“Security of Jaffna University assured, engage in studies without fear & Suspicion” – President
President Maithripala Sirisena requests the students of the University of Jaffna to engage in studies without any fear and suspicion as the security and safety of the university has been assured.
The President made this request when the Vice Chancellor, the academic staff and a group of parents of the students of the University of Jaffna met him at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday (Aug. 4).
They discussed about the conflict occurred at the university recently, and the program carried out for the security of the students.
Vice Chancellor Vasanthi Arsarathnam stated that actions have been taken to prevent any such incident in the university again.
The President said that the government is fully responsible for the security and safety of the students. “The Police and other security sections have been informed to act sensitively towards such incidents”, he said.
They decided to appoint a committee consist of the students and the staff of the university to work for the safety of the students in the university.
Minister of Higher Education Lakshaman Kiriella, State Minister Mohan Lal Grero, Governor of the Northern Province Reginald Corey and the President of the University Grant Commission were among those participated in this discussion.
(President’s Media)

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Universities in Sri Lanka. Joke isn’t it?
In 1976 Undergraduate Marasinghe was stabbed by Tamil students and confined to wheelchair. After the recent attack, another undergraduate is still recovering from severe head injurious. Hope these ugly incidents will not occur in the future.
Here we go again. Sri Lankan University and graduate bashing by a man who has chip on his shoulder and thinks he is better than the rest. Please go get some help Ranjith. Really the graduates and the Universities in SL are not so bad. It is all in your head.
Mr S Fernando
Never mind university education do you have primary education in Sri Lanka. Where in world people get in to a bus or train before the other passengers get out?. When you are in a bank, dealing at the counter. where in world you see others pork there hand from side.
Have you been abroad? Have you seen how people drive cautiously compared to lunatics in Sri Lanka. The list goes on.
Have you seen the status of railways , buses ( a cattle truck with few seats) and what ever.
A country with qualified university graduates. Get a life Mr Fernando.
Every week the goverment have to borrow money to keep these brainless buggers alive.
If some one do some thing or make new invention I will called him great weather he has gone to a uni or not.
Now listen to this. If you pass Moratuwa so called university they are have pass the state of making cars and airplanes. These are simple things for them. So they have decided to go to other planets. So in front of the building they have made a replica of a space shuttle . With what? with cardboard.
Our doctors (medicine men) are so clever the health minister go abroad to get a operation done.
I got to petrol station near me. Both attendance are Tamils ( they are ever so nice people) with degrees in Chemistry from Sri Lankan universities.
When I was in Australia the girl and boy who did the cleaning in the hotel had degrees from Sri Lankan universities.
There was a chap by the name of Alwis UK. He had a degree in Electronics from SL uni and Uk uni. He was stabbed to death while delivering pizza. Man with a degree in SL uni delivering pizza.
He is luck to do a job like that. Most of SL graduates ends up cleaning toilets. What else can they do?
Well guys, I was involved in a similar argument with our educated friend Ranjith one year ago I think. Well, I have to agree with Ranjith that there are many SL graduates engaged in Blue Collar jobs in Europe. True. However, I have also seen thousands of Sri Lnakan graduates doing well in Europe and other countries as swell. Take Ciril Ponnaperuma (he first had an arts degree in SL), there are scores of Sri Lankan professionals working as academics in US universities, take UN there many Sri Lankan professionals; in UK I met many Sri Lankan doctors. Again, I have to support my friend Ranjith here, Sri Lankan graduates and University professional live in a fools paradise. They say University education in SL is the best in the world. They lean much theory than others. The thing is Sri Lankan universities are like factories. You put a cow in and you get can of beef from other side (output). You memorize course work and the same questions come to your exam. University staff hardly engage in any meaningful research. Very few go on sabbatical leave. Sri Lanka universities should not function as a factory producing graduates. Rather they study the job market, future trends and produce graduates to fit into future trends in the job market.
Dear Mr Amarakoon. If our universities and our graduates so good why the country is in a such a sorry state? Why every one I come across want to leave the country.
I once I was in a bus there came a young man and a girl. They said they were graduates from that Kandy uni and collecting money to educate poor children in villages.
I told him to leave those Innocent children alone because they will end up begging like they do now with this master degree from this world class Uni.
My question was “why aren’t you working with this high quality qualifications and earn about Rs 500,0000 a month without wasting there time” He did not have a answer.
Once a again it happen when another group of young men selling pens for the same course.
There are so many Sri Lankan doctors. They are medicine men. Avoid them if you can,as your health minister did when he went to Singapore to get his operation done. They became doctors not because they want to be but because there parents want to be so that they want boast to there friends and families calling there son is a doctor.
When develop countries send aid to underdeveloped countries like Sri Lanka or India they don’t give it for fun. They send untested medicine to be tested on people. Our doctors got all these dangerous tablets with them. Some are horse tranquilizers.
This why people are behaving like lunatics , If you don’t believe me go to any town center and see how they behave and drive buses and cars. No respect to any body..
Finally I like to ask you (not university) which school these clever people been. Honda. Tata, Ford, Wright brothers, Unileaver, Maliban. Singer Man who build Taj Mahala.
Men who started Easy jet and Virgin Atlantic never had any education while Sri Lankan air ways with highly qualified managers are failing miserably.
While our children are wasting time, Muslim and Tamils are capturing the country little by little.
I am not against higher education. Just memorizing a book and getting this worthless degrees does not mean anything.
In UK and develop countries they work with industries. Luton Uni work with Vauxall. Portsmouth with Royal Navy. London got there own hospital So when these graduates come out they have the theory and practical knowledge.
Today the world is saturated with Electronics products and IT products. When I got ten litters of petrol I got a free calculator. So why bother to learn about these.
You have
I know a lot of doctors , engineers and many other graduates who have migrated to Australia and done odd jobs till they got a job in their field and I admire them for not being petty minded like some people who think it is a stigma to clean a toilet. It is very sad that Ranjith who is supposed to have a British degree is thinking the way he thinks. This is the reason Sri Lanka does not go forward. People are very quick to judge others on what job they do and what car they drive. I am not a graduate but have been very successful in what ever I did because I did it with pride. I do not want to blow my trumpet and divulge what I do and where I do it. How ever I do respect people and do not like comments that class all graduates as idiots just because one idiot had the luck to be able to go and do his studies in England. Get a life and get off your high horse Ranjith. Your shit stinks as much as every other mans.
The bottom line is as Amarakoon mentioned there are some not so smart graduates but all can not be classified in general as useless.
Mr S Fernando
Oh no Mr Fernando last thing I want is to run down people with respect to the work they do. We depend on each other and even a toilet cleaner is a very impotent person.
I encourage higher and further education.
Studying and learning are two different things . Our children study which is already in existence. This way we cannot go to the next stage.
You only learn things when you do things.
No good inventing the wheel or trying to study how to make it.
When our children forced by the parents to memorize the books in school and afternoon tuition centers to keep in competition with others for what ever the matter they are doing lot of harm to these children
When we were young we saw children playing. Do you see them doing it now?
Here is the problem Now with there qualification they enter a university in Sri Lanka. The first lessen they experience is violence. (no other university in the world have this). And it sticks in there mind. It is called a rag.
The former students who been there before are frustrated because they soon come to realize this Sri Lankan university education is not working. So they trying to take the revenge from new comers.
This “rag” sort of cruelty and humiliation if some one imposed even on a animal for a microsecond must be suffering from brain damage. That is what is happening in Sri Lankan Universities.
So this is the only education they receive. Violence.
So from now on they on the road demonstration, rioting etc causing all kind of difficulties to the people.
Most the time the Universities are closed for rioting etc.
I respect people who work hard in tea estates, working in building site , going to middle east and bringing revenue.
But not these memorize the book and pass the exam brain less Sri Lankan university thugs.
Some time ago that JVP bugger came from on of those universities. You know what people had to undergo.
I rest my case. Do what ever you want
I agree with Ranjith.
Sri Lankan Universities are cram shops with hardly any interaction with industry or society.
The Universities fail to provide any practical education to its graduates including Engineers and Doctors.
The teachers in the University are those who crammed and gained 1st Class results and followed by 3-4 years of research under another academician. These people are appointed lecturers while having zero teaching skills nor any exposure to industry or society. They come to lecture theatre just to show off their ‘knowledge’ and not to teach.
Graduates produced under these circumstances have no skills or knowledge to be of value to society. As Ranjith says, graduating from a University in Sri Lanka only provides opportunity to parents to boast about how clever their child is.