Prices of 8 essential goods reduced
Posted by Editor on August 9, 2012 - 6:15 pm
Prices of eight essential goods at all Lanka Sathosa outlets will be reduced with effect from tomorrow, the Trade Ministry said. Accordingly, prices of white sugar, canned fish, samba rice, red raw rice, white raw rice, dhal, nadu rice, sprats will be reduced.
Courtesy: Daily Mirror

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beautiful, this shows the entire selfishness of the gov.
Grand ! Let the Gov. be more selfish and reduce the price of ALL other essentials B E A U T I F U L !
Complain,complain,complain. That is all our Srialankans seem to do nowadays. If you meet them on the street and it is a hot day they will say Ayyo hari rasnyne ada. If it rainig they will say mala karadare me wassa ekka. If it does not rain they will say masa ganakata apita wassa nane. This seems to be the trend now. No body seems to say anything positive with all the developments happeneing in leaps and bounds. it is very sad tnat no one in writing in this column seems to notice any thing good in the country. Shame on all of you.
Dear SisiraP,
Please note that I am not prepared to take your curses and accusations with my head bent down.If you had followed any of my recent regular contributions, you would have noted that I have been very positive in my outlook and very often seen the bright side of the topics under review.I do have high praise for the developments taking place around me and criticism if any had always been constructive.Vide my blog No.2 above,that is a sarcastic attack on blog No.1.I am always with progressive aspect of the present administration.
Dear SiriplaS,
My Grand mom once said: Weather, a king in a country and your own mother will be criticized (kawadawath hondak aahanda ba). When there is a good thing we have to acknowledge while not forgetting the corruption and nepotism.
I am with you Siripla malli!
It ws not a personal attack on on any one.Unfortuately this seems to be the trend in Sri lanka at the moment. We hear people always complaining that it is so hard to live with the prices going up all the time. But then you go to a supermarket or a tavern in the evening the amount peple standing in line to buy Arrack is astonishing. The same with the take away shops and the clothing shops. Every kolla & balla has got the most sophisticated phones. This is what baffles me.
As for the corruption that seems to be part & parcel of Srilankan & in geneeral our part of the world. But then having said that corruption is all over the world. Where there is power there is corruption.The difference in Sri lanka now is that all previous regimes were corrupt and did bugger-all while the current regime is corrupt and does get the job done and we can see the progress. Unfortunately Politics in Srilanka got worse since the people in power started involving uneducated,uncivilsed stupid thugs in running the government. That will be very hard to cahange now since the people with brains the size of a pea nut are now in high places.
Yr. ideas are rational and indeed welcome but yr. sense of direction is tipsy.I merely commented on the last sentence of your entry No.3 appearing above.That was too rash a statement hence my objection.Please treat me as a friend .