Shani Abeysekera files FR to be reinstated Director of CID
Senior Superintendent of Police Shani Abeysekera has filed a Fundamental Rights petition before the Supreme Court calling for him to be reinstated as the Director of the Criminal Investigations Department.
The petition calls for his transfer to be revoked and to be reappointed as the Director of the CID.
SSP Shani Abeysekara was transferred on the 22nd of November.
The National Police Commission, on the request of the Acting Inspector General of Police Chandana Wickremaratne, transferred SSP Abeysekera as the Personal Assistant to the Deputy Inspector General of Police of Galle.
Senior Superintendent of Police W. Thilakaratne currently serves as the Director of the CID.
(Source: News Radio)

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FR = Fundamental Rights, so Shani if you are appealing to that dictum/value, I am sure you have also thought through that many Sri Lankans’ FR have been, purportedly, accused of being violated by actions of the very Dept. you were (until recently) the head honcho due to, alleged, political agenda for the former Maru-Sira and Ponil GoSL. Actually, in SL Police/CID, not even the letting of a fart is done without the ‘superior’s’ permission I know (from personal experience). So Shani, they say “do not throw stones when you live in a glass house” and I think this aptly applies to you lock, stock and barrel!
Anyway, best wishes on your onward journey to Switzerland! Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries I have visited (no, there were no hideous LTTE flags on display to spoil the scenery when I visited Geneva, Zurich, etc. on multiple occasions :)) and you will do quite well there, even if it means washing public toilets after the refugee-welfare payments run out.
Suggest that Dorine be taken to that Mental Health Institute (in Colombo ‘fixing’ the Swiss Employee) for a scan to verify her sanity.
Many years of cold weather in the UK does affect brain function.
But the SL Mental Health Institute which is ‘fixing’ the Swiss Embassy Employee should be able to fix Dorine too.
Dear Fareena FF, my IQ is so poor that unlike you brilliant cesspit maggots of SL, i.e the toxic maggots who cannot see beyond their excrement-crusted eyelids because of their anti-SL, pro-separatist and/or pro-jihadist mentality, I used my low IQ coconut and voted for the presidential election candidate who swept into power by defeating all cesspool dwellers totally! Hehehe
Fareena, don’t be mad honey because you did not get your free-for-ever feminine menstrual pads as promised by the Green Man (i.e. from the unholy crew put this Green “Pad Man” who was also backed by toxic, anti-SL minorities who are out to destroy SL) who went to contest against our brave war-winning, ranaviru, current Prez of SL! Fareena honey, surely you cannot be at that level of cess-pit (which, then again, I kind of strongly suspect you to be going by your gutter-mouth contributions herein ) down-trodden corrupt maggot in SL that takes Pad Man’s failure (to deliver Pads) on me with personal attacks uh? Hahaha…ti’s the season honey, to eat full-of-holes Swiss Cheese I say! LMSSAO!!!
Two seemingly well educated and perhaps very beautiful ladies fighting locking their tresses in the
other’s palm in public i s not at all a welcome sight. Come On Ladies Get up and put up a hearty Hug’
ing in public clutching
tching o t h er party’s tresses