President Rajapaksa praises Thatcher’s commitment to fighting terrorism

President Mahinda Rajapaksa

President Mahinda Rajapaksa sent a message of condolence on the death of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in which he commended the Prime Minister for her commitment to fighting terrorism.

“While the former Prime Minister stamped her impress on the political and economic spheres of her country bringing it back on the economic landscape of Europe, she also stood steadfastly against the scourge of terrorism both in the United Kingdom and around the world, undaunted by an assassination attempt on her life,” President Rajapaksa said.

Prime Minister Thatcher visited Sri Lanka in 1985 for the ceremonial commissioning of the Victoria Dam Hydroelectric Scheme. During a press conference at that event, responding to a question about terrorism and a political solution to Sri Lanka’s ethnic conflict, she said: “With regard to my own view about terrorism, it has not varied and will not vary. Terrorism must never be seen to win. If it does, it is the end of democracy.

There is a democracy in Sri Lanka and I believe that, as in Britain, the problems must be solved through democracy-at any rate by all who believe in democracy.”

While remembering the Prime Minister Thatcher’s visit to Sri Lanka, President Rajapaksa, in the letter addressed to British Prime Minister David Cameron, called Prime Minister Thatcher “a friend of Sri Lanka” and convey the condolences of the Sri Lankan government and the people.

(Courtesy: Daily News)

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