Rajapakse family is dragging SLFP towards nepotism – Chandrika Bandaranayke Kumaratunga
Posted by Editor on January 24, 2010 - 10:18 am
Source: Lanka Truth
Under the present Rajapakse regime the SLFP is being dragged on an undemocratic path that leads to family domination says former President Chandrika Bandaranayke Kumaratunga.
Ms. Kumaratunga said this to the media after the special discussion she had with the political Common Candidate Gen. Sarath Fonseka today.
Speaking further the former President said Gen. Fonseka presented her with his election manifesto and added she approves the policies and the programme in his manifesto.

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It is a nice joke from Chandrika.
She should think about her own nepotisam when she was in power.
Madam. you could have to make this statement at least 2 weeks early.
It is not too late.
Dear Readers,
This so call ex-president is well famous for this kinds of mis conduct and draging from behind and as Attanagalla people we have never kept faith and trust for this mad laddy since she was and is a true traitor from the start and not like late Mr & Mrs Bandaranayake.
She had similar anti-mahinda campainge during 2005 with mud chuccrawarthi MONGAL SAMARAWEERA but, luckly stpoed by Mr.Dulus after intervine at the correct time.
This story is also purely a fabricated MUD by “M-pilaa gang” which is nurished by CK.
We finaly say, we are very soory for this mad laddy who even spoilt her mother & father’s name with her resent un ethical and unjustifiable behaviour.
We kindly request you to fly back to France or U.K. after 27/01/2010 since we are not willing to here any thing from you since the whole nation is awaiting to support the development war with the H.E President.
11 years destroy the country we know this CENSORED reaction please silence that enought
Srilanka needs a new President @ evry 4years. Otherwise,He Or She becomes currupted. Keep changing Presidency. Also if we realy need to develop the country we have to elect all parliament candidates with high qualification. What. I meant is they should be educated atleast, They should have passed G.C.E.A/Level.
We saw your democracy what you followed for Rukantha , Anoja & Rohan Kumara. ha..ha..ha…
real jokes from Mrs.B(ean)
big joke from chandrika.. We know that she will do like this statement before the election. Acually chandrika told that days she loved sri Lanka. See now she eat sri Lanka and went England.like this leaders ???? in other hand she distroyed country for 11 years. All forces lost their camps at her time. poda chandrika… poda to england.. thats good for Our mother Land
i think srilanka need president ship minimum 10 years.otherwise we can not develope our country. see malasia, singapore. still we need mahinda to stay. konda kelin thiyagena wada karana kenek. rattata adaraya karana kenek.
Chandrikka is correct… We have to finish off this Rajapakse family power on our nation…
I don’t think she has any credibility to say anything. She is here in the country to stir up things b/c she never got along w/Mahinda R. Now she lives in luxury in UK, where did she get the money??
Is she dreaming??
She is be come a really jocker in srilanka….all file directer should take her for next file with Banduler
Aney aney CBK, dont you have any shame. 12 years you wasted huffing & puffing and doing bugger-all. Now all have come together after MR finished 30 year war in just 2 years. Look at the band of “Kalaweddas” with SF. Mangala, Ranil, Hakeem, Somawansa, Sampanthan. Why oh why are we playing into the hands of the LTTE ? What treachery !
Ane me Chandrika gedatta wela wedak balaa gena hitiyanam hondai…. nepotism.. my foot! What about ur brother and uncles and cousins??? SHAME ON YOU!
Dear Arawinda(Commentator),
I do not know your age or your position.But learn this lesson.Never insult a female.If you do it it is like you are insulting your mother.Where did you study?Are you a Buddhist?Have you learned Humanity?
What ever said and done Mrs.Kumarathunga is a very clever lady to run our Main office with mails.She has done a very good job to us.I am not a SLFP.But I am faithful to her.Her private life is not applicable for Presidency.She was superb.She was there with high pressure in our country.But she did not allow the economy specially the cost of eatables to go as today.She managed to earn foreign currency to our country in many ways.Could you sit in this seat and do the same now?You will see stars.My friend you must have a good brain to work with the world.She had all the experience.If you have this habit to criticize females,one day you will be kicked off by your wife. Can you compare the present president with her?She lost one eye and escaped miraculously.She is from a high standard family.There living style is western type.But she was so nice to think about the poor families here and she did not increase prices like today.This is fact.Today all the shameful down graded politicians condemn her program and talk about corruption.But who are the real culprits today?If you are a young person correct your mind.Never condemn females.
Can any one notice what this President has achieved to our beloveed country whereas no other President wanted to finish. I despise politics, but can see the truth. We need this President for another period of time to finish what he has begun upon eradicating the Poison we had for the past 30 years.
Well said Mr D.J.S.de Mel!
Madam are you became a joker now?
CBK was a wonderful woman SL had, she too tried to clean terrorism, in the process she lost her eye. How can you say she did not try ? Would you give away your eye for anything in this world ? stop this b** shit!! She was a good mother, she went under lot of stress as a single woman. She tried to have international standards in our country. Our President MR is a national hero, he did it. Immaterial of expensiditure he went ahead. He was excellent !! He was brave !! His family is everywhere you go, If CBK had 4 family/Firneds MR has 300+ in the govt. They are ruining the country, see Mihin air ? The loss ? Just personal glory ..See Sri Lankan airlines, they gave bonus in 2009 Dec to get the vote. These are obvious mistakes of MR govt. So look they are all the same. if you want to blame they all have ‘hunu’ in the killotte…But the MR family made money …they should get into guiness book soon ? Hope if MR comes back we have a better president who learnt bitter lessons of the wrong doing in the last one month. He was under pressure. It was obvious. He was maharajah in June 2009, see how it changed ? Its all about karma… YOU DO BAD YOU GET BAD YOU DO GOOD YOU GET GOOD, Will see all that tomorrow, who deserves to be the head of this troubled country…but the most wonderful and beautiful country RUINED BY ITS POLITICIANS..
well done madam, bring up more comments like these,it was bit late, but good job at last
rata kanna hadana ewuntaiy.kalin rata kaapu ewuntaiy henama gahanna oone.mahinda janadipathi nisa api lookayata lajjawak nathuwa muuna denawa.kalin hitapu okkoma kale rata pawala deepu 1.Chandrika thawath lajja nathwua nayata kahinna enawa.aurudu 12k rata kaala madi welaa aayeth deesha paalanayata enna hadanawa.ahinsaka janthawage saape munta wadinawa marenna kalin.
Chandrika madam oya den retired wela inne karabagana inna eka oyatath hondai oyage pawule ayage namatath hondai. Bandaranaike pawule nama thianna ada kawda inne okkomala No WEAR aswayo. Mahinda mahattaya ada nethnam Bandaranaike nama den nehe.Rata gena kekkumak thiyanawanam duwawa deege dunne PARA SUDDEKUTA.Eeta wada thawa monawada kiyannata thiyenne.
Madam ko oyage gola balayo Mangala den awamangala wela.Obathumiyath 2005 Mahindawa kakulen edapu eka rate janathawata amathaka wune nehe obathumiya kale okkoma jara weda.Obathumiya ada me thathwayata hari innawananm ey MAHINDA nisa thamai eka hondata mathaka thiyaganna.Pakshaya wetila thibana welawaka pashayata sampoorna kara dunne may MAHINDA.Obathumiya obage mawata viruddawa weda karapu kenek.Vijaya merunata passe thaman ipadunu rata daala pitarata jeevath vechcha geheniyek.Ewa apata amathakawune nehe madam.Mama mewa obathumiyata kiyannata hethuwa mata sulu jathikeyek hetiyata 1970 patan mama SLFP karayek ey wagema mage GURA D.M.JAYARATNE GAMPOLA ELECTORATE.Mata mathakai obathumiya resweemwala evith thiyanawa.Denwath obathumiyage mole pawichchie karala weda karanna.MINISAGE PARAMA YUTHUKAMA MINISATA SEVAYA KIREEMAI.
well done petriotic sri lankan in Attanagalla.
You all have defeted the mud from the rtd.mad laddy.
Dear Saman Madam CBK she is not a mad lady she have a crooked mind she like a DEKKOTH BOOWA NODEKKOTH EBUWA.That is VICTOR IVON call her CHAURA REJINI.Thats she gave her daughter to JARA ENGLISHMAN,she dont have any one in Sri Lanka.