Response to Fr. Emmanuel’s love for “Sinhalese Buddhists”!

 Fr. Emmanuel

By Shenali Waduge

Interview with Fr. Emmanuel by Sri Lankan Guardian/Nov 2012

The man who rechristened Prabakaran “anna” as “Jesus Christ”, the LTTE as “soldiers of Christ” and LTTE suicide bombers as “martyrs” is none other than President of the Global Tamil Forum – Father S J Emmanuel now self-exiled in Germany and not the least piqued that he himself is referred to as the “Desmond Tutu” of Tamils! The LTTE-Church links is nothing anyone can hide. Afterall Tamil “nationalism” originated from an imported Christian, another S J – he was S J V Chelvanayagam and continuing an Evangelizing of Asia strategy undercover of a “Tamil Nationalist” struggle is Father S J Emmanuel the new God Father! The true nature of the LTTE, its dead leader and its new leadership vis a vis Father Emmanuel helps us to solve the puzzle of the real nature of this elusive Tamil “struggle” – it has nothing to do with ethnicity but everything to do with religion which explains why Prabakaran vetoed every political solution offered!

So what do we conclude when a Reverend Father who should be preaching peace advocates the theory of “giving up lives for a greater cause” and brainwashes boys and girls to “come out to die” – why do those that ask others to give up lives not lead by example? Is it just a coincidence that almost all LTTE fighters were Hindus while those spurring them to die were Christians? 26 February 1995 Former LTTE ex-combatants now under rehabilitation have also confirmed how Father Emmanuel addressed them in LTTE training camps in the Wanni!

The entire LTTE hierarchy was Christians. The suicide bomber who blew up Rajiv Gandhi was also a Christian, incidentally Nalini on death row is also a Christian – the majority of the NGOs/INGOs operating in the North were all Christians and majority of reports, statements against Sri Lanka’s military and its armed forces came from Christian/Catholic priests/Governments and organizations.

Most of the Hindus who make up the present day Diaspora have converted to Christianity and this is so in particular in Germany, Italy and France where they were given assistance to obtain refugee status. Thus LTTE has been a failed Christian conspiracy which makes Prabakaran simply a pawn in the entire exercise – he was ONLY the chief executor of a larger international Christian coup one that poses a risk to both Sri Lanka and India!

Diminishing Prabakaran’s heroism further is the unprecedented reliance on his mentors – Norway. Would a leader regarded as a demi-god, glorifying suicide attempt to flee along with his family without facing the enemy – every Leader has to die honorably to be honored! Thus, Prabakaran was no “hero” but was simply following “instructions” and it was these “instructions” that ensured the existence of the LTTE and the ability for Prabakaran to fulfill his ambition to rule over his own people.

Anyone visiting these areas immediately after the war would realize what appalling conditions the Tamil people were living in despite a rise in Christian converts, new homes that were for Christians/Catholics ….the rest is not difficult to imagine. In this scenario can we expect Sri Lanka to pass an anti-conversion bill or animal sacrifice bill in a nation with over 70% Buddhists?

Its time TNA wake up to realities because this “campaign” for the Tamil people appear to be selective and discriminative of Hindus. The question is “Which Tamil People” – for there is a large number of Tamils not included into this campaign when people like Rev. Father Emmanuel goes preaching his religion tying that to “Eelaam” where does that leave the Hindus either in Tamil Nadu or Sri Lanka? In a post-LTTE phase led by pro-Christian/Catholic organizations and leaders there is little place for the Tamil Hindus who have their caste system to blame. Hindu Affairs Minister Maheswaran himself said that over 7000 Hindu families had been converted during the past several decades.

The response and solution to the rigid Tamil caste factor has been to “Christianize” the Tamils of Sri Lanka. Once that is done the final objective is not a Tamil Eelaam but a Tamil Christian Nation combined with Tamil “Christianized” Tamil Nadu. There is little to be surprised that the Church and international missionary organizations exploit and incite conflicts to forge ahead with their objective. Bulk of NGO funds come from Christian missionaries.

The Global Tamil Forum

Presently headed by Father S J Emmanuel holds together 14 organizations (some in partnership with Nediyavan aka Perinbananayakam Sivaparan) and include British Tamil Forum, British Tamil Conservatives, TGTT, Nediyavan Faction and TGTE (the brainchild of KP whose idea has been usurped by Rudrakumaran – Incidentally, the TGTE has been denied permission to use the Brent Town Hall to celebrate Prabakaran’s murders after objections by the Sri Lankan Forum in UK!)

Suren Surendran is spokesman for both British Tamil Forum and Father Emmanuel’s Global Tamil Forum.

The links are clear – GTF’s founding members include Australian Tamil Congress, British Tamil Forum, Holland Tamil Cultural Center, Tamils Forum Malaysian, Norwegian Council of Eelaam Tamils, Swedish Tamil Forum, United States Tamil Political Action Council, Canadian Tamil Congress (CTC), its Communications Director Sahilal Sabaratnam was arrested by FBI in 2006 and Amnesty International accepted CTC’s Canadian $50,000 while Human Rights Watch says LTTE raises money from Canada’s 250,000 Tamils and other nefarious activities.

Its vision like all other Tamil organizations overseas is clear – “self-determination”, “democratic self-rule” in a “traditional homeland”.

The International Crisis Group has described GTF as “a conglomerate of elite personality-driven pro-LTTE organizations” – we couldn’t agree more!

Father Emmanuel’s links with LTTE is nothing he can deny. He addressed the Anton Balasingham memorial in Germany in 2009 with the LTTE flag decorating the podium, he has been encouraging Tamils to carry out suicide missions and kill themselves – what priest would do that? He was deported from India for links with LTTE in 2011 but he also said to have had secret meetings with Sonia Gandhi, a Catholic Italian!

GTF Conference were hosted by the British, the architects of division inside the British Parliament where the opening speech was delivered by none other than former Foreign Secretary David Miliband described as the “brainiest in the cabinet” by Tony Blair while Conservative shadow Secretary William Hague and Liberal Democrat Ed Davey also addressed the gathering. The event was attended by African National Congress MP, Rev. Jesse Jackson and not surprisingly a representative of the Royal Norwegian Government. Greetings had been sent by David Cameron and how could we miss Robert Blake.

These meetings are certainly not to weep over the plight of any Tamil and that’s for sure – each with their own agendas meeting to coordinate on how to serve the piece of cake! The number of foreign parliamentarians linked to these pro-LTTE organizations are many and they all need to be thoroughly investigated including their bank accounts including former Labor MP John Ryan who heads the Nediyavan Faction Secretariat in London with 5 permanent staff though LTTE remains banned in UK.

If in spite of equating Prabakaran to Jesus Christ,  the Vatican remained silent. It goes without saying that despite all the Diaspora pro-LTTE fronts interlinked in some way or the other foreign Governments are reluctant to take any decisive action in terms of launching an international investigation in all the nations they raise funds. The entire leadership hierarchy of these pro-Ltte fronts starting with Father Emmanuel must be investigated for illegal activities that include terrorism, money laundering, human smuggling and narcotics. If Raj Rajaratnam was investigated and found guilty what is stopping from investigating Father Emmanuel, Rudrakumaran, Suren Surendiran, Nediyavan and a host of others? If the US Congress is investigating Republican Michael Grimm who initiated the US Resolution against Sri Lanka (and was lobbied by pro-LTTE groups) for soliciting and accepting illegal campaign contributions these front organizations and foreign politicians associated with them must all be investigated forthwith in a global cleanup operation.

If German authorities take action against Nazi organizations why are they silent on Fr. Emmanuel for spreading racism while aiding and abetting a terrorist organization masquerading as a priest of peace.

Yet, Australian Tamil Congress organizers of a visit by Father Emmanual to Australia in February 2011 worded their invitation as “your opportunity to meet with a person whom Rev. Jessie Jackson, the rights activist in USA described as the “Archbishop Tutu of the Tamil struggle”. Would Tutu or Jessie Jackson advocate innocent youth to take up arms, to commit suicide killings and swallow cyanide capsules? If this comment is not amusing enough Father Emmanuel had wanted Anton Balasingham to name him for the Nobel Peace prize and we know who awards the Nobel Prize!

However, the Don of the LTTE Diaspora fronts would not have expected to get booed at a meeting organized by them but the unbelievable did happen in July 2012 where the hecklers denied presentations of Father Emmanuel and Suren Surendiran and there only 50 invitees! Where is the MILLIONS collected by GTF, BTF and others going because it is not being received by the Tamil people in Sri Lanka and this was confirmed by the Canadian Parliamentary delegation that arrived in Sri Lanka recently.

GTF is also receiving funds from NGOs and “friendly” Governments – WHO ARE THESE FRIENDLY GOVERNMENTS that are giving tax payers money to terrorism promoting organizations?

The concern of the attendees were what is happening to the MILLIONS that is collected! Raj Rajaratnam alone raised $7million during the tsunami half of which went to banned Tamil Rehabilitation Organization and none of that went towards any tsunami relief. Rightly so and not a single LTTE front organization or Father Emmanuel seems to adequately respond.

Even the films and documentaries being made against Sri Lanka have a Catholic focus – Norwegian film maker Beate Arnestad’s “My Daughter the Terrorist” is of 2 young, Catholic Tamil females. Was it a surprise that J N Dixit former Indian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka in his book Assignment Colombo, on page 228 says “…what was fascinating was that the Tamil Catholic Clergy kept arguing in favour of the LTTE throughout my tenure in Sri Lanka…” Throughout the conflicts the Church representatives have had regular meetings with Prabakaran. Those Christians not falling into the line of thinking and action were bumped off like TNA MP for Batticoloa Joseph Pararajasingham.

In an interview with Nilantha Ilangumuwa for the Sri Lanka Guardian in November 2012 – Fr. Emmanuel says he “loves” Sinhalese Buddhists. A similar love slogan was uttered by Prabakaran a month before LTTE killed Gamini Dissanayake.

Can we believe Father Emmanuel when he says he “loves” Sinhalese Buddhists but gives a statement “Prevent the colonization of the homeland of the Tamil people by the Sinhala majority community”? Perhaps he is not aware that there are more Tamils living amongst the Sinhalese than there is in the North and is this “colonization” of Sinhala areas by Tamils if we were to use Father Emmanuels argument in reverse? Since LTTE ran a defact Tamil area for 30 years shouldn’t it have been the Tamils living amongst the Sinhalese to cry foul over “ethnic discrimination” (if there was any) not those living amongst their own people????

Father Emmanuel may like to explain if he likes Sinhalese Buddhists so much why he chose to remain silent over LTTE’s targeting of the sacred Sri Maha Bodiya killing Buddhists in prayer, or shooting at the Dalada Maligawa and would any human chop up with swords 30 student Buddhist priests at Aranthalawa in Amparai one after the other in 1987? Would a priest allow LTTE to attack Buddhist temples, or murder Buddhist priests in cold blood? With such guilt and blood on their hands can people like Father Emmanuel pretend to act like a saint – it is now clear all the killings of innocent civilians in Sri Lanka had the tacit approval of many Prabakarans – those living overseas and they may have even ordered such!

Sri Lanka’s Tamil Hindu leaders unfortunately are caught in the same trap as the Sinhala Buddhist leaders and it would be good if they finally woke up to realities without being only immersed in acquiring wealth and power – that the Roman Catholic and Christian Church is out to destroy Buddhism and Hinduism in both Sri Lanka and India is the challenge – what is their counter-strategy?

The Church creates conflicts for Conversions a sinister plan that its loyal followers are totally oblivious to and do not play any role in – we do not find fault with any Christians or Catholics oblivious to the heinous designs of their leaders who have blood on their hands – those who go to Church to pray will never plan to kill people it is only others who use the Church as a mask and to this include the Sinhala Christians who do not have or want to anything to do with the LTTE!

The Roman Catholic and Christian Church has exploited Tamil nationalism in Sri Lanka to strengthen its foothold in Tamil Nadu. LTTE was a tool of the West to balkanize the region and weaken the Tamil HINDU identity masquerading as fighting the Sinhalese Buddhists – the Sri Lanka armed forces made that an impossibility though the threats and challenges are far from over – given that the Tamil Hindus remain in slumber as well as the Sinhala Buddhist leaders!

How should we address the situation knowing the facts!

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