Protest led by Wimal kicks off in front of UN office
Posted by Editor on March 24, 2011 - 11:11 am
A protest is currently underway in front of the United Nations office in Colombo against the organization’s alleged biased behavior towards Libya. The protest has been organized by the National Freedom Front (NFF) Leader and Minister Wimal Weerawansa.
Weerawansa told the media that the party condemned the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon against his support towards the United States and Britain.
Courtesy: Ada Derana

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Appu, nee theri illai! Padam padi!
Ban Ki-Moon, the South Korean UNSG, is a US puppet. He is a corrput man surrounded by other corrupt officials enjoying large salaries and priviledges to lead an easy life. He is immoral, unethical. The aims and objectives, the high principles on which the UN was originally founded have evaporated in the mists of time. UN has unfortunately become a puppet of the imperial West, which is led by yankee USA. The voice of the majority Freeworld has been snuffed out. The Freeworld has lost faith in the UN now.
USA conserves its oil reserves below ground for future use. It uses up instead oil from the Middle East. One day, when Middle East oil and gas run dry, USA will use its untapped reserves.
Russia has no oil and gas problem. It has vast lakes of oil and gas underground. This generates huge income for Russia in the world market. One day, when US oil and gas stocks also run dry, Russian oil and gas will continue to hold sway. Will the imperial West then attack Russia to acquire its oil and gas stocks?
The imperial West de-stabilises Arab oil kingdoms to topple governments they do not like by mobilising revolutionary citizen power. Security systems of such kingdoms are first knocked-out by the allied imperial West and even ground forces used, to invade and assist revolutionary factions who have been brainwashed to be pro-West. Revolutionary governments that are pro-West are installed in power to ensure Arab oil and gas supplies flow to the West uninterrupted. Iraq and Lybia are examples of such Arab governments that have been de-stabilised and toppled. Based on these successful policies, the imperial West will then target other anti-West Arab oil rich countries such as Syria and Iran. First, pro-West rebel groups are set-up to destabilise and initiate their revolution. Thousands of civilians will die as the governments of these countries crush the insurgents. The imperial West will then move in swiftly, shedding crocodile tears, to obtain UNSG sanctions to wage war on these countries in the guise of preventing civilian deaths. They will bombard these countries to destroy their defence structures and even invade with ground forces on a pretext of saving civilians, but in reality to install in power pro-West governments to ensure uninterrupted oil flow to the West. Without this oil and gas, the economies of the imperial West will grind to a halt. This is what the West fear. This is what they will try to avoid unleashing all their military might.
How can Russia, China and the Freeworld allow this? Can they any longer remain spectators on the sidelines watching and letting this happen?
In response to the last para of your blog, the answer is “because it is the right thing to do”.
Suggest you join Hon WW in fasting to death at the UN premises until UN intervention in Libya is halted.
The uprising in the Arab world is not related to oil; it is not related to Islam. It is related to nationalism driven by freedom and emancipation from economic and social shackles thrust upon communities by ruthless dictators.
So did the Tamils rise in SL. The sinhalese did rise too in many instances. It is time for tamil nationalism and sinhala nationalism be recognised and given due place in SL.
I hope you refrain from labelling me as a JVP junkhead!
My dear Nicholas,
You do not have to fas to death. The western economies have almost come to a grinding halt. There are atleast three countries in the EU teetering on bankruptcy. The US economy can collapse any time overpowered by unprecedented debt levels of over $50k per person in the 300m population. Economic superiority doesn’t assure leadership and influence in the world, any longer. What matters is social security, respect for people and their rights. The dummy-head leaders in the pearl island and in the sub-continenent should realise this fact befor it is too late. It is suppression which leads Egyptian style MMM (million man march) protests. The power of such protests is infinite.
FM, Spain. Portugal, Ireland and Greece of the EU countries are teetering on bankruptcy as you rightly said. The ‘richer’ EU nations are trying to dig deep into their pockets to bail these 4 countries. Ultimately all will be dragged into the qicksand.
US economy is 14 trilion dollars in the green while China is 5 trillion US dollars. With US embroiled in wars in 3 fronts and gearing to go to war with Syria, Iran and North Korea its economy will take a nosedive. Damn good!
Now that Mubarak (one time friend of the West) has been driven into exile a military junta has taken over to rule the Egypt. I think the Egyptians have jumped from frying pan into the fire. The people are now under harsh military rule which AI has already condemned for human rights abuse of the very people who toppled Mubarak.
In Lybia there is mob rule now. The ruling Council is divided among themselves into factions. The lives of the Lybian citizens have been made worse. The indiscriminate saturation bombing by imperial West has destroyed the infra-structure of the country and has killed hundreds of citizens on both sides. The rebels have let loose a devil among them, the imperial West satan. They will now suffer deprivation for many years, as the citizens of Iraq do, while the imperial West will rob them of their oil from under their very noses.
So much for the crocodile tears shed by Clinton woman, Cameron and other hypocrites! The human rights of Bahrain and Saudi Arabian citizens are abused daily. Their cry for democracy from the monarchist rulers fall on deaf ears of the West. In this instance the imperial West is supporting the evil monarchies of Bahrain and Saudi Arabia because they are pro-west and the West needs their oil. The West does not shed tears for the thousands of citizens that are being killed and brutalised by the monarchist rulers. They are left to die.
JS or shall I call you by your alter ego, DC, you are utterly naive. In blog 2, I ended with a rhetorical question which needs no answer.