Schoolgirl injured in Fox Hill tragedy dies

Accident at Fox Hill Super Cross 2024 in Diyatalawa, Sri Lanka

The 16-year-old schoolgirl, Sathdarani Kavishka, who was critically injured during the Fox Hill SuperCross 2024 racing event, died last night (May 15), increasing the death toll from the fatal crash to 08.

She died yesterday while receiving treatment at the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Badulla General Hospital.

Now, 08 persons, including an 8-year-old child, were killed, leaving 22 others hospitalized with injuries.

The body of the 16-year-old girl, who was a resident of the Galedanda area in Diyatalawa, has been placed at the Badulla General Hospital.

The 28th edition of the ‘Fox Hill SuperCross’ racing event was held in Diyatalawa on April 21, 2024.

Among the deceased were four officials of the racing event who were stationed as flag marshals.

The other victims were civilians who were spectators of the event, as reported by the police.

The incident occurred when a race car veered off the track and collided with a group of spectators.

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