Prices of cement manufactured in Sri Lanka to be reduced from today (July 06)


Prices of 50 kg cement bags manufactured in Sri Lanka will be reduced from Rs. 2,600 to Rs. 2,300 with effect from today (July 06).

Addressing a press conference in Colombo, Minister of Trade Nalin Fernando stated that the maximum retail price of locally manufactured 50 kg cement bags which is currently Rs.2,600 will be reduced by Rs. 300 and the new price will be Rs.2,300 from today.

Meanwhile, the prices of certain materials used in the construction sector including cement have dropped to a certain extent, according to traders and suppliers.

However, the shop owners state that the price of cement has been reduced by around Rs. 400 so far, while the price of iron has dropped around Rs. 90,000 per metric tonne within the past three months.

However, the National Federation of Construction Workers’ Unions urges the government to further reduce the prices of construction materials in order to ensure job security in the construction sector.