President calls for unconditional cooperation in urgent disaster response
Sri Lanka expressed condolences on the tragic loss of life and destruction of property caused by the devastating earthquake in the Hindukush region of Afghanistan on Monday which also affected parts of India and Pakistan.
President Maithripala Sirisena, in his twitter account on Monday stated that the tragedy in Pakistan and Afghanistan calls for regional unity and unconditional cooperation for immediate disaster response.
The Foreign Ministry of Sri Lanka states Sri Lanka stands in support and solidarity with the Governments and those affected in Afghanistan, India and Pakistan and wishes to convey deep condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in this catastrophic disaster, and to those injured a speedy recovery.
The statement of Foreign Ministry further states that the thoughts and prayers of the people of Sri Lanka are with those have been affected and it is Sri Lanka’s hope that they will have the strength and courage to overcome the difficult challenges.
(Daily News)

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Dear President
Don’t worry about the corruption and poverty in Afghanistan. Worry about the poverty and corruption and unlawfulness in Sri Lanka.
Here is one corruption you can stop right away. Stop government officials, Police, army and navy using official vehicles for private use such as for family outings, shopping and taking children to schools.
Also stop top politicians like president of SL taking their children to UN general assembly at the tax payers’ expense. That is top level corruption.
HE President,
Disaster response required urgently in your kingdom.
Sri Lanka today faces disasters in many socio-economic fronts.
You came to power in Jan 08 on a raft of promises. Hon Ranil Wickremasinghe first came to power through the back door in Jan 2015, he followed later with a rudderless coalition with the UPFA.
You, HE President, promised crackdown on corruption and return of the nation’s wealth to its rightful place. No visible outcome to date except for media circus and propaganda.
You, HE President, promised good governance; no visible outcome of any sort of governance. Policemen are beating up lassies in the streets; corruption in public service has reached higher proportions. Unbridled nepotism is reigning supreme. Statutory and regulatory law enforcement is non-existent. Parliamentarians and ex-parliamentarians are a law on to themselves.
Your Government, HE President, is borrowing money like a punctured bag of parrippu.
HE President, we’ve known that you hid amidst rubber trees on the night of the 8th Jan. I wish you had stayed there for good.
Hey Ganjapani,
How dare you criticise HE The President the way you have. You seem to portray him as a man without b……s.
Would you not take your lady to show the Big Apple if a chance comes your way? HE The President might have taken his son at his own expense. How do you know that he was taken at state expense?
During the crook MaRa’s time everyone who enjoyed massaging his b…s were taken in planeloads to enjoy. Free grog, b-movies and women. All at state expense!
All humans are gullible at some stage of their lives, including you.
HE The President is restrained from what he wants to freely do due the hooligans MR & co and his thugs some of whom are still roaming in the hallowed chambers. Though an “United Government” poor gentleman Ranil has to always look over his shoulders before doing anything!