Response to BJP’s Yaswant Singh Lok Sabha speech on Sri Lanka
– by Shenali Waduge –
Response to BJP’s Yaswant Singh Lok Sabha speech on Sri Lanka
The speech by former foreign minister Mr. Yashwant Singh recently to the members of the Lok Sabha was moving and drew attention to genocide of Tamils by Sri Lanka with a 7 point plan proposed by the BJP. The validity of these accusations needs to be analyzed.
Let us take Mr. Yaswant Singh’s recommendations first
1. Urge SL to withdraw its army from the North – war ended 4 years ago. SL should already have had law and order. Let them not run the north on a daily basis.
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. Sri Lanka is a sovereign nation. India cannot ask Sri Lanka where to remove or move its forces. We don’t urge India to withdraw its army from Kashmir!
b. Sri Lanka would first urge India to remove all factors that continue to carry the LTTE slogans locally, overseas and in India in order to remove the “risk” factor that these elements will again start fresh insurgencies. India may well recall how it transported school drop outs including Prabakaran and trained them in India. We can’t afford a similar situation to be repeated.
2. “Let them sincerely implement the recommendations of the LLRC – SL Govt is not implementing those recommendations”
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. LLRC is an internal set of recommendations which the Government is not duty bound to implement in toto just because a foreign nation requests Sri Lanka to.
b. LLRC cannot be implemented simply because it is recommended if it violates any clauses of the constitution of the country.
3. “Let SL implement the provisions of the 13th a plus – SL Govt in its discussions has always promised”
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. The 13th amendment to the Constitution along with the Provincial Council system was forced upon Sri Lanka by India. It does not have the consent of the People of Sri Lanka.
b. The President of the country who is himself elected by the People of Sri Lanka is mandated to seek approval of the People of Sri Lanka. The People’s will is what must prevail.
c. The Provincial Council system should be abolished completely given that it provides no relief or services to the people of the provinces and the large scale of crimes committed by provincial councilors serves as proof. If foreign nations are concerned about the welfare of the people of Sri Lanka they should exert pressures to abolish these provincial councils to adapt to a more practical area of district level governance where it is easier to devolve day to day administrative needs.
4. “Impartial inquiry be held into charges of genocide of civilian Tamils by SL forces during eelaam war – an inquiry with people from outside SL“
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. We agree with Mr. Yaswant Singh wholeheartedly on this suggestion. The world certainly needs to know the “crimes” and the crimes cannot cover a selected period only because a crime is a crime and the guilty must be exposed.
b. A Presidential Commission of Inquiry is thus recommended. International inquiry members should comprise a representative from China, Russia and Pakistan – nations that have openly shown solidarity to Sri Lanka without succumbing to Western pressure. Nations that Sri Lanka can rely on.
c. A Presidential COI should rightfully cover the entire conflict from the very 1st crime committed as those victims cannot be over looked which would be a violation of Sri Lanka’s constitution giving “equality” before the law.
d. A Presidential COI cannot include India into the international observer team for India is a key player in the conflict having trained LTTE and other school drop outs and turned them into professional killers and giving arms and financial support for the purpose of destabilizing Sri Lanka. These criminal acts tantamount to India’s role as a state sponsoring terror must also officially be acknowledged. Punishments aside the world must officially know what India did to its “friend” Sri Lanka.
5. Clear commitment on the part of SL Govt after inquiry guilty shall be punished.
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. Well now this is somewhat of a tricky question given that India’s guilt is nothing Sri Lanka can punish unless the West agrees to take action against India. The Sri Lankan people will accept an apology in the least by India and acknowledgement of training the LTTE and helping them financially and with weapons as well as other militant groups.
6. Let India not merely vote in UNHRC take a lead in drafting a resolution in UNHRC – with the language of the resolution
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. It is India’s prerogative whether it takes a leading role or plays a role behind the scenes that India is normally used to doing. Being stabbed in the back is nothing we are not surprised in view of India’s past records. Therefore, it makes little relevance to us what language used because the UN and the UNHRC is in the eyes of the people just a puppet of the West.
7. Finally – let India convey in no uncertain terms to the other nations in our neighborhood and the world at large any undue inference with SL will not be tolerated.
Sri Lanka’s Response
a. This looks more of a threat to other nations that are engaging Sri Lanka. Not only should Sri Lanka engage with these nations but also build greater ties with the States of India for the likelihood that these states would end up “autonomous” is something that Sri Lanka should keep in mind. There are no permanent friends in politics – only permanent interests. Therefore Sri Lanka’s new foreign policy strategy should be to first realign with our natural historical allies and to next align with the geopolitical realities.
The BJP Government ruled India from 1996 to 2004 taking over from the Narasimha Rao Government that ruled India from 1991 to 1996. It was in 1991 that Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated on Indian soil, in Tamil Nadu by the very organization that his mother created to destabilize Sri Lanka – exactly a decade after India trained the very group in India. The Jain Commission found the LTTE guilty of Rajiv’s murder, Prabakaran and Pottu Amman was incriminated for the crime and the Commission also named former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister as having links to the LTTE.
Where was Justice for Rajiv?
Justice for Rajiv Gandhi meant India did nothing against the LTTE, nothing against Tamil Nadu chief minister, nothing against Tamil Nadu-LTTE ties and the greater damage was filing action in the Supreme Court to demand the Jain Commission expunge the period 1981-1987 because it revealed India’s role in training LTTE and many other Sri Lankan militant groups in India by Indian army and Indian intelligence. The Indian Government also sought to remove reference to the LTTE for the crime. These actions post-Rajiv death indicated Rajiv’s death was insignificant for the greater Indian objective. We see that continue as his widow bows down to every demand made by the very state that assassinated Rajiv and has been planning to break away from India since early 1930s. The actions further resonates a belief that Eelaam is a Christian political strategy. Sri Lanka’s separatist agenda started with Christian import Chelvanayagam and not Christian-turned Prabakaran. The Sri Lankan Hindus have had their place ousted by the Church who acts as self-appointed spokesman for the Tamil people. The LTTE-Diaspora is led by Father Emmanuel which further strengthens this notion.
The BJP that ruled from 1996 to 2004 was also part of the 2002 Cease Fire Agreement shadow-managed and supervised by Vajpayee’s Advisor Brajesh Mishra. The Agreement all but ceded territory and power to the LTTE and is regarded by Sri Lanka as one of the most treacherous agreements Sri Lanka signed. We hold all politicians and public officials inclusive of the present foreign minister accountable for betraying the nation and the armed forces. The CFA was unilaterally withdrawn in January 2008.
When Mr. Singh says “the tragedy of the Sri Lankan Tamils is one of the greatest tragedies of our times” – we demand to know in what ways he is qualified to claim so. Yes, the Sri Lankan armed forces have been in the North for 4 years now. What is the genocide that has taken place? How many Tamils have been shot dead since 2009 to the present? Mr. Singh with an Indian soldier for every 7 Kashmiri’s in Kashmir you cannot afford to be speaking on the subject of militarization given the scores of mass graves and accusations of rape and indiscriminate killings that are already documented by human rights organizations who are anxiously looking forward to using these against India when the time is right.
The Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka have far more freedoms than the Tamils do in India. With 72m Tamils, a state named after its ethnic race why did India’s Tamils demand a separate state since early 1930s, angered by the Indian language policies, Hindi domination and other discriminations? Instead of alleging let us know by point form what these discriminations are. Discriminations must be those in the present context and those which Tamils exclusively suffer from that are denied to them legally and constitutionally which the other ethnic groups enjoys. We would very much like to see this list.
Possibly Mr. Singh has not seen LTTE crimes over 30 years. If Mr. Singh has not seen pictures or videos of the LTTE crimes upon babies, children, pregnant mothers, the old and scores of other civilians asleep or in their homes someone from Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry must immediately send a copy of the last 30 years of LTTE crimes because Mr. Singh used his allocated time to speak of a “young child, eating a biscuit and next found lying on the ground” to come to the conclusion that the Sri Lankan armed forces murdered him when there was not a speck of blood found on the body leave alone evidence that the Sri Lankan army shot him. Mr. Singh this is what we call playing to the gallery and we would have sent you tissues in advance.
The reference to the IPKF is certainly noteworthy given that for the first time we are told that the Indian military casualties in the IPKF operation was 2900 and not 1200. While, Mr. Singh laments in 2013 that the IPKF soldiers has no memorial in India he may like to ask why BJP did not put a memorial given that they ruled from 1996 to 2004 and IPKF left Sri Lanka in March 1990. There was plenty of time for a memorial to be put up for the IPKF. It would be a good idea for the families of the jawans and officers to take legal action against the Indian Government for arming the LTTE that ended up killing the IPKF soldiers because there is evidence to prove that India supplied arms to the LTTE whilst IPKF was in Sri Lanka.
We would like to know what “untold atrocities” were committed by the Sri Lankan armed forces. Give instances, dates and names of victims. All we are quoted are preposterous figures that get inflated whenever an international event is being held. We want to know who their families are, what their names are where they lived. Do not simply throw allegations without proof. The Sri Lankan state has every right to feel “triumphalism” – we suffered 30 years of terror for which India stands also culpable in training the LTTE. India cannot clean its blood-soaked hands from this fact – Lady Macbeth did a better job trying. Did the Americans not celebrate when the US President announced that Osama bin Laden was killed. Osama’s role in 9/11 has yet to be even proven. LTTE crimes last 30 years and they have accepted their atrocities.
Mr. Singh also claims that the center piece of India’s policy is “no military solution to a conflict” – that may be India’s policy but India cannot grudge Sri Lanka for adapting a Just War solution having weathered countless ceasefires, peace negotiations and agreements all nothing but failures giving no solution except to give VIP treatment to terrorists and allow them to fly overseas and forge greater links and purchase weapons. The COI should reveal all these sins and the names of the people associated with it. Even if they lead to the exposure of public officials currently holding portfolios we would like to have their sins revealed in public.
If the President of Sri Lanka organized a “troika” to keep India informed of all that was happening upon Sri Lanka’s decision to apply Just War theory the primary reason was that in 1987 when Prabakaran was cornered in Vadaramachchi and would have been caught India not only intervened but threatened to invade Sri Lanka. This was India threatening a sovereign nation to save a terrorist India had trained. So what is India talking about and who is India trying to fool. India did fool not only us but Tamil Nadu too because India has been selling Tamil Nadu Cinderella stories while all the time making sure no Eelaam will prevail either in Tamil Nadu or Sri Lanka. Tamils need to seriously wake up to this reality. If India is pushing for 13th amendment and removal of Sri Lanka’s military it is only to secure the area for itself and that does not include any desire to be giving territory to the Tamils. Tamils need to wake up from this dream once and for all. Mr. Singh himself says on behalf of the BJP “We are not in favor of a separate nation created out of Sri Lanka”.
The Tamils need to realize that everyone is riding on the “discrimination of Tamil” slogan to simply push their agendas and that is why Mr. Singh himself “sheds tears on their plight”. Otherwise, they should openly invite Tamils to live in India if they were unhappy in Sri Lanka. Now that Tamil Nadu chief Minister is calling for Tamil Eelaam – which rightly has to be in Tamil Nadu the onus is on India to facilitate that because obviously Tamils do not wish to live in a multicultural society and are all the time claiming to want a separate state to solve their problems on their own. India should give this in a state that already is named Tamil State and Tamil is its official language and led by Tamils too. It is already a State run by Tamils without autonomy.
A Presidential Commission of Inquiry with international presence of China, Russia and Pakistan investigating into all of the crimes committed since the inception of terror in Sri Lanka will enable real reconciliation in Sri Lanka. India’s role in Sri Lanka’s terrorism cannot be suppressed or kept hidden any longer. “Facts of history are facts of history” and cannot be denied – we agree with these words of Mr. Jashwant Singh.

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Extremely good response; But we realize all parties in India are now playing for state parties for support at the upcoming election (presumably sooner than expected. I see no other reason in a country that has half of population without proper sanitary facilities, supposedly 1 out of 6 of iits urban population a shanty dweller, with continues power cuts and big percentage without power; huge corruption allegation clouding equally on both ruling and opposition leaders, channel 4 videos on alleged cruelty on its own in Kashmir, etc etc. etc.
So Shenali, is what you (and presume, majority of the Sinhala Buddhists) wish is the total extermination of the Tamil speaking population in Sri Lanka?
And also, you wish the Tamil speaking citizens be subservient to the Sinhala politicoes ( the majority of whom are drug dealers) ?
Thanks Shenali Waduge, for analysis of India & its successive govts. with respect to Sri Lanka.
Other south asian nations will be proud of your work and they themselves will now question India’s presence in South Asia.
A burden we all S. asian nations have to carry. An inquiry to IPKF in Sri Lanka should be conducted befor any undertaking by sri Lanka to follow LLRC recommendations.
As an Indian past Foreign minister wrote few days ago, that India’s handling of UNHRC vote against Sri Lanka, is the biggest blunder. So do we have to talk anymore.
Thanks again…Shenali for the valuable insight~ Another concerned expat from Canada.
Thanks Shenali for your wonderful well-researched article/respose to BJP’s Yaswant. It is factual and informative and very articulate.
Please Hon President, it is not enough that you defeated totally the LTTE, but you must follow it up with a series of well produced documentary films to be screened in SL and in the West in particular to establish clearly that there was no so-called genocide of the SL Tamils but a total decimation of the terrorist LTTE who killed about 6000 of their own Tamils held as a human screen against the advancing SL troops during the Humanitarian Operation to rescue them. We must fearlessly denounce the disinformation pedalled by the Tamil diaspora in the West, paid for by the millions of dollars they have earned through dubious means to oil the palms of politicians in the West and in India to speak up for the LTTE and the diaspora Tamils, who do not care a cent for the poor Tamil civilians who they will try rouse up again to be used as gun fodder in another terrorist militant action in SL, this time aided by USA and Britain and EU.