Public Servants’ Concessionary Vehicle Permits increased
The Government has increased the concessionary vehicle permits to Public Servants from the current US$25,000 to US$45,000 in a new circular to be issued shortly by the Treasury’s Trade and Investment Policy Department.
This follows the recent cabinet decision to re-introduce concessionary vehicle permits to public servants.
The government suspended the Concessionary Vehicle Permits (CVP) in November citing the huge drain on foreign exchange, air pollution and traffic congestion.
Senior public servants like Secretaries, additional Secretaries, Departmental Heads, Directors, District Secretaries, University dons, Chief Secretaries of Provincial Councils are among those eligible for the CVP.
A source said the government had decided to resume the issuance of CVP in three stages.
Under this concession, top public servants like secretaries to the President, Prime Minister and the ministers will be eligible to a permit for US$45,000 while additional secretaries of a ministry and those of similar grades will be entitled to a permit of US$40,000.
At least 2,000 senior public servants had benefited annually since 2010 through this scheme and nearly 10,000 duty-free vehicle permits had been issued to public servants.
The source said a public servant eligible for the CVP would receive his or her first permit after 6 years of service and the second 10 years later. A public servant will be eligible only for two CVP during his or her service period.
(Source: Daily Mirror – By Sandun A Jayasekera)

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USD 45,000 in LKR is 6,524,775.00
Where does a public servant get this kind of money? No wonder they resort to bribery.
If I was the Bribery Commissioner, I would examine the financial capability of each public servant who applies for a car permit. I am sure we will have to build new jails to house all the gentlemen and women.
Public Servants? 100 people are doing jobs that can be done by 5 peoples. Where in the world you get so many benefits,like idling Sri Lankan public servants.
You have to go to a Government Department to see the difficulties to get some work done. There are junior staff encourage by the so called senior staff to collect bribes.
Most of the time they are out of office and you have to make so many visits to get a simple job done.
They make it so difficult so the people may something to get the job done.
When so many poor people trying hard to out food on the table how can these skivers get concessionary vehicle permits
More loans?
Well said Ranjith,
Not only in Public Service but even in Cabinet, 100 ministers doing nothing.
Public servants are a breed of half wits appointed to protect the interests of their controllers their ministers who get elected through yarns the gullible voter fall for. Soon after they get over the charade of campaigning their sole objective is to recover the millions spent on the campaign. The Public servants are dim witted schemers and any exposure to the public is controlled by an army of stool pigeons running about just as unimportant.
Do these half wits pay taxes 45000 $$$ means about 6.5 million ruppees for thme to stash that much money they must have evaded taxes or involved with the mafia in criminal activities and the import and distribution of cocaine.
So the income tax declarations must be meticulously screened not by the very same half wits who are benefeciaries to the same concessions.
What we need are peoples courts and bring back the guillotine