Royal Mail apologises over ‘Tamil Tiger’ stamps
Sri Lanka has reacted furiously to a spate of “personalised” foreign postage stamps bearing the image of slain Tamil Tiger rebel supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran.
The stamps, from Britain, Canada and France, were reportedly put together by overseas Tamil Tiger support groups, using services sanctioned by state postal agencies that allow people to combine personal photos with official stamps.
“Sri Lanka has protested in the strongest possible terms and made it clear that any foreign mail with these stamps will not be welcome in Sri Lanka,” a foreign ministry official told AFP on Friday.
The official said they were the work of a “terrorist rump” trying to keep the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) alive after their final military defeat by Sri Lankan troops in May 2009.
Following a formal complaint, Britain’s Royal Mail apologised “for any distress caused” and said it had blocked the offending stamp and cancelled the account it was created on.
Earlier this month, the foreign ministry called in the French ambassador to register its “acute concern” over similar stamps that had been put together there.
As well as images of Prabhakaran — killed in the final military offensive against the LTTE — the stamps showed the LTTE flag with its sword-crossed tiger emblem.
The LTTE is listed as a terrorist organisation by the European Union and Canada, as well as the United States.
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Britain, Canada, France, USA and Australia are LTTE supporting countries, though they have listed LTTE as a terrorist organisation. That is why they have provided refuge for LTTE cadres who have fled SL to these countries and allow diaspora Tamils to collect money for their cause through bogus charities and businesses. Even credit card fraud by these diaspora Tamils are overlooked!
Would the West have supported Taleban and Al Qaeda militants in this manner? Even today these Islamic militants are being hunted down, arrested, held incarcerated indefinitely without trial and even tortured. Leaders of USA and Britain, past and present, are not charged with ‘war crimes’ and ‘crimes against humanity’ and ‘human rights abuse’. Why do these countries and UNHRC, AI and HRW practice such double standards against SL? This is because LTTE are held in warm regard by the West, even though listed as a terrorist organisation, in name only. They do not see LTTE as a threat to the West. They even regard LTTE as an organisation they could do ‘business’ with, that is, use them as a tool in the future, in domination of SE Asia by USA. USA agenda is to have a huge military base in the SL through TNA/neo-LTTE by helping them militarily to topple GOSL, as the Gadaffi regime was toppled. TNA/LTTE rump, diaspora Tamils and JVP/JAM are hoping and even conspiring with Britain and USA such action in the near future. Hence diaspora Tamils have donated cash generously for Obama’s ensuing election campaign and victory.
The GOSL needs to be highly alert to prevent this evil agenda of the heinous imperial West through diaspora Tamils/neo-LTTE. Any letters from the West from diaspora Tamils, bearing postage stamps printed illegally in the West, should not be delivered. They should not be even returned but destroyed instead.
Dayan Jayathilake is one of our best Ambassaors. He is the right man for the post. He has done some immense and untiring work to promote the good image of SL and the GOSL against its detractors, includung Udurawana. It is more likely that Udurawana is in the filthy habit of picking his nose as he has nothing better to do.
USA has a superiority complex. Whichever party comes to power, USA has to maintain its domination of the world through the threat of military power. It is continually building this power against the other two superpowers, China and Russia. I hope China will become a hyperpower and give USA its comeuppance.
The GOSL needs to build its military strength with the aid of China and Russia to forestall any evil ambitions of imperial USA and its allies. We need to make urgent Defence Pacts with both China and Russia against USA and its allies. Let China have a base in SL. To hell with India! I can’t understand why some misguided naive people still call India, ‘Big Brother’. Just because India is our nearest neighbour we should not regard it as our big bro. Neither should we regard it so, just because we migrated from North India in 6th C BC. India is a devious country and filthy country. There are millions below the poverty belt. This is inhuman. It cares more for its ‘sacred cows’ and ‘sacred monkeys’ than the poor people. The Dalits are regarded with disdain as ‘low caste’. Mahathma Gandhi rightly called them ‘Harijan’, meaning ‘Children of God’. He wanted them treated well with eqaual rights and not with contempt. The trade pacts with India are lopsided in India’s favour to our detriment. Isn’t it time we review these pacts and sign up with China instead, who will give us a better deal with better quality products at cheaper rates?
USA is led by the nose by its powerful Jewish lobby. That is why USA turns a blind eye to the gross war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestine population. Isn’t it time Palestine is declared a sovreign nation by the UN? Only Israel and the US powerful Jewsih lobby is preventing this. This shows the double standard of USA and its allies.
own Oh dear! I have stepped on Udurawana’s toes, in response to his unsolicited and totally unfair attack, in Blog 2, on our best Ambassador, Dr Dayan Jayathileka in USA. Udu went on to abuse him by suggesting DJ may be dreaming and picking his nose. Udu accuses DJ of this filthy habit because he may be doing it himself, when he has nothing better to do. In Psychology such an accusation is called, ‘Self Projection’. Udu then turned all his guns on me.
I am indeed hoping to be a nonagenerian, to continue to do a lot of good work. I wish you also long life, old boy!
I wonder whether this guy Udu is a JVP/JAM or a SF supporter, from his style of writing. He may even be a diaspora Tamil wearing a Sinhala sounding label. There were a few such guys, such as our friend, ‘Pora Dias’, who was really ‘Diaspora’ with the anagram split and turned into a Sinhala name. Udu, can you help by giving a bit more information about yourself, when you have stopped digging for gold? Your insults to me doesn’t bother me at all. It tells a lot about your own nature. I pity you. I hope you can make better contribution to this forum than insult others. If you find my comments too long, the solution is simple. Just don’t read them.
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
O Udurawana,
We in the orient are never taught to insult our Seniors.Even the old Romans believed in “Seniores Priores’and in their Judiciary ‘the judges wear a wig to denote seniority and maturity,which practice we also follow todate.ND is not an octogenarian as yet ,he is only a septuagenarian at the moment.He didn’t mind it but your insult reveals your half baked education,low mentality and poor breed.If you are unable to meet his well founded arguments,why resort to insult?
ND and myself are in the twilight of our lives.We have no malice towards anybody but take pleasure in contributing our little mite to make On Lanka more interesting and also to make our otherwise dull life more lively.Being Pensioners,we admit we have a lot of time to make our entries more forceful.You seem to hate it.How very wicked? Please learn to be more tolerant.
Dear AUJ,
Thanks for your kind support. I appreciate it. It is well put together. I hope Udurawana understands my proverb, “People in glass houses should not throw stones”.
For Udu’s understanding let me explain to him. It means, you should not insult others and not expect them to retaliate by insulting you in turn. Udu insulted our best Ambassador in USA. When I insulted Udu back in the same vein, on behalf of DJ, Udu took offence and showed his character by using foul language at me. As you rightly said, dear AUJ, this man appears to be low bred, like his “..pal Mervin the vermin” who he is going to set up against me. ‘Birds of the same feather’ I suppose. Actually, MS will take exception to this goon for calling him “vermin”. So more likely he will send his gorillas to tear Udu apart, after tying him to a tree.
Anyway, Udurawana, please disregard our little spat and go on writing, something worthwhile for a change and patriotic, instead of siding with the enemies of Motherlanka.
“Ayubovan” to you and I hope no one will insult you in the evening of your life
I have re-read the Blogs under this news item in the last couple of minutes.
Today is Thai Pongal day, a day in which ND’s most beloved tamil bretheren celebrate the first harvest for the new year,
Based on the significance of the day which points to new beginnings for the year, I offer a truce to ND and AUJ.
I will let uncle Mervyn the vermin struggle with his current trials and tribulations and shall burden him any further.
Gents, accept my truce and let’s be friends again and continue with the excellent blogging in good faith and mutual respect.
Happy Thai Pongal.
Sorry, it should be “shall not burden him any further”.
My Dear Udurawana,
You have renounced all your evil thoughts and ways within a matter of few minutes.After all you are human and should therefore stand to correction.YOU have done it in great fashion.I on my part will clasp your right hand very firmly,you might even feel my exited heartbeats,and place my left hand over our clasped hands to express my sincerity.We can agree to disagree depending on our convictions but let our gentlemanly manners be not abdicated.A valuable piece of advice to you my friend,never resort to vermins,goons or underground gangs to fight for your cause while you are hidin under you bed.Our Sinhala LION race never went to war with the enemy in disguise .They always led from front.
Dear Udurawana you shall be our friend for life.I am sure my friend ND will be very happy.
When I read Udurawana’s blog 10 where he wanted me tortured by, “…NG’s teeth be extracted with no anaesthetic..”, I thought to myself, “Here we go again. A brother of VP perhaps”.
Anyway, now that Udurawana has sort of filled with remorse and called a truce due to Thai Pongal celebrations, I am happy to let the matter rest and hope he continues to provide his opinions in a courteous manner to all.
Happy Thai Pongal to all the bloggers and readers too!
Udurawana appears to be having deep psychotic problems. One day he offers a truce in the spirit of Thai Pongal and the next day, he is blood-letting.
Maybe a Freudian analyst can help the guy who disowns his own writing.
Nicholas and AUJ, I stand shoulder to shoulder with you in dealing with Udurawana; please be assured of my unstinted support.
Conflict and confrontation will not get us anywhere; it is empathy and understanding that will lead the way to get comrade Udurawana back on track.
Dear All,
I am afraid Udurawana is having a psychiatric breakdown. He is denying his own Blogs 7-14. He has withdrawn his seeming apology, on second thoughts, and attribute it to ghosts of others. The guy is delusional and hallucinating. He is lacking in moral education. Even children who grew up in a slum in dire poverty can turn out to be gems with good character! But Udu is something else! It is a dishonour to the animal to compare him to such an animal. He wants so many of us to be thrown into a rubbish bin. What a laugh! Udu, you are already in a cesspit of your own making! Enjoy it while you can!
Dear Nicholas,
I certainly do agree with you.
What Udurawana needs is not insult and labelling; we are not competent trained professionals to analyse and conclude on his pitiable situation.
What Udurawana needs is empathy, kindness and counselling. I am incapable of doing that on-line.
I leave that you and to AUJ.
But I will add a silent word in my prayer tonight to call for divine assistance to Udurawana to energise his will to lead a normal life.
This man is beyond correction.Unfortunately his parents,his seniors,his teachers and even religious dignatories seem to have very miserably failed to make this man a civilised member of our community.He is definitely a case for the psychiatrist.He has not been fed with human breast milk,there is not an iota of human qualities in him that only Darwin’s theory can explain his origin.
Dear NA ,your coming to our defence is a great solace and a tower of strenght for us .Thank you.
I am in mood to join you in your fantastic exposure of your lunacy touching almost the entrance of vulgar and indescent behaviour.You are puerile trying to scare us .with billas and hence need no more comments.I quit.
Dear Administrator,
The blogger who calls himself Udurawana is spoiling this forum for healthy debate on topical news items published in your esteemed website by insulting other bloggers using filthy language. He is therefore no gentleman. He is making this website distasteful for decent bloggers. I hope you could kindly edit him out. In the meantime I will not respond to his foul insults. Thank you.
There is a Fake Udurawana, who insulting others.
Real Udurawana doesn’t behave like that.
I removed those fake comments.
If this happen again please inform me through info@onlanka.Net (.Net not .Com)
Dear Administrator,
We are all grateful to you for removing all those obscene comments against bloggers by this Udururawana (fake). Please also remove the obscene comment in Blog 11 by him, to keep this website clean and respectable, as it is read by many around the world.
Thank you ever so much!
May God bless you Sir!
Dear AUJ and Nelson A,
Now that the Administrator has kindly removed the obscene comments by the fake Udurawana, against us, I do hope you will continue to contribute undeterred your most welcome and refreshing comments, to make the world a better place for all mankind.
God bless you all!
Thank god you managed to get rid of the fake which I could not even after my personal pleading. You need to use your charm to bring back to the forum Demala Selvan the well balanced tamil gentleman. NA too appears to bring some fresh breath to this forum.
Thank you ND, your effort to get rid of this fake vulgar blogger is a great satisfaction to all the descent readers of Onlanka.In fact dear ND I was a bit upset and my conscience pricking at me about the unkind remarks about his parentage etc.Iwas really provoked but now thanks to you effort and the Administrator’s kind intervention matters are sorted out much to our satisfaction, I shall continue to see you in this forum. It is a pleasure. Thank you
Thank you for coming back. For a moment I thought the rascal imposter had given you a knockout blow in your twilight years. Bless your soul. You are amongst like minded bloggers now, be happy.
Happy new year to you all, I was having a well deserved break.
I had some fun here reading one of the longest list of comments in recent times on OnLanka form. Unfortunately only 2 of the 25 odd comments were related to the article and the rest were just conflict between forum members.
Since I missed all of the fake Udurawana comments except one, I just assume from the comments by ND, NA , AUJ and the Administrator that the Fake Udu’s comments must have been very cruel and vicious. Unfortunately it appears that the true Udu might have been put to some discomfort by this guy who has no courage to appear as himself, which is also a symptom of inferiority complex, lack of confidence and insecurity.
However, this foolish “Fake Udu” can and will appear again like a virus, may be in a slightly different name, such as “Pol Mudu” (very relevant). In the mean time, the black mark created by this guy on the name “Udu” can reflect badly on the tru Udu in other posts where other readers didn’t notice what happened here in this post.
Therefore I suggest true Udu to change to a different username(“Trueravana” or “Truduravana” are few suggestions). Only a friendly suggestion Udu, please don’t get offended.
In the mean time I feel sorry about the pain inflicted on ND (and possibly other, I cannot read Fake Udu’s comments, so I don’t know who else got insulted) and extend my support to those who got offended by the fake Udu (or Polmudu).
Thanks Admin for prompt action on the cyber terrorists.
Will meet you all again in a different discussion thread.
Bless your soul. Welcome back. We thought you were gone for good like the other fakes. In your absence real fakes Pora Dias and Kelvin Karka were playing havoc on this site until the ever vigilant patriot Nicholas Dias with his wit and inteligence brought the crroks to book. Bravo ND. May god bless your soul in your twilight years.
I have been away from this site for approximately 2 weeks. Our fellow blogger, Julian Siriwardane, was white-vanned while blogging in an Internet Shop in Gampola.
The Mahakotipitiya family got in touch with the Karka clan in Turkey and used international diplomatic efforts in having JS released.
The efforts were successful yesterday and Devlin Karka piloted JS to Turkey in his private jet for medical attention to rectify 16 broken bones in his body.
JS will not be resuming his blogs for quite awhile.
Dear AUJ and Manjula,
Thanks for coming back. I am glad the fake ‘Udurawana’ has been dealt with through the kind intervention of the Administrator to keep the tone of this esteemed website clean and respectable. I hope DC also comes back.
I cannot actually believe this story by FM about JS and DK. Perhaps FM=JS. Anyway none of this has any relevance whatsoever to the main topic.
I have been advised to quit blogging in Onlanka. It has become a dangerous place. I have evidence all anti-establishment blogs are closely monitored and followed through. The ‘fake Udurawana’ incident is an eye opener where a ‘fake’ blogger towed a dissident path that precipitated chaos bordering on hatred. I would hate to see Onlanka lose its licence. Hence goodbye to all. Thanks for your company.
I have also been advised to quit blogging. The ominous message came in an email. No qualms; I depart in sorrow. Best of luck to
Nicholas Dias
Udurawawana (authentic)
who are the regular bloggers with strong pro-establishment views who are the only people whose opinions in public are acceptable.
Good bye.
Sad to see all the fearlessly brilliant bloggers departing from Onlanka.
The JS incident and the fake Udurawana incident make Onlanka a scary place.
It is my turn to depart in silence. Guess Onlanka belongs to hossanna singers and bird brained analysts who praise each other.
Bye. Never to return.
Thanks for your company; I will remember you guys.
The story of FM re JS involving DK is pure fiction, in my view. I don’t buy it. I am glad they decided to stop blogging in ONLANKA.
It is all yours now mate! Enjoy in your twilight years praising the goons. That is how intelligent you are as aptly described by departing NA, bird brains. I would say pea brains. Enjoy while you geriatrics last. Keep on patting one another ‘true patriots’.