Rs. 260K worth losses incurred by Parliament brawl & still counting

Johnston Fernando throws a chair in Parliament of Sri Lanka

The loss incurred by the Parliament due to the quarrels which took place inside the premises has been valued at Rs. 260,000.

According to the estimate, nearly 230 thousand rupees worth electronic equipment has been damaged within the parliamentary chambers.

Sergeant at arms Narendra Fernando noted that the iron rods fixed beside the chambers have resulted in an estimated damage of 30,000 rupees.

Further, during the commotion, important books had been damaged and the losses are being calculated. The Parliament admin. stated that the assessment of losses is being calculated by the Parliament Engineering Division.

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya appointed a committee to investigate the quarrels which took place in the Parliament in November.

A representative from the state insurance corporation inspected the parliamentary complex recently to estimate the damages owing to the clashes which took place on the 14,15,16 of November.

However, the estimate is yet to be presented to parliament.

Sergeant at arms, Narendra Fernando added that the damages will be covered upon the estimate received through the insurance company.

MP’s Chamal Rajapaksa, Chandrasiri Gajadeera, Ranjith Madduma Bandara, Bimal Ratnayake, Ananda Kumarasiri and Mavei Senadiraja were appointed to the committee. MP Ananda Kumarasiri stated that after investigations, action will be taken against the individuals who damaged public property.

The committee is set to meet on the 12th of December 2018.

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