by mafia, is not bhishanaya. It is removing the horrible eye-sore from the streets and finding residential accommodation to genuine beggars and medical treatment and basic physical needs and amenities.This is progress. Removing shanty towns and re-housing these dwellers in proper houses is not bhishanaya. It is removing another eye-sore and health risk. It is progress.
People like Anil, being JVP perhaps, distorts the truth and spread lies and disinformation among people to garner votes before elections. Fat chance!
My dear N.D. you are totaly right,those people like Anil,Gurus they are attitude is always to blame the others.insteard of to ask themself,what they have done to srilaka and behalf of srilanken.Unfortunaly prime minister Premadasa does not live anymore,otherwise anil,gurus,they would have got the same punishmant like fellow JVP leader R.W.
Dear Anil .
Please do not show your baby’s stuff . People like you can not tarnish the image of HE the President MR .
We all know about Rosy and her feeling towards this country and Buddhism. People like them never value the importance of independence. That is what has happened to her silly gang. People of this country has given a real verdict for their nonsense.
Please try to understand the reality without day dreaming like Rosy and dossy.