President says policy decision required to legalise cannabis in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka President Gotabaya Rajapaksa

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said a policy decision has to be taken to legalise the cannabis in Sri Lanka in order to develop it as a medicinal crop in the future.

The President was responding to a proposal made by an academic at his recent meeting of the series of programmes launched as ‘Discussion with the Village’ (Gama samaga pilisandarak), held at Aluthwewa Grama Niladhari Division in Thanamalvila, Monaragala on Saturday.

President Rajapaksa directed state officials to look into the avenues of creating a policy decision in this regard and was instantly briefed by the latter about the present situation in legalising the plant.

An academic in natural sciences Dr. Wasantha Weliange posing a question at the ‘Discussion with the Village’ programme proposed the present legal constraints hindering the cultivation of cannabis or ganja plant for medicinal purposes should be lifted.

He said the law enforcement authorities treat cannabis cultivators as smugglers and arrest them before taking legal action and then ultimately destroying their crop.

Dr. Weliange pointed out that the Monaragala District is the ideal area recognised as having the most suitable weather and climate for the fine growth of ganja plant or anciently known it as the ‘Kansa’ that used in manynAyurvedic and ‘Hela’ medicines.

(Source: Daily Mirror – By Kurulu Koojana Kariyakarawana)

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