Principals and teachers informed to report for duty on October 25 – Trade Unions

Teachers Principals Trade Union Alliance

The Teachers-Principals Trade Union Alliance has informed principals and teachers to report for duty at schools on October 25, and not on October 21 and 22 when the primary sections of schools with less than 200 students reopen.

Speaking to reporters today (18), the trade unions leaders said that teachers and principals will not report to schools on Thursday (October 21) and Friday (22) when these schools open and that, however, they will report for duty from October 25 (Monday).

Today marks the 99th day since teachers and principals’ trade unions started a strike action and withdrew from online teaching activities demanding solutions to issues over wage disparities.

Meanwhile the Education Ministry had decided to reopen the primary sections of schools with less than 200 students on October 21.

Accordingly, the Teachers-Principals Trade Union Alliance held a discussion today to decide on whether they would be reporting for duty when schools reopen on Thursday.

(Source: Ada Derana)

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